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14:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dawn Porter

Name: Dawn Porter

Nickname (if applicable): N/A

Age: 23

Physical Description/Distinguishing Features: Standing at a respectable and healthy 5'8” and weighing around 102 lbs, Dawn feels she is tall for her gender. Not the tallest of course, but above average at least. Dawn has medium length slightly wavy brown hair and dark eyes. She would describe herself as pretty and others might as well. She keeps her clothing casual and comfortable if she can. Though she will dress up if the occasion calls for it. She has a sacred heart tattooed on her right shoulder blade with her mother's name in it.

Personality Description: Sweet, kind and friendly most of the time. There are times when she will get depressed and melancholy as her childhood rears it's ugly head once again. Normally though she is friendly and approachable.

Occupation: Unemployed and living off a court settlement she won from her father.

Theme Song: Who I am by Jessica Andrews / Bitch by Meredith Brooks

Face Claim: Dakota Johnson

Likes and Dislikes (non-sexual): Dawn likes driving, traveling, reading, spending time with friends. She dislikes rudeness, her father, entitled people and being made to look foolish.

Sexual Likes: None, Dawn is Asexual

Sexual Dislikes within RPoL Standards: None

Dawn's mother passed away from cancer when Dawn was only 10 years old. This left her to the not so tender mercies of her father. He was never actually physically abusive to his daughter, but he treated her more like a live in slave than his daughter. From the time after her mother's funeral, to the day she ran from his house, Dawn was basically cinderella. Cooking and cleaning the house from top to bottom daily, to his demanding specifications. The poor girl had to do homeschooling to be able to get any kind of education at all. Dawn was still able to do well enough to get into a state school for college. Though she took the opportunity to get out from under her father's thumb and left the state to attend college.

Once she was free from him, she consulted a lawyer and sued her father for the treatment she'd received in his house growing up as well as emotional damages. She won her case and was awarded a big settlement that she used a portion of to pay off her student loans, her lawyer and still have enough to live off of for a while. Once she settles somewhere she'll look into going to law school and becoming a lawyer herself so that she can possibly keep other kids going through the kind of things she went through as a child.

Current Pants Dawn is wearing at the moment.