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Welcome to Space in the Shadows

21:32, 25th May 2024 (GMT+0)


Zig is an average-sized woman with a slim but strong build; she's often mistaken for a shorter man due to her uncanny disguises. Zig has dark brown hair she keeps up or short, with hazel eyes, high cheekbones, and a wide jaw. Her skin is covered with freckles and permanently ruddy from sun damage due to her time spent on boat decks, working as crew for smugglers and traders.

She often dresses like a man, cutting her hair or concealing it with coverings, having had practice on the boats she worked on when she left the Dagger Isles. Zig is the name she gave (only her mother called her Sigfrieda). Mostly, she wears oversized clothes, long cloaks, old sailing gear, and heavy boots. She has never owned dresses or know how to be particularly feminine, having left home at a tender thirteen, but she doesn’t purposefully hide her gender unless she is around her old sailing chums from the past or she needs to pull a disappearing act She has been in Duskwall for just under a year and tends to hide in other districts when she's on the run from the malicious and cruel noble Magistrate Casimir Lebedev. She's found safety at the Arms of the Weeping Lady, where she met contacts Father Yoren, Telda, and Zamira, but it's rundown and crowded. She can't stay there for too long either, or Casimir will send his Blue Coats to bring her in. This puts her on edge as she's used to a crew to blend in with and find protection in.

Zig is good humored and loves a laugh but fairly nihilistic and vague about the future. She's never stayed in one spot long enough to have plans, whether jumping from legitimate trader ships to smuggling skiffs or here in Duskwall, where she creeps between districts or leaves shelters behind if she suspects she's been recognized by locals. She often sits in corners but loves story-telling and enjoys hearing tall tales or supernatural legends. Zig didn’t expect to make it this far and can be reckless or careless with herself during missions when instinct kicks in, which is why she tends to sneak, scout, or stay at the rear to provide cover. Most of her mates from various boats considered her to be a good chap due to her steady nature and easy laughs, but inside she is cold with high walls up. She is fairly neutral in her decisions, rarely strikes first and prefers to avoid conflict. She will only return force or violence in kind, but she has no regrets about her past choices and decisions.

She's done everything to survive, alone, without much help to speak of. For most of her young life, her sole desire has been to avoid being stuck alone with too many children to feed like her mother, to be forced to sell her body to men like the beautiful ladies back home who left to become mistresses and prostitutes around the Isles or in Duskwall, or to end up like her long-lost friend Pollonia, stolen from her bed in the middle of the night and likely dead. Zig secretly hopes to find her long lost friend, but nothing has ever come of it, no matter how much coin she's spent.

Zig prefers good natured conversation, laughing along to a good tale or jest, a cup of grog or ale around the fire, a warm, dry place to rest her head, and best of all, blending into a loud group. She disappears in a crowd and flies under the radar. She hopes the Shadows crew will be a place she can rest and stand still but isn’t quite ready to think about that yet. The harshest part about Duskwall is being treated like an insect or outsider, especially once people find out she's from the Isles. The worst, worst part is not having a crew, being alone to fend for herself isn't new, but it is in a huge city with so many eyes watching your every move. She hasn't really thought about it but she's longing for a place to stay where she can relax and let down her walls. If she stopped chasing ghosts long enough to catch her breath or fighting battles against nobles she can't afford to fight, maybe she'd have to face herself.

Zig hates being mocked or disrespected, which has gotten her into scrapes. Her height is a disadvantage against tall or stronger opponents so she tends to observe first and then attack, trying to make moves from afar or use the enemy’s weakness or momentum against them. She may or may not use magical or alchemical assistance when she disguises herself as a man, which is uncanny.

Zig isn't good keeping coin. She has many stashes of small valuables and clothing around the city in case she needs to leave suddenly. What she doesn't hide, she tends to give away, to hungry children who remind her of her siblings, or to people who have information or a medium of learning about Pol. She's very naive as well, being young and new to Duskwall. When she doesn't know what to do, she gets angry and loses her cool, and has no shield to her tongue, getting herself into a few fights or scraps with her sailors curses.

Zig visuals

MyAnna Buring

Zig around Duskwall

Zig in her sailor disguise