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09:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Kacey Donovan

Nickname: Kase or sometimes Kay

Company Name: OrionTech

Character Class: Researcher

Character Background: Educated Background

How long has your character worked for OrionTech?
New Hire but contracted for a previous job.
Orion was salvaging what they believed were a trio of WWII american fighter planes in the Bermuda Triangle. Kase was brought in to validate the authenticity of the recovered wreckage. She was helecoptered in to their salvage base vessel, given quarters, a workspace, and enough access to get the job done. She proved that two of the planes were authentic, but based on the repairs and the submersion damage, the third was lost later in the 1950's. After some research she discovered that an enthusuast had acquried the  same kind of plane and was attempting to find the originals by following their flight path. He found them.



Gender: Female

Age: 34

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Left Hazel, Right Green (Heterochromia)

Distinguishing Marks: Her eyes. Kase is naturally left handed.

Description of General Appearance: Kase is 5'4" with a slender build. Her hair just past longer than her shoulders but she tends to keep it clipped or tied back. She is naturally pretty, but with her hair up, glasses, and practical wardrobe, it's not always obvious. When not putting on a deliberately pleasant smile, she tends to looks a bit haunted.


Personality: When at work, which is most of the time, Kase is focused and professional. She's not very good at witty banter so she tends to
be more direct and focused. When she's concentrating, she can be oblivious to what's going on around her, and very short to anyone breaking
her spell. In social settings she likes to laugh and engage in thought or social games, but tends to avoid talking about anything family related.
Rather than face people directly, she will often turn her head slightly, favoring one eye or the other

Strengths: Focused, smart, observant, organized, driven, attractive when she wants to be

Weaknesses: Can be oblivious while concentrating, overreacts to being startled, self-conscious about her heterochromia,
avoids conflict, and can be overly cautious.

Freaked out by the sight of a significant amount of blood
Screams or fear or pain
She will stand well back from moving vehicles of any kind.
Hates roaches, especially the big ones
She's not afraid of the dark in general, but if it's really dark and she's alone, her imagination can get away from her.



Bachelors from University of Florida in Anthropology with minor in Marine Science
PhD from UF in Marine Archaeology

Special Training:
Captain's Certification
Certified Radio Operator
Drone Pilot

Scuba Diving
Computer Operation and some programming
Forensic Research
Some Hebrew
Ambidextrous (trained)


Until hired by OrionTech, Kase spent her career working for Universities. She started at UC Santa Barbara, but then worked
at University of Naples in Italy and Tel Aviv University in Israel. Most recently she was back at US but in San Diego.

While Kase's story is one of success, it is also punctuated by tragedy. When she was 9, she watched her 4yo brother die when
her father accidentally ran him over with a riding lawn mower. It strained her parents marriage and they divorced when she
was fourteen. The trauma pushed Kase into some risky behavior, resulting in a juvenile conviction for theft and drug possession.

After she graduated she took a post-doc position at UC Santa Barbara. While there, she met Sam Donovan, with whom she married and
had a son, Cody. Both her husband and son were killed while they were walking into a movie. A driver speeding through the parking lot
hit them from behind at over thirty miles an hour. She was holding her son's hand at the time. After that, the grief forced her to
leave. Her friends at UC found her a place at the University of Florence. She stayed there for four years, then went to Israel for a
year. Afterwards, she went back to UC but in San Diego, where she stayed until hired by OrionTech.

What is your character's opinion of the Supernatural?:
Publicly and consciously, she thinks it's complete bullshit.
Unconsciously, she's susceptible to exaggerated fears of what she can't understand.


Writing Sample

Lifting her tortoiseshell rimmed glasses, Kase adjusted the focus on the microscope until the outer edge of the wing fragment went from
a blurry dark mass to an orange and grey splotched chip in a bright white halo. It was a tiny piece but the way the sea had eroded it
would tell her it's metallurgic composition and how long it was in the Atlantic brine. As she suspected, this particular piece was
submerged more than a decade later than the others. Without taking her eyes off the specimen, she deftly swirled out notes on clean
white pad with her left hand, while carefully teasing the chip with needle.

"Hey Donovan."

The deep voice boomed in the silence, prompting Kase to jerk back from the workstation, casting her pen across the room and toppling
the microscope.

"What the Fuck!" She whirled on the intruder, her eyes flashing and both her hands clutching her chest. It was rascal, the first mate. "Why the hell can't you knock." She cast her eyes about until finding a reference manual. With a single motion, she scooped it off the table and hurled it at Rascal's head. "Fuck! Get out." She rushed forward, pushing the surprised crewman out of her lab. After
slamming the door behind him, she leaned back against it, heaving her breaths and trying to press her pounding heart back under her ribs.