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Welcome to Victorian Gothic: Bloodlines of Magic

19:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Belle Cavendish

Full Name: Belle Fitzroy
Nickname: N/A
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Languages: English, French
Current status: Married to Silas Cavendish
Current Residence: with Silas

Overall Appearance: Belle is a small young woman who is slightly plump. Her curly dark hair and her complexion are evidence of her mixed heritage. Dark eyes glitter with a challenge to the world and any who stand in her way. She has full lips and a wicked smile. Her voice is sweet and clear. No one could fault her posture, but the way she moves tends to be a bit more hasty and forceful than is considered ladylike.

Height: 5 ft
Weight: 150 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Black
Hair Style: Long and Curly
Complexion: Maple, soft and smooth
Body shape: Rubenesque
Distinguishing Marks: N/A
Clothing: The style of her clothes is fashionable but the colors tend to be much bolder and more vibrant. When it comes to shoes she chooses function over fashion.

Basic Personality: Belle is an intelligent and educated young woman who is passionate about poverty and equality. She does not hesitate to share her views. She is impatient and despises the necessity of what she refers to as "twitspeak." To appease her grandfather, she has had her debut and is at least making a show of trying to find a match. Her tongue and temper are sharp. Steel over velvet, underneath that outspokenness is woman with a big heart full of compassion who wants to do something more than give a husband an heir or grace the dance floor with her time on Earth.

Magic Percentage: Kin15/Ent10
Special Skills: Belle is actually quite a good cook, seamstress, and gardener. She has some knowledge of herbalism and rudimentary medicine and first aid. She knows how to haggle and barter. Her voice is beautiful. She is not the most graceful dancer but she takes an evident delight in it that is rather captivating. Aside from that she has been very well educated for the past 4 years, including in the arts a young lady is expected to know. She can at least passably paint and draw and play the piano.

History: Belle's father scandalized the family by falling in love with and marrying one of the servants, a young Black woman. He was cut off from the family and their wealth. He would always argue that it was worth it. Even if it was not a wealthy home, it was a loving one.

Belle's mother died in childbirth giving birth to her brother Edward. Her father was heartbroken but he still did his best to provide for his children, materially and emotionally. Belle took over managing the household and caring for her brother.

It was not an easy life, but it was full of love and laughter. Until Duke Grafton and some of his men showed up about 4 years ago.

His heir, his wife, and their two sons had all taken sick and died. That left Edward and Belle as the only hope for the bloodline. And Duke Andrew was NOT going to let his family line or their nobility die out. Her father was recovering from a long illness and was unable to prevent his children from being ushered away to be prepared to take their places in society. For Belle, this included rigorous homeschooling closely overseen by her grandfather and a year at a finishing school in Switzerland.
