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Welcome to Dusk and Dawn

21:16, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Path:   Thyrsus
Order:  Silver Ladder
Age:    28
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 115 lbs
Notes:  Striking Looks ●● | Spirit Status ●●

Description: Petite, blonde, and unmistakably attractive is a killer combination in general. However, few can deny that Nyx has a certain vitality and charm most would find enviable. Tousled blonde locks frame a delicate featured face. A disarming smile almost always to hand, and a gentle soothing touch if the rumors are anything to go by. She truly seems touched by something otherworldly. It is a sense of that ineffable quality that lends a knowing look to the glint of her green eyes and the curl of her perfect smile.

Hailing from an influential family in both politics and finance. She has been known to host annual charitable functions for a wide variety of social services. The local policeman's ball is an annual favorite. Despite her philanthropic efforts, she has earned some small reputation with the local parishioners. A sense of undeniable dread has seen some number claiming, unfairly, something about her radiates a palpable evil. Most without the same religious fervor tend to laugh it off as absurd. How could such a vibrant, exceedingly polite young woman be a threat to anyone?

Nimbus: An awareness of the beating heart of the world that brings with it a sense of being watched from all quarters. Sensations that build as more of the veil is lifted, giving momentary insight to the same animist world Nyx sees and knows to be true. Deeper touches of her supernal will draw out tremulous emotional waves from inanimate objects and natural phenomena within her immediate vicinity. Manifest desire of the spirits inherent in all things expressing themselves through a brief flicker of true undiluted understanding.