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Welcome to The Fruition Trials

12:46, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mikall Mathace

Name: Mikall Mathace
Nickname (if any): None
Age: 22
Theme Song: Legacy
Class: Illustrian, but Ignoble blood runs through his veins, and he embraces it.
Position in Game: Contestant.
Character Visual: Dylan O’Brien
Appearance/Distinguishing Features: Regarding siblings, you cannot look as different as the Mathace brothers. Malachi has height, and Mikall doesn't. He is not short since he stands a hair shy of six feet, but he is not as tall as his brother, father, and grandfather before him. His chestnut hair is several shades darker than his brother's, almost the same color as his father's. He keeps it just long enough to run his fingers through when he is frustrated, which often leaves it looking messy.

His warm brown eyes are more welcoming and not nearly as intense as Malachi's, but he has also not seen the things or experienced what his elder sibling has. His features are expressive, and typically, it is not hard to determine his thinking based on the rise of his dark brown brows and smirk.

One thing he does share with his brother is their smooth, olive-colored skin. It will steadily get darker the more he spends out in the sun. He has a difficult time growing facial hair, so his angular jaw is usually smooth, revealing that he is still young in years, and only recently started navigating adulthood.

His build is also different from Malachi's. Instead of being broad and able to snap someone in half with his bare hands, he is built for speed (not that he runs a lot). It is obvious that he still cares about his physical well-being because his t-shirts sometimes hug the biceps in his arms, which he has got hauling medical supplies on and off trucks for the Ignobles. It is also one of the few areas in which he and Mal share an interest, so they often go to the gym together.

Mikall's clothing choices are simple and consist of denim and soft shirts. Sometimes he will throw a flannel over the t-shirt or sport a hoodie, but he is not a huge fan of leather jackets, heavy shoes, and restrictive clothing.

The only 'blemish' he has on his figure is a piercing on his right eyebrow.  Other than that, there are no tattoos itched into his skin or piercings on his body.

Personality: Mikall's personality depends on the people who are around him. The Illustrian's have labeled him as quiet, somber, and stoic, almost the exact words they would use for his brother. Perhaps, in that environment, he is all those things, but that comes from the fact he does not trust them. He has been a part of their world long enough, and he is well aware that he lives in a den of vipers. They would speak kindly to his face, smiling, laughing,  then stab him in the back and throw him in the grave they had already dug.

No, those people are not friends, especially when they know Ignoble blood runs through his veins.

Mikall's true personality shines when he is away from the Illustrians and the shiny parts of Valport, and when he is back with the people he was raised with - until age 12, anyway. Here, he is free to talk without worrying that his words will be used against him. Here, he can laugh louder because he does not feel like he is walking on a glass bridge that will break at any moment. Here, he smiles more, because even though they were hungrier and dirtier when they lived in the Slums, he felt his family was happier.

So, when he needs to go home, he goes to the Slums.

Like his brother, he has been known (to his true friends) as a selfless individual. He will throw a punch and break a nose if someone messes with his friends. He would throw himself in front of bullet for those that he loves. This is one reason he struggles with the Illustrian lifestyle - it is a rose-colored world filled with selfish individuals.

At his core, Mikall Mathace is a protector.. which is probably not going to benefit him during the Trials.

Occupation: Mikall excelled in the sciences. He was recommended and selected for the medical program at the largest University in Valport. He was still a student when he was selected, but ‘they’ said he was on path to become a great asset to their general medicine team. Too bad that is not where his heart was.

Special Talents: Talents? Not really. He does have a few experiences with guns, thanks to Malachi, and he knows a few hand-to-hand combat moves that his brother has taught him when they are wasting time. Thanks to his admission to medical school, he has some medical knowledge, but again, he was still a student. He can mimic people’s voices, so close that it is uncanny and creepy, but that isn’t going to help him here, is it?

History: The Mathace children have a history that is filled with ups and downs. There is happiness. There is sadness. There is life. There is death. There is hunger. There is fullness. There is a biting cold. There is a warm bed.

He is told that his parents were in love - not a flippant love, but something so deep-rooted you would rather die than lose it. In a way, that is what happened to his mother after his father's death.  The happy, joy-filled woman that he vaguely remembers was replaced with a shell that still has not fully recovered from the loss of her husband and watching her son play a deadly game for the puppet masters of Valport.

Mikall does not remember his father, but he knows that he was hardworking and that he was selfless and that he would have been able to beat pneumonia he got one winter if he had the proper medical care . . but he didn't because that was reserved for the ones who could afford it.

After his father's death, he watched his older brother (Malachi) step into the father's role. He went from the playful, fun older sibling, to something else. He joined the Vanguard. He volunteered for the games.  Mikall knows that he did these things to take care of them by keeping food on the table and a roof over their heads, but there were struggles at home, too. While Malachi worked, Mikall was left to take care of their mother and their sister who had. . quirks. She was different. At times, she could be difficult, and she needed as more or more care than their mother.

He did his best to balance the home life with school, and he also worked a little on the side. It was mostly odd and end jobs, but it helped some, so he didn't complain.  Life wasn't easy, but they made it work and did not end up on the streets like some Ignobles.

