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Welcome to The Sins of Al-Jalasa

23:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Wylla

Occupation: Slave

Actual Age/Apparent Age: unknown

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race/Species: unknown

Appearance: Wylla is the type of a woman to turn anyone's eye, whether they consider her attractive or not. Of average height, and pleasantly lithe, she moves with an almost unnatural grace. Clearly not a native to the desert, she has long, slightly wavy auburn hair, warm brown eyes, and a doe-like face, her features soft and dotted with very faint freckles - the kind one has to get really close to actually notice. But it is not her form or face that draws the eye, but a set of antlers protruding from her head. Wylla keeps them clean and polished at all times, because if she leaves them unattended for too long, they inexplicably begin to grow moss. More so, they seemed to betray some of Wylla's stronger emotions, and sometimes, they can sprout anything from autumn leaves, to colorful springtime flowers. Wylla has no control over this, only a vague understanding of which emotions produce which "decorations".

Personality: For what it's worth, given that her entire former life has been wiped away by the strange rituals the Sisters force their slaves to go through, Wylla came out the other end of that harrowing ordeal a calm, obedient slave. She had passed all their tests, and gritted her teeth through all of their training, but she had learned what they wanted her to know. Domesticated and trained to be anything from a housekeeper, to nightly entertainment, to living decoration, Wylla can mold herself into any role. But what little is left of her true self, turns out to be gentle, kind, and somewhat melancholy person, wrapped in a deep sense of longing for something she can no longer even name.

Trained slave: As mentioned before, Wylla has the knowledge to fill in any role in any household, but seems to be most comfortable in roles that include taking care of living space or a person, or both.

Connection to nature: Though she cannot explain it, Wylla has a deep connection with plants and the earth. She loves being barefoot, as that lets her feel the vibrations of the ground below her. She loves being near plants, as they seem to soothe her, and at times, she can hear them whispering among themselves.

History: Wylla has no recollection of her life before she woke up surrounded by the Sisters, in their ritual den. There was nothing before that. Only darkness, pain, and broken things. After that, her training had lasted for a full of two years, before she was deemed decent enough to be sold, and today, she goes to the Slave Trade for the first time. To whoever buys her, go no chains or locks or keys, but a simple piece of wood, worn to smoothness by many hands that held it. Wylla can feel everything that happens to this piece of wood, and it was often used to discipline her, when she did not perform her tasks as it was expected.

Other information: Wylla is actually a dryad, taken from the deepest part of the Great Woods. Her tree had been torn down, and burned, with only a small piece of it taken, to keep Wylla under control and bound to it. Wylla has no memory of her former life, nor does she know she's a Dryad at all, but she definitely feels like being a slave is not her natural state, and constantly feels at odds with this status.