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Welcome to The Sins of Al-Jalasa

02:36, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Diwa

Occupation: Innkeeper at the Smiling Siren

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 107/25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race/Species: Virytra - Rabbitkin

Appearance: Much like the rest of her people, Diwa is somewhat on the tall average side, reaching 5'11" with the top of her head, but 6'11" with the tip of her furry, rabbit-like ears, protruding from the top of her head in the same copper color as her hair, which she wears long, reaching just past her shoulder blades.

Though tall, she's still rather curvy, with a bit of weight to her chest and a flare to her hips, accented even more by the fact that she wears high-heeled shoes nearly all the time. It takes a second look to notice she wears them because of how her foot is actually shaped - with a long sole, and a highly positioned heel, which simply cannot reach the floor, leaving the entire weight of the body to rest on the balls of her feet, and the toes, which seem to be spread a bit wider than one would expect.

Her legs are also a little bit longer than a human's, making her simply look "leggy" in comparison.

Contrary to public expectations, she does not, in fact, have a fluffy bunny tail as well.

She has a pleasant face, somewhat round in shape, and wide light brown eyes, surrounded by dark eyelashes. As any good hostess to a respectable establishment, she's rarely seen without a smile and is always dressed impeccably, preferring long, form-fitting dresses, with a high split to the side.

Personality: Exceptionally pleasant to be around and always polite, Diwa has perfected her role as an innkeeper (though she prefers to be referred to as the "hostess") to the last impeccable detail. From manners to the way she walks, talks, and deals with any petty squabble that arises, people tend to describe her as a fitting reflection of what The Smiling Siren has to offer.

In private, she retains much of that warmth and accommodation, always preferring that people around her are pleased, rather than antagonize them in any way. Her loyalties lie with one Thaddeus Kazzalath, since she very much owes him her freedom, a roof over her head, and employment, neither of which she takes likely.

Towards those she had known for a while, she tends to take an "older sister" role, especially if the person in question is someone she connects with on a personal level, and feels the need to look out for them. Naturally nurturing as she is, Diwa is still prone to extending a helping hand, even if there's a chance she might get bit for it.

Also, she had developed a taste for harmless pranks, and often enjoys setting them up at her workplace, purely for her own amusement.


Peacemaker: Decades of working at the Smiling Siren had taught her the fine art of defusing problems before they escalate into something which might disturb other guests. Arguments never reach levels beyond snarky remarks thrown over the table. Goods deliveries are handled professionally and on schedule. Fistfights, if they happen, rarely need the attention of the bouncer, as Diwa has a way of sorting those out herself, and still making it seem like nothing but a minor disturbance. Needless to say, if an issue escalates enough that it reaches the ears of the owner of the tavern, that means Diwa was not on duty that day.

Rabbit feet: Those long legs of hers aren't just for show. Coming from a race of people used to living on tricky ground and winding pathways, Diwa can easily outrun nearly anyone, along with being able to jump very high and at an admirable length. This extends into her being able to pack quite a kick, able to knock someone much stronger than her off their feet. She's no fighter, though. Her people are descendants of a prey species, and are simply built to run, not hold their ground.

Eavesdropping: Much like her legs, the large ears adorning her head are not just for show. Able to turn them towards anything she deems interesting to hear, her hearing is far superior to her eyesight, for example. She can separate and sharpen sounds she focuses on, thus being able to hear whispers on the other side of a crowded room, making her an excellent gatherer of information. She had perfected this enough that she can also partly predict one's mood, simply by the tone of their voice.

History: Barely able to recall her early years as anything more than constant running and hiding in damp spaces, smelling of wet wood and earth, Diwa's memories start in a cage. Hauled from one slave trader to the next, as a small, scrawny-looking thing, she never really got much attention, her curled-up form pretty unpromising in any field a slave was usually needed for. She was too thin, and poorly kept to work, too young to be of any other use, and refusing to speak, she was deemed mute as well.

It was on the very last auction that the slave master had offered her, fully planning to simply dispatch her if she did not get sold, she was offered for a sum so low that people thought it was a joke.

Still, to both her and the slave master's surprise, Diwa got sold to an inconspicuous-looking man, taken out of her cage, and brought into a grand hall, bright and warm and very much unlike the burrows and the cages she was used to. Then, she was introduced to a monster. Big and frightening and unlike anything she had ever seen, making her think that perhaps being killed by the slavemaster was a kinder fate.

However, after some time and a lot of conviction from people that surrounded her, she had learned that she was, in fact, not bought to be a meal, but was to be cleaned up, taught proper etiquette and manners, and she would get anything she wanted. A home, a job, and a life far easier than it ever was.

So it came to pass, as this was over 100 years ago, and she still works at the same place, and for the same man, whom she had come to respect on levels she never believed she could.

Other information: Besides working at the Smiling siren tavern, Diwa also does some jobs on the side. Primarily, these include venturing to various goods providers and setting up orders, checking on the newly arrived merchandise, and less often; carrying messages and getting the attention of the Shadowed Sands when their services are requested.

Her true passion is baking. Some months ago, she had come in contact with a pastry chef from the Summer Isle, who took up residence in Al-Jalasa, to live out his well-earned retirement. Diwa had been paying him a small fee to teach her some of the Summer Isle recipes, and found to have a knack for it.
She now also started to save money and put it aside, intending to make use of her freedom and possibly purchase herself a small store space and start her own business.