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Welcome to We Built This Here (Mostly Free Form Adult Narrative)

04:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Octavia Vance

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115lbs.
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Age: 20

Brief Biography: Octavia was one of those with the first group to settle Truck Stop. She arrived with her father, mother, and two younger brothers. Octavia's father died about a year ago, killed during a salvage operation. While her mother took her brothers and left to be closer to her family near Kingman, Octavia opted to stay. She has become friends with Tiffani Zero and Razor. Octavia also gets along well with William Black and Truck Stop's founder, Jesus Santiago. Both of the men act as sort of father figures due to loyalty towards Octavia's father.

Octavia works on a maintenance crew now, and the majority of her free time is dedicated to getting her father's car up and running.

Description: Octavia is a little on the short side and could be considered waifish. She is pretty though, and she has an endearing smile. Octavia works hard and has managed to not get herself caught up in any sort of drama with the variety of willing and able boys. Octavia is often found wearing a maintenance suit or dirty coveralls that always find a way to get something stained on them. During downtime Octavia favors loose and comfortable clothing.


Attributes: 2
-Deceptive: Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! +1 rank in any skill check made to lie or obscure the truth from somebody.
-Girl-Next-Door: She's such a nice girl! +1 rank in any skill check made to convince somebody of her innocents.
First Wave Skills: 10
-Mechanic 6
-Repair 7
-Technology 6
Second Wave Skills: 8
-Melee Weapons 2
-Dancing 2
-Scavenging 2
-Acting 2
Inventory: Half a pack of cigarettes, a lighter on it's last few flicks, 2 bottles of beer, wrench, pliers, 450 caps, & a dirty monkey suit

Sexual Content: High
Parent: If it happens it happens