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Welcome to The Sins of Al-Jalasa

01:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Cyra

Occupation: Socialite

Actual Age/Apparent Age: unknown / appears to be mid 20s

Gender: female

Sexuality: pansexual/demisexual

Race/Species: Phoenix

Appearance: Cyra’s dark features are framed by deep red curls reminiscent of the edge of burning coals. Flowing hair moves about her to brush against her shoulders if not pulled back away from her face holding just enough curl to make it seem like it moves on its own. The deep color to her hair and skin draw attention to her eyes, a deep, bright blue holding a look that seems to miss nothing.

Her figure flows into smooth skin with a balanced figure that suggests strength while still maintaining a graceful curve to her figure. Cyra is most often found dressed in a variety of silks, all brightly colored, yet classy enough to not draw overt attention or fall in the realm of gaudy. Hardly any skin tends to show, from the way the silks wrap around her form, only leaving her face, and neck clearly visible at anytime, with hints of legs and arms depending on what she is wearing and how she is moving.

The singular constant to her attire is the long  black silk gloves that hug her hands and arms to just past her elbows. Cyra is never seen in public without them, and often retains them even when social constructs dictate they could be removed. Even though the gloves’ magical enhancements, one would feel a burning sensation to her touch, as if one shook hands with a roaring fire rather than her slender fingers.

Cyra has an alternate form, that of a large bird with radiant feathers ranging from blue along her torso and head fading outward to a brilliant gold at her wing tips, making it seem as though the bird might be made entirely of fire. Which she is, but one that burns internally more than anything. Her deep, bright blue eyes remain even in the bird form, a narrow head leading way to a graceful neck, wide, full wingspan, and tail feathers that drift down behind her doubling the length of her body.

Personality: Cyra strikes a sure pose, her straight back telling that she is sure to be expected in whatever place or position she ends up, drifting through crowds and life with the practiced grace of nobility. She can sometimes come off as arrogant or haughty, often intentionally keeping a step or two away from any given person with precise care. She protects her own personal bubble as if she cannot stand the touch of another person.

However, the truth is very different. Cyra has spent enough time wandering the realm in various regenerations to know that her touch can very literally burn most beings, and therefore she maintains strict discipline in not touching anyone by accident to avoid such tragedies. In the quiet moments when she thinks none are looking, one might catch a glimpse of longing to her clean features, while others dance and laugh and interact as she holds herself off to the side, refusing any attempt to include herself merely for the protection of those around her.

Often, she finds herself touch-starved, unable to find others able to withstand her higher temperature with any level of comfort. She struggles with the desire to be close to someone, yet many of those that might find themselves on the receiving end are turned away simply because she could not bear to fall, only to hurt the one she loved trying to show them she cares.

It is only the quiet moments such a crack can be seen, however. Her features are otherwise the picture of grace and strength in a woman that knows what she wants out of life and how to get it. She is unafraid of those around her, secure in the knowledge that very few things can actually harm her physically. Even so, she still remains careful, as even if she would simply regenerate, it would take far more time than something to be treated with frivolity.

Rebirth - A phoenix cannot permanently die from natural causes or aging, instead triggering a regeneration process. While they might appear to age in the form of wrinkles and gray hair much like a human, when the time comes, they burst into flames to be reborn from their own ashes. Such a process takes time, often years, to complete and for the phoenix to return to a form where they can continue life as they once enjoyed. Likewise, mortal wounds that will kill her before she has three days for the generation sequence to restart will block the regeneration from happening. While a phoenix can be reborn, their memories diminish to the barest touch, often resulting in a feeling of deja vu more than anything, unless the phoenix actively focuses on the memory they want to retain through the regeneration process.

Incineration Touch - even in human form, a Phoenix  has the ability to incinerate with a mere touch, especially while freshly reborn. Thus, Cyra often wears enhanced silken gloves, to avoid any accidental touch. Even with the precautions, one can feel the heat of the fire within her through the gloves, leaving an uncomfortable warmth in the wake of her touch.

Alternate Form - Phoenixes have the ability to take on a human form as well as that of their bird form.

Pyrokinesis - has control over all fire.

Healing Tears - A single phoenix tear has the ability to cure most ailments, injuries, but cannot bring someone back to life. The tear must be given freely. If it is, instead, forcefully taken it poisons the recipient instead, a fact that is closely guarded from their history, making capturing a phoenix to harvest the tears fruitless and dangerous to attempt.

Pyroportation - Phoenixes have the ability to teleport via fire, essentially bursting into flame and transporting themselves and whoever might be holding onto them, to a different location. However, they have to have been to the location they are transporting to in order for it to work.

History: As Cyra has just been reborn, she does not have much history, only a year or two spent growing enough as a phoenix to regain the ability to take on a human form. She remembers Al Jalasa from the desert wastes she chose for her regeneration, as well as where her home in Al Jalasa is located. She knows her way around town and out of the sheer repetitiveness of social interactions, remembers how to function in society.

Cyra also knows she had been known as Lady Ariana, a prominent woman of Al Jalasa that spent a lot of time at the Arena, often freeing those she could. The only other memory she retains is that of the Shieldbreaker, the one and only undefeated champion of the Arena, Garthurax. The memory she held tightly to through her regeneration was the look in his eyes, there at the end when he retired, telling of the wear and tear that life held for him. She had promised herself to free him from it, but her regeneration came on before she had the chance.

Not willing to let it go, Cyra clung to the memory through the years of her rebirth, until now, as she returns to Al Jalasa to find the Shieldbreaker and allow him a chance to live a life that makes him happy rather than the deep resignation she remembered seeing in him.

Other information: What she thinks has only been a year or two, has actually been a full 30 since she left the city to be reborn.