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01:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Thar Spellbook (SpellJammer)

Spellhammer Thar Spellbook Reference

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Thar Spellbook Reference. Level 9

Lv7; Vitriolic sphere. Wall of Fire.
LV8; Blight (Necro). Ice Storm (Blunt, cold)
Lv9; Bigby's Hand (Force). Dawn (Radiant).

Why?: A single spell can have more text than an entire martial class path combined. Even at level 5, Thar was already breaking 20 spells known. So to keep the main character sheet from being bigger than the whole party combined, 3rd level and up spells will only be transcribed here.

Memorization capacity: Wiz Level(6) + INT (4) = 10

Material components:

Chromatic orb; Diamond worth 50gp

Identify; Pearl worth 100gp "and an owl feather (Missing)"
It may be possible to rules lawyer that a spell focus bypasses the zero value feather, if you still have the pearl.

Find Familiar:
10 gold worth of fancy chalk, herbs, incense that must be burnt in a brass brazier
(Given to me during campaign).

Rituals: Full descriptions below.
1st, Comprehend language. (C lv1).

Campaign Inscribed Rituals.
1st, Find Familiar (S, Lv1).
??? Might own Identify, but no pearl.

Cantrips list: Not alphabetical, roughly sorted in order of Combat Use.

Create Bonfire: Class Lv1.
Conjuration. V, S.
Action: Standard, C. Dex Save. Range 60ft(12t) "on ground", 5ft(1t) area. (Can ignite flammable objects "That are not being worn or carried" in area).
   DC Vs Dex; 2d8+0 Fire DMG. Creatures must also save vs bonfire when entering space for first time, or ending turn in space.

Ray Of Frost; FEAT
Evocation. V,S.
Action: Standard.  120ft (24t) Range.
On hit: Target has -10ft Speed, until Start of My Next Turn.
     Vs. AC; 2d8+0 Cold DMG.

Toll The Dead: Class Lv1.
Necromancy. V,S.
Action: Standard. Range 60ft (12t).
    DC Vs WIS; 2d8/*2d12+0 Necrotic DMG (*Missing any HP)

Prestidigitation: Race.
Transmutation. V,S.
Duration: 1 Hour.
Action: Standard. Range 10 feet/2 tile. Up to three separate effects at once.
A; Instant harmless sensory effect. Sparks, puff of smoke, sound, odd odor.
B; Instant Light or snuff a candle, torch, or small campfire.
C; Instant Clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubit foot.
D; Chill, Warm, or Flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour.
E; Make a color, small mark, or symbol appear on an object or surface for 1 hour.
F; Create a nonmagical trinket or illusory image that can fit in my hand, until end of my next turn.

Mage Hand: Class Lv1.
Conjuration. V,S.
Action: Standard. Range 30ft(6 tiles), duration 1 minute. Can move it another 30 ft per action, but it vanishes if it is farther than 60ft.
10 lb limit. Can't "Attack or activate magic items".
Full Fine Print: "" You can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it.  ""

Mending: Class Lv4.
Transmutation. V,S,M (two lodestones).
Action: 1 minute casting time (Then "instant" duration). Touch.
Repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch. As long as the damage is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension. While it can physically repair magic items or constructs, it can't restore magic to them.

Wizard Damage Types Known By Slot Level:
Scribe Mage can only swap damage types within same slot tier. NOT MEMORIZED, known of, period.
Example: 1st lv magic missile can turn 1st lv Burning hands to force. 1st Lv Magic missile CAN'T turn 3rd lv fireball to Force.

  1st: All Classic Elements ( Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder). Blunt. Force. Poison.
  2nd: All Classic Elements. Blunt.
  3rd: All Classic Elements. Blunt.
  4th: Blunt, Acid, Cold, Fire, Necro.
  5th: Blunt, Force, Radiant.

Wizard Slot Spells:
Total Known.
(21otal, 18 lass, 3 scribed).
1st; 10. Class 8. Scribe 2.
2nd: 5. Class 4. Scribe 1.
3rd: 4. Class 4. Scribe Zero.
4th: 4. Class 4. Scribe Zero.
5th: 2. Class 2. Scribe Zero.

