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Welcome to The Fruition Trials

17:34, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Malachi Mathace
Nickname (if any): Six
Age: 28
Class: Illustrian/Conqueror (Previously Ignoble)
Position in Game: Mentor
Character Visual: Kellan Lutz
Theme Song: Talking to Ourselves, Born for This
Appearance/Distinguishing Features: Malachi has experienced more hardships in his 28 years than most people do throughout their entire life; his reveals itself in the set of his jaw and the sometimes faraway look in the depths of his dark blue eyes. All remnants of youth have faded from his face, and in its place is someone that has had to work hard his entire life to keep what he has gained.

Initially, people tend to notice the size of his frame. Height is a physical attribute all the men in his family share, but he grew even taller than his father, finally stopping at six feet six inches. His shoulders have always been broad, but the muscle is something he gained after being selected for the Trials many years ago - it is hard to gain muscle when you don't have much food to eat or time to spend on your physical strength after all.      Now, his body is defined by 220 pounds of well-tended muscle that is often seen through the material of his shirts.

Over the years, his "dishwater blonde" hair has been seen in many different styles, from long enough to cast shadows into his eyes to buzzed to his scalp. Currently, it is just long enough to style and run his fingers through when he gets frustrated, which will give it a messy appearance. The smoothness of his face is the same and goes from a five o'clock shadow to a well-tended short, tapered beard depending on his mood and the time he allots to grooming.

Malachi is an Ignoble at heart, but when it comes to clothing, he is a true Illustrian. His entire childhood was spent in faded, torn clothing and shoes that were always a size smaller than what he needed. The first thing he did after recovering from the Trials was go and buy new clothing for himself and his family. Since then, his clothing has been the most expensive thing he purchases, and even though he still dresses for comfort, it is the best his money can buy.

Personality: A person cannot go through the life that Malachi has and not come out of it without scars - physically and mentally - which have impacted his personality over the years.

Once upon a time, he is told that he was a fun-loving little boy that loved to laugh and have a good time, but that side of him died the day his father did. His death truly opened Malachi's eyes to the world around him, and all the color he once saw in the world became muted. He became a realist. He became more observant. The talkative boy faded into a quiet individual who realized he could learn more by speaking less and listening more, and he is often labeled as "stern" and "stoic."

His voice is smooth, and his words are articulated, so people tend to listen when he speaks. Anger and annoyance are often evident, not by how loud he gets but by how his voice lowers almost to a whisper.

Those who know him beyond what the tabloids and news say see that he is an entirely selfless individual. He quit school two years early to join the Vanguard (border police), so he could keep food on the table and shelter over his sibling's heads. He volunteered for the Fruition Trials at the age of 18 to better the environment for his family and give his siblings a chance at a better future.

Even during his Trials, he almost lost his own life trying to protect those around him, which now he understands was idiotic, but it is a trait that is not easy to diminish, especially when the lives of others are at stake. There are rumors that this is how he got the nickname “Six” because he always had his teammate's backs. Now he knows that, while selflessness is an applauded character trait, it can be seen as weak and can get a person killed quickly, especially with situations the devisers throw at the contestants during the trials.
Occupation: Mentor
Special Talents: People assume that he would prevail in hand-to-hand combat because of his size, but during his Trials, he excelled in the mental part of the trials. His time to complete the fear simulation was significantly less than that of his peers (another rumor is that it only took six minutes, which is where he got his nickname.)

He is an excellent marksman and handles most weapons with precision, but this is because of practice and not some talent he was born with. It took him spending extra hours during his training before his Trials to prevail in this area, and since then, he has continued to spend hours working to keep his level of accuracy up.

Another talent he has that did not help during the trials is his skill at the piano. His father was a musician, and he started learning the piano's keys before he could even walk. After his father's death, he continued to play and used it to earn a little extra money by playing at Illustrian events. After training hours, the sound of his playing can be heard drifting through the Training Center.

History: To this day, Malachi considers his parent's a great love story. Both of them were born to the Ignoble class, and they grew up on the same run-down street. They played together as children, attended the same public school, and both had to drop out before graduation so they could help support their families in times of need. Yet, when they were finally old enough to wed legally, they did so immediately without any fanfare and only one witness at the local Hall of Justice.

Their desire to start a family was a fire that burned constantly. They knew it would be difficult financially and that Ignobles usually only brought children into the world by accident (lack of birth control options), but none of that doused the flames. They wanted one child - a flesh and bone symbol of their love. For years they tried but were unsuccessful. Nine years into their marriage, they were finally at peace with their lot in life and embraced the idea that children were not something they would be blessed with.

One year after they reached peace, Malachi was born. They were overjoyed by their healthy baby boy and promised to raise him as a productive member of society without feeding into the bitterness and hostility so many of their class seemed to harbor. Six years after Malachi was born, they were thrilled to welcome another child. This time, another boy, and they named him Mikall. Two children were a blessing, and even though finances were tight, they never complained. Then, two years after Miriam was born, they surprisingly welcomed their last child, a sweet girl named (Miriam).

They barely made ends meet, but their parents were happy and family-oriented. But Death comes to all, and in the Ignoble class, all it can take is a common cold for Death to stoop his shadowed figure on the doorstep. This happened to Malachi's father. Jacob was overworked, tired from the grueling factory work, and the cold turned into a lung infection. The basic medical care did not cover all the treatments he needed, and three months after the first cough; he passed away.

Malachi's mother fell into a pit of despair after losing the love of her life. She tried to climb out of the pit, but it was difficult, and that made it hard for her to find a stable job that would support her and three Ignoble children. The burden of tending to the family fell on Malachi's shoulders, so he dropped out of school at the age of 16 and joined the Vanguard (the incentives were high for him to do this).  At 18, he applied for the Trials and was chosen to participate.  He immediately became a Benefactor favorite. He was young, handsome, and had a voice that melted hearts around the country.  He will never be able to wash off the disgust of the things he did to get support from the Benefactors for himself and his teammates, but he was determined to do anything that would help him and others succeed in the game.

Only three survived out of the 12 that went into the Trials that year. Only two  remain now. Charlie, one of the three, could not live with the nightmares, and three years after their success, she ended her own life.

After succeeding in the. Trials, he did not have to work. In fact, Malachi did not have to do anything but be the celebrity that Valport wanted him to be. Instead, he chose to back to the Vanguard and continued to patrol the border.  His decision changed the course of his life. Because during one of his patrols, he met Felix Wilde – he was introduced to the resistance, and a new path in his life fell into place.

Six worked as a Vanguard for two more years before he took a Mentor position.  This was a decision made by Felix, and it put him back in the Training Center, back in the spotlight he had fun from, and since then, he has mentored two Trials.  He thought being in the Trials was difficult, but sending his trainees in the games is entirely different and leaves proverbial scars that will never heal.


Jacob Mathace – Father – Deceased
Norah Mathace – Mother
Mikall Mathace (22) – Sister
Miriam Mathace (20) - Brother

Additional Information: Malachi “Six” Mathace became a sensation when he was selected for his Fruition Trial. He was a favorite of the Benefactors and the viewers.  The day he won, he became a celebrity. He wanted to take his earnings and fade from the spotlight, but like others in this position, he quickly realized that would not be the case.

He is often followed, photographed, and asked for autographs; because of this, you can sign onto any gossip column in Valport and see his name, pictures, and rumors (from who he is sleeping with to his workout routine, and even whether he puts his left or right shoe on first).

It has only gotten worse since he accepted the Mentor role and returned to the Trials with a new title.