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Welcome to X-men: Omega Remnants

08:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Katarina Kitrine

Name: Katarina Kitrine
Code Name: Nyx
Age: 18
Power: Shadowmancy (The ability to make shadows tangible, or move short distances within them instantly)

Katarina is an admittedly bubbly character. Loud, crass and boisterous. It's not only her accent that helps people guess her homeland. Outwardly social, and a perfectionist artist. She throws herself into every situation with a carefree attitude and a never say die smile. Behind the scenes however she struggles to feel as though she fits in, never meeting other mutants has only worsened her isolation, somewhat playing a confident facade to better try and blend in. She often turns to art and music for comfort, and will forever and always take solace in the dark, seeing the shadows as a friend, not just a tool. However, if you can overlook her crude, dark sense of humor and loud impulsive attitude. Kat is a friend for life who will stand by your side through whatever hell the world can bring, and do her best to smile the whole time. Stubborn to a fault, she will never stay on the ground if she can stand up, often much to her own detriment, and the detriment of those around her.

Physical Description:
Katarina is a lithe figure, standing just over five feet (155cm) and with a petite, thin build. She was perfect for scrapping on the rough streets of Sydney. Her pale skin is largely unblemished, almost appearing to rarely see the sun, and is dotted with several small tattoos. Her hair is naturally straight, pale blond and runs down to almost her waist line, her fringe framing her large blue eyes, and lips that seem to be perpetually in a half smirk. She sports a smaller bust, which appears right at home on her smaller frame, but more than makes up for it with big personality

She tends to wear darker clothes. Long sleeves, skinny jeans. And now that she is out of the natural heat of her home country. Jackets and layers tend to make more appearances, with a particular fondness for old school leather jackets. And cut off tops



Katarina (Or Kit to her friends) was raised in The Sutherland Shire, Sydney Australia. An admittedly rough part of the already dangerous city. Her parents were both blue collar workers with her step-father working down at the docks from dawn til dusk. And her mother often working night shifts as a member of the NSW Police Force. This left Kit in a stressful position. As the eldest of three girls, it fell onto her to look after her younger sisters and ensure the house was running smoothly. Despite this pressure, and the negative environment around her, she kept an optimistic attitude, and while she didn’t perform above average academically. She was found to be an outstanding gymnast, and an avid lover of music, often singing in school talent shows.

 As she grew further into her teens, she became more and more en-cradled in the darker part of her home town, the pressure put on her early in her life causing her to mature quicker then her parents might have wanted. Experimenting with alcohol and drugs and staying out late, all the while still managing to keep her sisters alive, and the home running. Not that she was always something her parents could be proud of. Kit seemed to love the dark, most that knew her simply classed her a goth, and her parents called it a phase. But deep down she knew it was more. She felt at home with the lights off. At first this addiction led her to believe in higher powers. Shunning traditional religion and chasing stories of Pagan gods and Wiccan traditions. Then, at the age of sixteen it was made clear. She wasn’t an ordinary girl. And her love of shadows wasn’t just a phase. She was a Mutant, and the shadows loved her as much as she loved them. Which created a strange dichotomy. Her style, and her abilities were all shrouded in shadow. But her personality and her mindset were perpetually in the light. At first, fear and confusion led to her parents doing everything in their power to keep their daughter's truth a secret, however as she got older it wasn’t long before her impulsive nature, and desire to be more like her mother, led her to using what little she understood about her abilities in an attempt to do good.

First donning an old Fire-fighters mask and a hoodie, and doing her best to follow the example of the heroes of times gone by. She however didn't fight crime, she instead did her best to assist emergency workers during natural disasters. Of which Australia, was rife with. This didn't last long however, as fearing for their daughter's safety, and understanding that it was the better choice to be made. Katarina was handed over to the X-Corporation and S.H.I.E.l.D, to somewhere that could help her better learn to live with these powers. And maybe even make a difference with them.

Katarina's understanding of her powers is, well.... Lacking to say the least, she believes them rooted in esoteric beliefs rather than fully embracing them as a mutation within her body. Thus far limiting herself to creating small objects out of shadow, while theoretically, the limit to her abilities is quite large, her self doubt and concern tends to limit her greatly. Not to mention her aversion to bright lights, and outright pain under the intense gaze of a spotlight.


Gymnastics, music and art are what make up a solid ninety percent of Kat's free time. though her time as a gymnast has dropped, it was still something she enjoyed in her youth. Now instead spending most of her time sketching, or spray painting pretty much any surface she wont get arrested for (And some that she might)

Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual

Relationship With Family: Kat shares a healthy relationship with her family. Aspiring to be more like her mother, and being protective and nurturing of her younger sisters. She can seem quite distant from her step-father, but understands his distance came from work and he only ever did the best for his family. And it's best not to ask about her biological father.

With Friends: Kat never had too many friends during high school. But what few she did have she was fiercely loyal to. Doing her best to keep in touch with them even after being sent away. She can be slow to open up, but once she is close with someone, she's with them til the end