Level learning curve: Started tracking at level 6.
1; ??
2; ??
3; ??
4; ??
5; ??
6; 2 level (3rd), 1 scribe (2nd).
7; 2 level (4th), zero scribe.
8; 2 level (4th), Zero scribe.
9; 2 Level (5th), Zero Scribe.

1st Level:
Lv1; Chromatic Orb, Comprehend Language, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Sleep, Witch Bolt.
Lv2; Catapult, Grease.
Lv1 scribe; Absorb Elements, Find Familiar.

Absorb Elements: 1st. Scribe.
Abjuration. S.
Reaction. Self.
Trigger, Take classic element damage.
Scaling: 1d6 1st base, +1d6 Per lv after (revenge melee buff only).
  Gain resistance to the triggering element until start of my next turn. Also my first Melee hit during next turn, target takes +1d6 Element damage.

Catapult: 1st. Pick (lv2).
Transmutation. S.
Action: Standard. 60ft(12t) and 90ft(18t) Vs Dex.
Scaling: 3d8 Blunt, 1-5 lb 1st Base. +1d8 DMG, +5lb Per Lv.
     DC Vs DEX; 60ft(12t), 3d8 Blunt. Freely target 1 object of 1-5lb that is not being worn or carried.
Launch it 90ft(18t) from origin (stops early if it strikes a solid surface). Failed save, both target and object take 3d8 Blunt DMG.

Implied: You can treat it as a single target line attack that keeps going if it misses initial target.

Chromatic Orb: 1st. Pick.
Evocation. V,S,M!
Action: Standard. 180ft (36 tiles) Range vs AC.
Scaling: 3d8 1st lv base. +1d8 per lv after.
MATERIAL: A diamond worth at least 50gp. (MIA, plot voucher for one later?).
     Vs AC; 3d8 Classic Element DMG. Choice of Acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder, poison.

Comprehend Languages: 1st. Pick.
Divination. V,S,M (A pinch of soot and salt). RITUAL.
Action: Standard. Duration, 1 hour.
Effect: You understand "The literal meaning" of any spoken language you hear.
You also understand any written language you see, but must be touching the surface the words are written on. You can read 1 page of text per minute.
Spell does not decode secret messages in a text of glyph (such as arcane sigil), that isn't part of a written language. (...So it COULD, if it was non-magic writing? Like, Elvish?)

Find Familiar: 1st. Scribe.
See below.

Grease: 1st, Pick (Lv2).
Conjuration. V,S,M (bit of pork rind or butter).
Action: Standard, 60ft(12t) range, 10ft "Square". Duration, 1 Minute (10 rounds).
  DC Vs DEX; Creatures entering, or ending turn, in Zone. Fail falls prone.
Zone also counts as difficult terrain. (No more official rules to ignite. GM likes it igniting)

Implied problem: Can't cancel it early.

Mage Armor: 1st. Pick.
Abjuration. V,S,M (A piece of cured leather)
Action: Standard, touch. Duration, 8 hours.
Effect: You touch a willing creature (or self) who is not wearing armor. Target AC is 13+DEX mod.
Spell canceled if target dons armor, or you dismiss it as a standard action.

Magic Missile: 1st. Pick.
Evocation. V,S.
Action: Standard, 120ft range (24 tiles). Auto hit. "against creatures of your choice".
Scaling: x3 1d4+1 Force DMG missiles. +1 more missile per slot level.
     AUTO HIT. X3 Shots, 1d4+1 Force DMG (+1 by default).

Sleep: 1st. Pick.
Enchantment. V,S,M (a pinch of fine sand, rose petals, or a cricket).
Action: Standard, 90ft (18t) range, "creatures within 20ft of the point" (8 tiles).
Scaling: 5d8, +2d8 Per slot above 1st.
     Effect: Roll 'Damage'. Check targets in order of ascending remaining HP.
Unconscious targets are skipped. Undead and creatures immune to charm are not effected.   

Witch Bolt: 1st, Pick.
Evocation. V,S,M (a twig from a tree that has been struck by lightning). Concentration.
Action: Standard, 60ft (12t) range. 1 Minute duration.
Scaling: 1d12+0 Base, +1d12 per slot above 1st.
     Vs AC; 1d12 Lightning DMG, 60ft(12t) range.
If I hit creature, I can sustain Standard for auto hits (or I use action for something else).
Effect ends early if target leaves max range, or has total cover from me.

