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Welcome to The Sins of Al-Jalasa

01:10, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Zarre Sinaroth

Name: Zarre Sinaroth

Occupation: Royal Guard Jontunn (Title used for a member of the Snow Elf Royal Guard that fills the role of “Hunter.” He is one of the ones sent out to find people - either those that have gone missing, or those that require justice.)

Actual Age/Apparent Age:600/early 30s

Gender: male

Sexuality: Fluid

Race/Species: Snow Elf

Appearance: Many often mistake Snow Elves for any other white-haired elven race, until one looks closer. Theirs is a soft white reminiscent of a field of untouched snow. Zarre is no different. His flows long and straight down his back, pulled back away from his face. Often, this is the first thing people notice about him. Until he turns. Piercing, glacier blue eyes are the second, cold enough to stun a person, piercing enough to seem to look right through any lies told. His gaze misses little, honed as it is to find and follow long forgotten trails.

Standing just shy of 6’, Zarre’s form is strong and lithe, made for endurance rather than speed. His skin has the slight blue tinge to its paleness of his people, and often, his lips are found in a straight, unamused line, annoyed as he is at the heat, among other things.

Personality: On the surface, Zarre can seem intense. His gaze and general demeanor leaves little room for a welcoming personality, but under that surface is a man that cares deeply for his people. He holds himself to a set of rules in regards to how he treats others, which may leave the wrong impression, but more often than not, it has served him well in the past.

Under the tough exterior and beyond those rules, Zarre cares deeply for those that earn it. He will lay down his life for any one of his close friends, and search the realm over for one of his people, angered that it took so long for him to be sent in the first place.

His loyalty is something that must be earned, however, rather than freely given. As it must be earned, it can also be taken away.

Abilities/Skills: Stealth- With a naturally light footfall, stealth comes naturally to a Snow Elf, but Jontunn hone the skill that much more until quiet becomes silent.

Tracking- training in the ways of following others, Zarre has made tracking his life, his job. He can follow most trails, given enough time to familiarize himself with the tracks left behind.

Weapons - Zarre is proficient with swords, spears, and bows, but the pair of blades worn at his back are by far his favorite to use.

Immune to cold- coming from the frigid land, Snow Elves dwell in ice caves, and are unbothered by the cold. Conversely, this means they struggle in the heat.

Northern Star Amulet: The mark of a Jontuun is the Northern Star Amulet they wear. The amulet functions as a compass, but also enhances the ability the wearer already possesses for brief amounts of time when activated. In Zarre's case, this makes him faster, stronger, stealthier, and more resilient, as well as more aware of the tracks left behind.

History: Zarre spent a good portion of time as a lookout for the Snow Elves. It wasn’t until he tracked and found an escaped criminal, bringing him back to the King when no one else could, that he found himself in his current position as a Jontunn. Zarre spent decades training and working, searching out people as required. He found his home among such skills, with a natural affinity given by his heritage honed to a sharp point.

Throughout the ice caves, rumors spread of people gone missing, rumors that seemed to hold more and more truth as the months carried on. Zarre wanted to go, wanted to find what was happening to his people, but duty forced him to remain. Duty in the form of a naiad that had been found in their land and was recovering. As part of the detail assigned to guard her, he got to know the young girl, enjoying her stories and songs as she recovered.

Until the King’s cousin went missing, the naiad bard along with her. Only then was Zarre sent out, to search for the missing cousin, and if possible, bring back those responsible, either alive, or their heads. Internally, Zarre rankled that the common people missing weren’t enough for anything to be done, and only when someone close to the king disappeared was it seen as a problem that needed to be solved.

Still, he got his wish and left that night. The trail sent him to the docks where he learned that the only ships that carried slaves were connected to the “Merciful Sisters” out of a different contenent. Zarre bartered his way on board a cargo ship headed for Al Jalasa, knowing only that it was the same continent and intent on finding his way from there, by way of offering to work for his passage.

As the ship made its way into warmer climates, Zarre grew increasingly annoyed. It wasn’t a place for his kind, those that made the snow their own, which only made the fact that his people had been taken by these “Sisters” angered him all the more. They didn’t care the suffering his people would go through in such a climate, and one thing Zarre hated more than anything was needlessly making another suffer.

The ship docked, and Zarre departed with not much to his name, a poor attitude, not a friend in the world, and only the name of the organization rumored to be to blame for his missing people.

It wasn’t all bad, though. He had accomplished missions with less before…

Other information:Aurora: Zarre's Frost Saber companion stands roughly ten feet tall at the shoulders. Long spikes poke out of the fur at her shoulders and front arms. Long saber fangs poke out of her mouth to drop down about a third of the length of her legs which end in fearsome claws.