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13:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Star Phoenix

D20 Worlds: M&M – IMPACT!

Name:  Jason 'Justin' {Justy} Larks ( 'The Eternal STAR PHOENIX )
Gender: Male; Age: 19; Height: 6'1"; Weight: 178 lb.
Eyes: Hazel; Hair: Auburn;
Ethnicity:  Black American – Mixed {Father ‘Black Am.’/ Mother – ‘Caucasian’}

Home town/country:  US, Washington DC
Preferred starting area: MIT Campus, No roommate
Physical description and Personality:
Jason, who prefers to be called Justin… though his close friends have come to call him ‘Justy’ cause he’s such a straight shooter always the moral rudder for doing the right thing for the right reason… though he does know how to ‘hang-loose’ with friends and have fun.  He’s not the type to get involved with anything illegal or shady and everyone who knows him knows that!
He’s got simples tastes in clothing jeans and t-shirt with various anime’ or comic book logos or art. Not comfortable in suits tries to avoid situations where he has to wear them, but he Does own two a slate grey and a White formal.  Likes to wear his hair loose and wild, but when he must be ‘respectably’ dressed he will tie his hair back into a tail or knot.  Most comfortable in his sneakers or his Riding boots.  Enjoys riding his motorcycle a used 2001 Katana.
His most evident personality trait is his compassion and care for the well-being of others his willingness to devote his time and effort to help those in need… even perfect strangers.  His close friends know him as a preverbal “goody-two-shoes”.
He’s always been something of a dreamer and has a vivid imagination.  He hopes Science and its application can help solve the woes of the world.. and HE personally Wants to help!
Pretty simple and non-eventful child hood no traumas, other than the usual racial bias Black American’s deal with.. but his parents are Both highly–educated and have seen to it he and his sister have always had the best they could provide.  His older sister is a wonder, literally she is a genius {Attending Oxford} but she is not as selfless as her younger brother.  She is an ambitious schemer.. so she will likely go far over many ground under her drive and obsession to be the Best!  Because his parents are both in demanding careers even as a child he got use to them in various times being without them… but their family was mostly happy and close or distant as circumstance made possible.  Sarah his older sister adjusted more quickly to it as she pursued her own ambitious goals.  Justin attends MIT but barely got his scholarship…something his sister continually ribs him over.  ‘Gotta be more cut-throat ‘Jason’, good guys get last place!’

Currently Justin works as a lab assistance intern at a subsidiary of his father’s computer firm doing materials research and testing ‘mostly‘ testing for NASA Aerospace ~ not as glamorous as one might think, more tedious than anything.  It perturbs him that it’s very likely his father got him this job and not his own merit.

Justin would like to get a job in aerospace engineering once he graduated… maybe with Space X.
He feels that the green-technology for space exploration might be the solution to some of mankind’s climate change troubles.  And he wants to help develop that technology not just for space exploration but also for a Green-energy for the world as a whole!

As ‘The Eternal STAR PHOENIX’… his powers can do so many amazing things… he is A LOT overwhelmed.. but one thing is sure.. he’s going to use his powers to relieve suffering here on Earth if he can!



"The Eternal STAR PHOENIX!"
'Justin' Larks a fire based character... but his motif is the phoenix... a celestial
bird of cosmic flames ~ conjured from his imagination.
He's just a college student research intern... trying to afford a graduate degree in physics...
His Mother, Debra Larks-Burnam, is a Doctor, of Education and Father, Michael Larks works for
a computer firm... designing software for government data-systems... sometimes military software.
His older sister, Sarah Larks, is a literal Genius... working on a full scholarship and her 3rd doctoral
theses.. already got Chemistry, Genetics and now working on Biochemistry... she's a freak!

But Justin is more interested in 'pure' scientific research... 'Physics'!

Then one day, suddenly ~ The IMPACT… and Cosmic powers are granted him shaped by his imagination into an idealized version of himself...

Now EVERYTHING is different!