2nd Level
Lv3; Acid Arrow, Shatter.
Lv4; Dragon's Breath, Maximilian's Earthen Grasp.
Scribe: Air Bubble (lv6).

Acid Arrow: 2nd, Pick (lv3).
Evocation. V,S,M (powered rhubarb leaf and an adder's stomach)
Action: Standard Vs AC. 180ft*(36t) range. DoT effect! Partial on Miss!
Scaling: 2nd Base 4d4 and 2d4. +1d4/+1d4 for both initial and DoT damage per slot.
     Vs AC; 4d4 Acid DMG, and 2d4 Acid at End Of their next turn.
On Miss, half of initial damage (4d4) only.

Average: 6-24 DMG. (+2-8 per lv).

Air Bubble: 2nd, Scribe, (Lv6).
Conjuration. S.
Action: Standard, 60ft(12t). 24 hour.
Scaling: When cast above 2nd level, +2 bubbles per slot. (yes, it starts with ONE. Then gets +2).
Fine Print: Create a magic bubble around the head of a willing creature you can see, filled with fresh air until spell ends.
Rules lawyer in description text, "only one head on a multi head creature, which probably is all they need to avoid suffocation, assuming all heads share respiratory system) uuugh.

Dragon's Breath: 2nd, Pick (lv4).
Transmutation. V,S,M (A hot pepper).
Action: Bonus apply, Standard Use. Touch apply (one willing creature with a mouth), 15ft(3t) cone use. Concentration. 1 Minute duration.
Scaling: 3d6 Base 2nd lv, +1d6 per slot.
     DC Vs DEX. 3d6 Type Damage, half on save, to each creatyre in Cone. Pick Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Or Poison on apply.

Maximillian's Earthen Grasp: 2nd. Pick (lv4).
Transmutation. V,S,M (miniature hand sculpted from clay, no value). Concentration, 1 minute.
Action: Standard cast, Standard use. No sustain. 30ft range(5ft tile medium sized hand).
Scaling: NONE.
Hand appears in an unoccupied 5 foot area (1 tile) of ground I can see in range. Hand is medium size, and gets one grasp attempt on summon (DC vs STR) to one creature in reach. As an action, I can deal damage to grasped (save vs STR, half on save). Or make it reach for a creature, or Move to another unoccupied tile in range (releases grasped to do either).
     DC Vs STR to catch, Raw STR Check to escape. 2d6 Blunt DMG on failed save and restrained, or Action to crush restrained target (Half damage on save).
Restrained: Speed becomes zero, and can't benefit from any bonus to it's speed. Attack Vs has ADV, Attacks from have Disad. Disad on Dex saves.

Shatter: 2nd, Pick (lv3).
Evocation. V,S,M (A chip of mica).
Action: Standard. Vs CON. 60ft(12t) range, 10ft Radius.
Scaling: 2nd Base, 3d8 Thunder. +1d8 Per level.
     DC Vs CON (ADV vs inorganic material creatures such as stone, crystal, etc).
3d8+0 Thunder DMG, half on save. Nonmagical object not being worn or carried also takes damage.

3rd Level
LV5: Glyph of Warding, Lightning Bolt.
Lv6: Remove Curse, Tidal wave.
Scribe: None.

Glyph Of Warding: 3rd, Pick (lv5).
Abjuration. V,S,M* (200gp worth of incense and powdered diamond, consumed).
Action: 1 hour casting time, touch (Glyph max 'area' 10ft diameter). Duration until dispelled or triggered.
Scaling: Explosive rubes, 5D8 choice of classic element damage base 3rd, +1d8 per slot.
Or, increases spell slot and scaling used for Spell Glyph.
     Fine Print: Glyph placed either on a surface (Ex; table or section of floor or wall), or within an object that can be closed to conceal glyph (Ex; book, scroll, treasure chest). Glyph can cover area no larger than 10 feet in diameter. If surface or object is moved more than 10 feet from where you cast the spell, Glyph is broken without triggering spell.
     Glyph is nearly invisible and needs an Investigation check Vs your spell DC to be found.
     You have absurd control over triggers and safeguards. Basically whatever you want, it is bonkers. Examples given. Touching or standing on Glyph. removing an object on top of the glyph. Approaching within a certain distance of the glyph (yes it can cast 'within a mile of' for giggles). Manipulating the object glyph is on. Opening glyph object. Just SEEING the glyph, not just reading it.
     Safeguard examples. Physical characteristics (such as height or weight), creature kind (Such as aberration type, or drow), or alignment. Setting passwords.
     Explosive Runes: DC Vs DEX (each creature), 5d8 Classic Element Damage, half on save. When triggered, 20ft(4t) radius(=8t wide?) sphere centered on glyph. Sphere spreads around corners.
     Spell Glyph: Store a prepared spell of 3rd level or lower in glyph by casting it as part of creating the glyph. Spell must target a single creature, or area. When Glyph is triggered, the stored spell is cast. If spell has a target, it targets creature that triggered the glyph (vague...). If spell has an area, it is centered on that creature. If the spell summons hostile creatures or creates harmful objects and traps, they appear as close as possible to the intruder and attack it (Smart orders). If the spell requires concentration, it lasts the full duration.

