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Welcome to Mass Effect: The Call of the Reaper

09:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Faus Oriados

Physical Description: Just barely in his thirties, Faus has a look and gaze in his eyes as someone who has experienced more than most around his age. Standing at just under two meters in height with a dull brown-gray carapace, he doesn't exactly command the attention of others around him. He seems to take good care of himself and always seem to maintain a level of cleanliness and professionalism of a career military member, even if he is no longer wearing a uniform. He can be seen to favor his right leg when in his regular clothing, walking with an obvious limp in his left leg. He usually favors simply designed clothes with a leaning to professional looking garb of light grays, blues or greens. His tattoo pattern resembles that of the colony Invictus.

His old military hardsuit has been traded out for a new Aramax Arsenal set, a custom job to accommodate the brace for his left leg and possessing a simple gray, black and blue camo pattern. His shotgun and pistol, also of Aramax make, seem to show his preference for their gear, even if they are on the pricier side of things. He seems to also have recently reacquired an omni-tool appropriate for a professional operator even if most marking on it appear to have been removed.

Background: "If you can build it, we can break it." -Capt. Oriados, 26th Armiger Legion after "entering" a building by creating a new door.

Faus Oriados grew up on the shores of one of the Turian colony Invictus, playing and training in the lush forests before sitting down to lessons. Ever since he was young, he knew he wanted to make the military his career, growing up with the stories of the valiant platoons out there from the times of the Krogan Rebellions to the more recent Relay-314 incident. As he was finishing his secondary education before mandatory service, he found his real drive to join up with the combat engineers of the army, wanting to dive into explosive ordinance use. Passing basic training with higher marks in the mental tests, he found himself a proud member of the 26th Armiger Legion, as a part of the saboteurs. He got his wish ten-fold as they dealt with disarming explosive ordinance and could be deployed to tear apart enemy structures with precision strike from expertly timed explosives in the correct locations. Those missions are usually kept away from outside eyes as they have a variety of classifications.

Faus has been a part of several noteworthy skirmishes, as Legion was called in to deal with particularly big raids from Blood Pack and one rogue Batarian Hegemony Terrorist, although the details of those are were kept under wraps. It was during one of these classified missions that Faus was injured in the line of duty. His medical record will show damaged motor nerves along his left leg, leaving him with a permanent limp as the damage to the nerves has also rendered him unable to be fitted for a cybernetic replacement unless he was willing to submit to a lengthy and expensive procedure. He makes do with a motor assisted brace that fits in his armor which helps his balance, but isn't really something he can wear for a long time. Unable to sit in one place for very long, and refusing the Turian Military's offer for desk work, he started to offer his services as a consultant and contractor.

Recently, he has been called in as a favor to an old friend from the Legion, turned Specter. She had some intel for him regarding a certain Weyrloc Huunk, krogan battlemaster and a hell of a target. She knew that he wouldn't say no, especially given their past relationship. Grabbing his armor and weapons, he's pulled out every favor he can for leads on this krogan which has lead him to the Citadel with just a general push in the right direction.