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Welcome to Whispers of Calamity

10:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Quillion Rose
Race: Half-Elf
Align: Neutral Good
Gender: Male
Template: Animal Lord - polar bear
Class: Barbarian/Sorcerer
Ht: 6 feet 8 inches
Wt: 314 lbs
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Ice Blue

Distinguishing Features: Various battle scars throughout his body. No single scar really stands out, but the presence of so many on one body does.

Personality: Quillon knows he looks intimidating and enjoys playing into it sometimes. But in reality he is pretty easy going. He enjoys joking with his friends and relaxing around a warm meal.

Most Important People:
Wife - Uvra Rose (34): A half-ork woman who doesn't have time to deal with Quillion's jokes, and he loves her for it. She manages the homestead whenever Quillion is away on missions (and even when he isn't).
Son - Gideon Rose (7): Non-identical twin to Belrov. He shares his father's Elven features. Loves bugs, mud puddles, and burps.
Son - Belrov Rose (7): Non-identical twin to Gideon. He shares his mother's orcish features. Loves doodling, kittens, and climbing.
Daughter - Silvia Rose (2): This little toddler inherited the most human features from both her parents, and also has pure white hair like her pappa. Quillion suspects she will probably be a bear lord too, when she gets older. Loves dancing, babbling, and getting into mischief.

Deity: Silvanus

Quillion Rose:
13. History:

Level 0-5th
Before moving to the Dalelands and becoming an adventurer in Shadowdale, Quillion lived in the wilderness with his elven mother, Velris Rose. She was quite sickly and had a hard time providing food and shelter for Quillion, let alone keep close tabs on the rambunctious young lad. And as a result he grew up almost feral. Quillion often got into (what he considered to be) playful scraps with the local badgers and deer and raccoons. His bear-blessing helped to ensure he never got too roughed up. When he came home one day bruised and bloody from a run-in with a rogue wolf, however, Quillion's mother insisted it was time they packed up and sought a safer place to call home. Besides, his mother's own sickly state had only been getting worse and worse. She probably needed a community watching her back as much as Quillion. And so they settled in Shadowdale.

As a teenager, Quillion began showing skill as a fledgling sorcerer, and even gained a fuzzy familiar, Cubby. He developed several spell-slinging techniques, although his go-to spells still tended to be Punch Fist or Mean Glare. And those were usually quite effective! He eventually got into paid adventuring as a young man and earned some money to help support himself and his mother. Quillion discovered a talent for crafts and was surprised to discover a talent for making magical doodads. And he also loved using his Instant Portrait spell to bring back pictures of the notable foes he faced. He still does the same for his kids in present day.

Level 6-11th

With his artistic pursuits being his main interest for a while, Quillion began working hard to master his sorcery and expand his magical skill sets. Which of course always proved useful in his adventuring endeavors as well. In his spare time he liked to use Fabricate and Wall of Stone to help make structures, gear, and works of art for the community. His favorite projects were sculptures.

These magics were also key in helping to defeat the slavers who had been imprisoning his future wife, Uvra. They didn't start dating right away, but he and Uvra would eventually find themselves undeniably drawn to one another. It was shortly after he and Uvra began dating seriously that his mother passed from her incurable illness and was laid to rest. He channeled a lot of his grief (perhaps unhealthily, but effectively) into his barbaric rages.

Level 12-16th

As Quillion's adventuring groups became more famous and began tackling tougher foes, he began to notice the trend that a lot of enemies were starting to become tougher to get close to. Even with his newfound ability to walk on walls. But instead of finding ways to get closer to use his teeth and claws, Quillion instead focused on finding ways to "bite" them from afar. He worked on his skills with a bow until he felt comfortable enough being able to assist from the back lines. Of course he was never afraid to get up close and personal too.

Quillion and Uvra also decided to tie the knot and get married. The newlyweds loved to go out on little excursions together to stake some vampires on occasion. In memory of Uvra's late sisters. They also helped Uvra's mother plant her garlic gardens, who happened to live next door. Uvra also gave birth to their twin boys around this time and they both took a small break from adventuring for a while.

17th +

But the call to adventure was deeply rooted in both of them by this point, and they quickly returned to their lives of excitement. Usually one of them would stay home with the twins while the other went off to do courageous feats of heroics. Occasionally grandma would keep an eye on them too. The same trend continued after their daughter was born.

Quillion even learned how to craft actual magical construct creatures to help around the house too! In fact, his magical and primal powers had both grown so extreme that Quillion, paradoxically, became a being made of pure primal roars rather than flesh and blood (his bloodline capstone ability). It was, to put it lightly, bizarre. But also potent. Quillion, once a little bear cub growing up in the wilderness, was now a powerful warrior-mage with a life most would be envious of. He had helped to free slaves, fight vampires, and even slay Winthrixuamaparil! And he was only just getting started.

16. An Enemy Someone you have really fracked off:

Waylan Urgoth of the Blood Mare Tribe. Due to his wife's brutal history with the vampire lord, Quillion does whatever he can, whenever he can, to make unlife harder for the dude. But until the guy's head is removed from his shoulders, Quillion will not have done nearly enough.