And then, everything changed. Malachi Mathace conquered the Trials. They were removed from their home. Taken from their friends. And moved to the better parts of Valport. He knew he should be thankful because this meant getting the care that his sister needed (except, it didn't..because she was still an Ignoble so they just medicated her heavily and sent her on her way). It meant a roof over their head and food that wasn't expired.

But it also meant leaving everything he had known for twelve years. He left his friends.  He left his school. He left his home, as dilapidated as it was.  And he has struggled to fit in fully with the Illustrians. It was supposed to save them, not isolate them.  He keeps most of this to himself because he is aware of how fortunate he is compared to most of the people he grew up with (well, the ones that are still living).

It has given him an opportunity to help those less fortunate than he is, especially since he was accepted into the medical program at Valport University. Every other weekend he is allowed to go to the Slums of Valport to offer humanitarian aide to those in need. He is well aware that this is just a way to appease those less fortunate and make it appear that the Elite care. Even still, it gives him a chance to go 'home' and do something. .

Until now.


Jacob Mathace – Father – Deceased

The Ignobles do not have the luxury of family heirlooms, printed pictures, and other things that would be considered sentimental, but the Mathace family are lucky to have a few pictures of Jacob and Norah before his death and her fall into despair.  Mikall Mathace is the spitting image of his father – from the slightly upturned nose to the olive-colored skin and the shape of his lips. Based on what he has heard from the few people still around that knew his father, they also share personality traits – loyal and protector, to name a few.

Norah Mathace – Mother

Malachi tells him that their mother used to be happy. She used to laugh, smile, and even bake delicious cookies when their budget allowed (usually around the holidays), but that version of her is fleeting in Mikall’s memory. After his father’s death, Norah became a shell of the person she was. The joy that overflowed dried up the day her husband died. It dimmed even more watching her eldest son fight for survival in the Trials.  Now, the woman spends most of her time seated in the same wing-back chair that her husband once occupied. She stares out the window as if she is waiting for him to come home and remembers very little, often forgetting names, people, places, and other things of importance.

Malachi Mathace – Brother (28)

His brother is a hero to some. He is one of the Ignobles that got away from the Slums. He became a fan favorite in the Trials – a burden that has trickled down to his family over the years. He volunteered. He survived. He won. He advanced. No longer did his brother, sister, and mother must worry about where their next meal was going to come from. But this has dramatically affected the Mathace boy’s relationship. Malachi joined the Vanguard, leaving Mikall to care for Miriam and their mother. He volunteered for the Trials, which left Mikall playing caretaker again. He went back to the Vanguard. He took on the role of Mentor. All the while, his brother cared for his sister during her outburst, accompanied her to doctor’s appointments, and ensured their mother ate, bathed, and dressed in clean clothes. It has been a lot of weight for him to carry, and Mikall is aware of the bitterness that has formed.

Miriam – Sister – (20)

Miriam has always been a little odd compared to others. Her speech was delayed, and in a way, still is. She limits her words and only talks to a few individuals (mostly Mikall). It has always been difficult for her to express emotions, but when she does, she tends to lash out. The smallest of things upset her and cause anxiety and distress that resulted in an obviously agitated behavior. She is beautiful, and between that and her quirky behavior, she has been a target, which means Mikall has had to step into a father and protector role, shouldering burdens no one his age should have to. Miriam is intelligent and gifted in the arts. She can play the piano better than their oldest brother and draw better than him (he thinks, anyway). Mikall is one of the few Miriam trusts with every fiber of her being, but that does not mean she has always been easy to take care of.

The Mathace Siblings

Likes and Dislikes:  Audio/Video Technology and Communication - he not only excelled in the sciences, but he also has an artistic bend to his mind. He really loved working with audio and video technology. He could also compose, perform the composition, and brilliantly edit it to deliver it flawlessly to the intended audiences. But, there was no way Valport elites would let an Ignoble touch their propaganda-filled media. His class may have changed, but they would never truly view him as one of them. This is why he was selected for the medical program.

The Slums - Ignoble blood runs through his veins. He always feels out of place in the shinier parts of Valport and himself in the podunk streets, at Vogul's, and in the homes of his friends and family there. He prefers to be in the Slums with childhood friends. Thankfully, his acceptance into the medical program has allowed this because they do humanitarian aid to the Ignobles twice a month. When he is in charge of gathering supplies, he always puts extra in the boxes so that he can hand them out to those in need - even with the risk involved.

Art - Pencils and paper are cheap, even in the Slums. He loves to write. He loves to draw and is actually good; in fact, he has sold a few pieces to some Illustrians. And he loves to read. He would much rather do those than anything else.

He doesn't like people who are fake and take advantage of others (most of the Illustrian class). He doesn't like to see people suffering, especially when it isn't in their control.

Worst Fears:  He really hates rats. This comes from the 12 years he spent living in the same conditions that these animals thrive in. He still hears them scurrying around at night in his dreams.

Water/Drowning. He is terrified of dark, deep waters, or being enclosed with water.