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Welcome to The Divine & The Damned

12:32, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Amathavel Aelorothi

Amathavel was born a prince of House Aelorothi over 5,000 years ago. His house and 11 others of the realm of Siluvanede decided to follow the words of Sarya Dlardrageth of House Dlardrageth & strengthen their bloodline by mating with Demons (Tana'ri in the Elven tongue) in secret. After a few hundred years, they were numerous enough to expand their borders and warred with their Moon Elf neighbors and their Sylvan Elf allies. Amathavel was a 3rd generation Fey'ri, trained in both the sword and in his inherent talent for sorcery, eager to prove himself in battle and help his house in any way he could. However upon involving himself in a few battles, he saw the horrors of war and he felt the loss of life on both sides, as his elven blood fought against the demonic that gave him and his people power and advantage on the battlefield. He kept this "weakness" secret from his family and while in the field, tried to stem the killing when he could whether it was sparing women and children in secret or misdirecting forces under his command to minimize the bloodshed.

The war dragged on for 10 years and the war brought in other elven realms on the side of the Moon elves while the Fey'ri conscripted Goblinoids as fodder but eventually the Fey'ri lost and their realm was invaded and he and what family didn’t die in the final siege were taken prisoner. Amathavel and several dozen Daemonfey were rounded up, separated from the elder family members and placed on trial but since they were mostly young and were guilty only of being born, it was decreed that they be placed in magical stasis in a nameless location instead of being put to death for there had been enough of that to go around after years of war. Blindfolded and placed in wagons, they were taken to an underground dungeon and placed in magical slumber.

This magical stasis slowly decayed as the Fey'ri were simply forgotten and the world moved on until the enchantments finally failed and Amathavel and his comrades were freed after a handful of millennia. Suddenly awakened they debated on what to do. Some wanted vengeance, some wanted to go home if it still existed, and a few others struck out on their own - Amathavel made the last choice to go on his own. After a few months he acclimated to this world & lived the life of an adventurer & joined a half a dozen adventuring bands but never really fitting in and never letting anyone get too close to him.

When The Stars Fell, the Overpower AO approached him with the opportunity to accept Fenmarel Mestarine's godly essence, Amathavel was apprehensive at first as many of the Seldarine turned their backs on his race and the Fey'ri in turn trusted their own demonic power & turned to other non-elven, dark gods to swear allegiance to. However, this Seldarine god was so like Amathavel - outcast, cast-off, staying apart and alone. With knowing this, he accepted Fenmarel's spark.

His true form was that of an elf with red skin, horns protruding from his forehead, a tail & bat-wings that allow him to fly but could alter his form like a Succubus to appear as a normal Sun Elf. With Fenmarel's power within him now, he altered his form to reflect his elven heritage while keeping a few demonic features.