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Welcome to Trials of Exandria

14:05, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lu Greenthorn

Appearance: Lu stands at least 3'1" and being a fairy, she is extremely light in weight. Her figure, by fairy standards, is well, their's just nothing really amazing about her appearance other than that it's just simple. Her blonde slender hair, pale skin, and dragonfly-like wings make her out to be a charming person, yet theirs something about her that just doesn't exude that kind of personality. Usually theirs like an immediate reaction when seeing a fairy, but when you look at Lu, you don't feel much of anything. Just boredom.

 Personality: Lu is a strange fairy, she's not as bombastic, or mischievous as her ilk, in fact some might just call her plain boring. And with her hobbies, Lu can't blame then for calling her that. Lu had always had a particular interest for books, and hobbies that relate to research. She even read through every book in her village's library, while at least to what equated to a library. Though it doesn't mean she's not so different than other fairies, she still exhibits a few mischief and recklessness.

 She would try to fight off a hoard of wasps just because she wanted to, it was instinct. Doesn't mean there's no rhyme or reason to her chaotic tendency, it was always mostly for someone's benefit. Her village's motto was to always help a person in need, and despite how they treated her, she still loves her fellow fairies and will still follow their chaotic customs to the letter. She also has insecurity issues when someone mentions her height though. She hopes to one day find a way to performly become tiny, along with the goal of building her own library.

 History:Lu doesn't remember much of her childhood, she doesn't even know if she had one, all she remembered was that she was given her name and that was that. Ever since she existed, she was always treated differently by her brothers and sisters, not everyday you meet a Fey that just doesn't have the same energy as they have (and also one that grew so big, but nothing like a good ol fairy can't solve). Most people didn't treat her well or just outright ignore her, but sometimes she genuinely made a few decent friendships. Though she didn't mind her lack of likeness, it was thanks to this loneliness that she found a love for books. And it
 was all thanks to her friend.

 It was just any other day, but this was different for she met Fru Glitterswirl, a fellow lover of books though compared to Lu, Fru was more enthusiastic and was practically a Jack of all trades in terms of hobbies. It just so happens that she wanted to be her friend, they tried various things together which turned out to be a most troublesome time. But once the day was done, they bonded over reading and Lu instantly fell in love with such a hobby. Ever since that day, she became a book fiend, finding books left and right and reading every contents. Though few fairies want to be around her, they considered Lu to be an equivalent of a Sage or a librarian depending on whether she's in the library or not.

 Though, one day she decided that her village's library was too small, in a literal and figurative stance. She decided she wants to find all the books in the Realms and make her own library. So she sets off in her tiny wagon filled with the library's books and heads to a random realm, which was unfortunately Exandria. Fast forward to the present, Lu's current problems is that she had a bit of money troubles in her living conditions (not good enough to collect books at least), she became suddenly taller making her wagon and books look like collectibles (Though thankfully she borrowed a wagon for book purposes), and she's being constantly attacked by monsters, she only hopes this tournament is enough to put her back at her feet.