Lightning Bolt: 3rd, Pick (lv5).
Evocation. V,S,M (a bit of fur and a rod of amber, crystal, or glass zero value).
Action: Standard, DC Vs Dex. 100 ft(20t), 5ft wide line in direction I choose. (Can't be shorter).
Scaling: 8d6 Base 3rd, +1d6 per slot lv.
     DC vs DEX, 8d6 Lightning, Half on save. 100ft(20t) distance, 5ft wide. Must be max distance or until it hits solid. Ignites flammable objects in the area not being worn or carried.

Remove Curse: 3rd, level, (Lv6).
Abjuration. V,S.
Action: Standard, Touch. Automatic.
Scaling: None.
Fine Print: ALL curses on one creature or object end. If object is a "cursed magic item". The curse remains, but it breaks owner attune "So it can be removed or discarded". Expect scumbag rules lawyers to argue this means cursed items or marks are still stuck on players.

Tidal Wave: 3rd, Level, (Lv6).
Conjuration. V, S, M (A drop of water).
Action: Standard, vs DEX half on save. 120ft (24t) Range, Variable area up to 30ft(6t) long, up to 10ft(2t) tall and wide.
Scaling: None.
Fine Print: Water sprays and puts out all unprotected fires within 30ft of it, then vanishes.
    Vs DEX Save, half damage on save. 4d8 Blunt, Knock prone on failed save.

4th Level:
Lv7: Vitriolic Sphere, Wall of Fire.
Lv8; Blight, Ice Storm.
Scribe: None.

Blight: 4th, Level, (Lv8).
Necromancy. V, S.
Action: Standard, Vs CON half on Save. 30ft (6t) range.
IMMUNE, undead and constructs.
AUTO MAX and Disad, Plant creatures and MAGICAL plants. (64 max)
Scaling: 8d8 base 4th. +1d8 Per. (Yes, 8 D EIGHT).
Special: A nonmagical plant that is not a creature, no save allowed, instantly withers and dies.
Note: ABSURD damage for slot tier. The flaw is Necro, scribe can fix that.

Ice Storm: 4th, Level, (Lv8).
Evocation. V, S, M (Punch of dust and few drops of water).
Action: Standard, Vs DEX half on save.
300ft(60t) Range at ground point (No 'that I can see') .20ft Radius (8t wide), 40ft(8t) high Cylinder.
Scaling: 2d8 Blunt, AND 4d6 Cold Base 4th. +1d8 Blunt ONLY per slot.
Special: Area is Difficult terrain until End Of My Next Turn.

Vitriolic Sphere: 4th, Level, (Lv7).
Evocation. V, S, M (drop of giant slug bile).
Action: Standard, Vs DEX half INITIAL damage on save. 150ft(30t) range, 20ft Radius(8t wide)
Deals 10d4 Acid, half on save. AND 5d4 Acid on a failed save At End Of Their Next Turn.
Scaling: ONLY initial damage +2d4 per slot.
Note: Huge potential damage compared to average (initial is on par with full

Wall Of Fire: 4th, Level, (Lv7).
Evocation. V, S, M (Small piece of phosphorus).
Action: Standard, Vs DEX half on save. 1 Min duration max. 120ft(24) range.
5d8+Zero Fire damage to valid targets.
Wall And Ring Sizes: Free draw a Wall up to 60ft(12t) long, 20ft(4t) high, 1ft thick. OR, Ring Wall up to 20ft Diameter(8t wide), 20ft(4t) high, 1ft thick. Both are OPAQUE.

