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Welcome to The Sins of Al-Jalasa

02:58, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Seniya Bayaqud

Name: Seniya Bayaqud

Occupation: Dancer & overall scoundrel.

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 48, looks to be around her early twenties.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race/Species: Exiled

Appearance: A somewhat shorter woman for a Exiled, Seniya stands at around 5'2" tall with a overall slender and well curved build. In lieu of horns on her forehead she has two horns growing out of the side of her head that function as her ears as well and patches of scales over her body.

Her long snow white hair is kept neat and as clean as Seniya can manage, which isn't always the easiest thing for her.

Personality: Seniya is best described as a happy person, always trying to be positive and happy to be in charge of her own life and destiny. She's a fairly energetic person by trait and tends to put her own needs first, second only to helping out family or truly close friends.

Exiled Physiology: Due to her Demonic heritage Seniya is far stronger and more durable then her slender and thin frame would suggest.
Specific to the type of Exiled Seniya belongs to is that their hearing shares some similarities with echo location due to their ears being the horns on the side of their heads, which gives them a very acute sense of spatial awareness for their immediate surroundings. Other then that they just function as normal ears in terms of hearing.

Agile and flexible: Having grown up mostly a orphan among the Bayaqud tribe Seniya learned to react fast and be quick on her feet. She had a penchant for getting into trouble and got apt at twisting and turning as she ran to shake would be pursuers of.

Acrobatics: Due to a combination of being flexible, strong, agile and quick on her feet Seniya is a very acrobatic woman and quite good at quickly scaling up and down walls and parkour.

Dancing: Seniya always enjoyed dancing and became reasonably good at it.

Sleight of Hand: Having grown up with little in the ways of wealth to herself, she became a bit of a street rat in her younger years, stealing to survive.

Thievery: Seniya is a skilled a cat burglar and as such knows her way around locks and traps. As well as how to move rather quietly.


Seniya was born to the Bayaqud tribe of Exiled, a group that made its living in and around the outskirts of Al-Jalasa. Seniya's mother died in childbirth and her father died when she was still quite young fighting in the cities fighting pits. As a result Seniya had to learn to be independent from a young age and that came with a overwhelming freedom.

Though Seniya could always fall back on her Tribe for aid, she never really did instead wanting to live up to the ideal independent daughter of the mother she had idealized in her head, based of the stories her father had shared with her. She quickly learned to survive in the city, she begged and stole as needed to feed herself.

As she became older, she developed a interest in dancing after seeing a wandering troupe of Elven dancers go through the city. She started to practice from that day some thirty-five years ago. Though she has gotten good, she never got her lucky break and what little money she earned she kept spending on fancy clothes to wear during her dances hoping it would help her stand out more.

Other information:
Affiliated with the Orphans, though she is a Grown these days.

Untapped Potential; If properly trained in it Seniya could easily become a deadly woman with blades, especially lighter curved blades to make use of her skills as a dancer.