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00:53, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Azure Prism

Name: Azure Prism
Age: 22

Physical Description:
This girl is strange in appearance. Various shades of blue all over, with darker (Prussian Blue) colors looking like gloves and boots, despite her hands and feet being bare. On her head is a pair of bunny-like ears, and attached to her rear is a fox-like tail with the prussian blue color for the tail tip. Her eyes are dark, seeming to be black at times, but are able to glow any icy blue. Her hair is azure blue and long, usually pulled back into two large, thick pigtails. Her fur shines enough at times to seem like the girl is made of ice. She is usually seen wearing some kind of fancy azure blue armor made of fogged ice.

Lazy Description:

Hair color: Azure Blue
Skin/Fur color: Air Force Blue and Prussian Blue
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 130 Lbs.
Clothing preference: Azure Blue, skirts.


Born and raised in the center of Haven on the isle of Cap au Diable. Although she was born mutated, her parents (Boris "the Russian" and Jill) looked very much human. Azure's childhood was decent. Sure, there were people who picked on her for not looking human, but she otherwise had what would be considered a "normal" childhood for someone growing up in the isles.

Azure's mother had dreams of enrolling Azure in the university, so she and her husband scrimped and saved, managing to get Azure a place at the University in New Haven! But between studies, Azure committed your standard crimes, attacking criminals in an act of gaining street cred and taking lunch money. Although her parents loved her, they were no saints and so neither was Azure. She oft got into scuffles and her ice powers served her well. But one day, shortly after graduation, there was a major Longbow bust and Azure was at the wrong place at the wrong time. The irony is she was arrested just for being there; guilty by virtue of being a super who lived in the isles and nothing more.

Furious with Longbow and Paragon City sticking their nose where it doesn't belong, Azure has sworn vengeance on Longbow and their "so-called justice" once she breaks out of the Zig. With alarms blaring and all the cell doors opening, Azure saw that chance...

Azure might be considered a "standard" super-powered citizen of the Rogue Isles in that she is tough, rough, and more than willing to knock a few teeth in. She has a heart for the helpless. While she plays the part of "not MY problem" on the outside, she oft winds up secretly sticking her nose into other people's problems. If the cause is worthy in her eyes, she will fight for it. But she never sticks to one cause besides herself or her loved ones.

Azure has also fully embraced who she is. She doesn't look human, but makes the attempt to look pretty, dress pretty, and yet generally have the tough girl vibe. She has self confidence, but not arrogance. A tough front, but a knowledge of when to run. Azure is fine with living her life as just another pretty face super, but gaining rep on the street has given her a taste of being feared and respected. She likes that taste and will continue enjoying it, but has made peace with the idea of fading into obscurity if her loved ones start winding up in danger from her rep.

Lastly, she is of the mind to let people do whatever they like as long as it doesn't harm people who don't deserve harming. Mad science? Fine. Creating a super weapon? Someone's bound to anyway. Casting a ritual to summon a demon? Hey sure whatever as long as the demon isn't hurting innocents. And so on. But when it comes to Longbow, Azure is in a "knock out and ask questions later" mentality.

1) Ice Control - Azure is able to create large amounts of ice either as weapons (like an ice sword), projectiles (ice blast), entrapment (hold powers), or even something simple like ice sculptures.

1) Ice Sculptor - Azure has had her powers her whole life. As such, one of the things she learned early in life was how to use it for fun! She is a practiced artist who can not only make pretty ice sculptures materialize, but knows how to chip one out of an ice block. She is very creative, too, making everything from portraits to architecture to prisms that are designed just to reflect light in beautiful ways.

2) Beautician - Azure is well versed in hair care, skin care, manicures, and other such beauty treatments.

3) Shine - Azure studied light, its properties, its effects, and how to play around with it. As such, she can create prisms and all kind of pretty light displays with her ice because she knows just how to angle things, how thick the ice needs to be, and so on.

Other Stuff:
1) Cosmetic Powers - Azure is able to make her irises glow an icy blue or azure blue. She can also cause a cloud of cold to either spill off her or follow her. Neither really does anything combat-related, but they look neat!

Strength: Above average. Even without her powers, Azure can knock in the average person's teeth.
Intelligence: Average. But at least she has a college degree!
Endurance: Above average. She isn't made of paper like blasters or masterminds. She grew up getting into scraps and taking her licks.
Agility: Good. She is in decent shape and has honed some of those reflexes to compliment her powers.
Awareness: Above average. Like anyone who grew up in the streets of the isles and didn't suffer a permanent injury to their senses.
Charisma: Average. She doesn't really wield a commanding presence, and makes friends with nice people. But has a short fuse like most street punks.
Willpower: Above average. She can be scared or coerced like anyone else. But growing up on the street makes that harder to do and even then you cover up any fear you have lest you look weak.