Special Damage Logic: Wall itself Damage is caused when created on top of targets, and also-
Exact words ""A creature takes the same damage when it enters the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.""
Flamethrower Zone: Designated one side of the wall or ring, Enemies ending their turn within 10ft(2) are subject to Vs Save.
Scaling. +1d8 Per slot above 4th.

4th Level:
Lv9; Bigby's Hand, Dawn.
Scribe: None.

Bigby's Hand: 5th, Level, (Lv9).
Evocation. V, S, M (Eggshell and snakeskin glove).
Action: Standard Cast, Bonus use. Vs VARIES. Duration 1 Minute.
120ft(24t) Cast, 60ft(12t) move. Spawn unoccupied I can see.
Hand Stats: AC 20, HP = Caster. STR 26(+8), DEX 10(+0). Does not fill tile.
Use on cast, and Bonus action to move 60ft(12t) and use following turns.
  1; Clenched Fist. Melee Spell Attack. 4d8+0 Force. Vs one creature or object within 5ft.
  2; Forceful Hand. Push attempt within 5ft. STR (8+1=9?) VS Athletics check.
ANY size, ADV on medium or smaller.
On a success, push up to 5ft+(5*Spell Mod 6) = 35ft(6t). Hand moves with target.
  3; Grasping Hand. Grapple vs Huge or smaller within 5ft. ADV vs medium or smaller.
Use hand STR score 26(+8) to resolve.
  While hand is grappling target, can use a bonus action to crush for auto 2d6+Mod(6) Blunt.
  4; Interposing hand. Order hand to provide yourself mobile half cover against a target, auto orients towards target. Target can't move through hand unless they have higher than 26 STR, difficult terrain otherwise.
ONLY WORKS VS TARGET due to fine print.

Dawn : 5th, Level, (Lv9).
Evocation. V, S, M* (Sunburst pendant worth 100 gold).
Action: Standard, Vs CON half on save and every turn end.
60ft(12t) Range. (Does not specify ground or 'that I can see')
30ft Radius (6t wide), 40ft(8t) high Cylinder. Emits bright sunlight.
4d10+0 Radiant Damage.
MOVE it 60ft(12t) as a BONUS action.
Scaling: NONE.
Special: Area is Difficult terrain until End Of My Next Turn.

Ritual Reference:
Pros Cons of Ritual casting.
Pros: Does not use up spell slots. Can be cast without memorization via features (Wizard spellbook, Warlock Pact Tome, ect).
Cons: +10 Minute casting time. Can only be cast at it's default level (But that's only a variance for Animal Messenger, by Vanilla).


1st Lv Rituals

Comprehend language: See above.

Find Familiar:
Conjuration (ritual).  V,S,M. (10 gold worth of fancy chalk, herbs, incense that must be burnt in a brass brazier).
Time: 1 hour to cast. Range 10 feet placement.
Flying Snake. chosen with GM permission.
Familiar is independent (Has own initiative), but always obeys me. However, can't attack.
Can dismiss as an action, but summoning is 30 foot range.
No inherent range limit. But extra features have 100 foot limit, such as-
As an action, can replace my senses with the familiars.
"" when you cast a spell with a range of touch, your familiar can deliver the spell as if it had cast the spell. Your familiar must be within 100 feet of you, and it must use its reaction to deliver the spell when you cast it. If the spell requires an attack roll, you use your attack modifier for the roll."" </small>

Preston the Flying Snake:
Tiny beast, Unaligned. CR 1/8
HP: 5 (2d4) AC: 14.
Speed: 30ft walk, 60 fly, 30 swim.
Senses: Blindsight 10ft(2 tile). Passive Perc 11.
STR: 4(-3). DEX: 18(+4). CON: 11(+0). INT: 2(-4). WIS: 12(+1). CHA: 5(-3).
Flyby: Does not provoke AoO with flight.
FAMILIAR CAN'T USE THIS: Bite. +6 Hit, 1 DMG plus 7(3d6) Poison.

"" Tribespeople and Cultists sometimes domesticate flying snakes to serve as messengers that deliver scrolls wrapped in their coils."" High fantasy messenger Pigeons.