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Welcome to Rifts - Those who would be Gods (Adult Rated)

08:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Wraith spends most of his time these day as a distressingly cheerful-looking dark-haired human male of around six foot one, usually looking like he's just stepped out of the sort of salon where they don't so much as let you pay as 'options are discussed' without anything so crass as commerce having been performed. Despite this however, his eyes are the most distinctive thing about him, being glacier-blue and bright with an almost supernatural sense of energy best attributed to a decades-long sugar rush somewhere in the kiloton range.

 Physically - however he looks - he's well-built in a lean, muscular sort of way that suggests he's at least passingly familiar with modelling but rarely stays still long enough for that to be appreciated, his restless energy adding to the impression of an unrestrained joy in life that's borderline contagious irrespective of the preferences of those he's hanging around.

 Clothing similarly, is always well-made and happily ignored - regardless of where it came from it always seems to have been tailored expressly to fit and is often accessorised with the occasional tool kit or firearm in the event that he thinks it will look good or possibly even (gasp) be useful. He's most often to be seen in suits or lab coats or, occasionally the one over the other.

 Of course, in his copious free time he's quite often to be found in his true form as an enormous, helplessly cheerful Great Horned Dragon youth and when he is he's usually trying to persuade someone to strap a jet engine to themselves and join him 'for a test run', a predilection which has resulted in the young drake being one of the most successful arms manufacturers in his little corner of North America, entirely based upon his obsession with retro-tech speed demonry.

MA: 22
PB: 25