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23:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aris Belmere

Name: Aris Belmere

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Profession: Historian

Type of Variation/Abilities: Guide

Appearance: Standing at 5'6", Aris sports a mostly athletic body, but with a pleasant curve to it. She has an oval-shaped face and a certain frame to it which makes her look very pleasant and approachable. Her eyes seem to be a shade between blue and gray, depending on the lighting, sharp and keen on details. Her hair is a warm strawberry blonde color, courtesy of her parents "paying a bit extra" to make her not take after them and inherit their plain black and brown tresses. Being a member of one of the more "quality" houses, she has fair skin, thin wrists, and long elegant fingers.

Like all dome-born (genetically designed children), she has several golden-colored tattoos encircling her upper and lower arms, as well as a long one stretching down her spine. Though they look like they serve no purpose beyond decoration, they are, in fact, a government-issued way of identifying "manufactured" individuals.

Personality: By those who met her briefly, Aris would be described as a true skeptic. Usually enjoying good humor and spending time with the people she cares about, her positive attitude can be gone in an instant, once she gets into contemplating the society she lives in.

She is well aware that the stories of the dome-city's grandeur, in comparison to the harsh and downright dangerous conditions outside of them are nothing more than putting a pretty pink bow on a thorn bush.

She is deeply skeptical of the way the society is run and longs for a change, as well as dreading it a the same time. Despite having some rather strong opinions on all of it, she is one of those people who is actually willing to see things from a different perspective.

She is of firm believes that the way non-variant people of the Eden Dome are not treated fairly, and she has voiced her convictions - perhaps - one too many times.


Historian - well-versed in her profession, she is a virtual well of knowledge for all things concerning the Eden Dome - one of the rare encased human settlements within the barren wasteland the outer world had become. Aris pays attention to details, often noticing things that elude others, especially if that information can be found within a sea of data, within the Dome's archives. She also has a pretty decent memory and can recall things with great accuracy.

Guide - Her variation consists of two things, one of them being the "unseen" ability to guide people toward what they need. She cannot use this gift for herself, but for anyone else, they only need to voice what they have need of, and Aris gets a strong feeling in her stomach - like someone tied it into a knot and is being tugged toward the place where "the thing" is. She is not a big fan of this gift, as it often feels really uncomfortable, but even she cannot deny its overall usefulness.

Luminokinesis - the part of her variation that landed her a prestigious position in the Eden Dome society, Aris can create and manipulate light; anything from a mere soft glow to searing, blinding, laser-like light, capable of cutting through metal. She avoids doing this last one, though, as it drains her immensely, often to the point of falling unconscious for an entire day. Still, the luminokinesis has proven to be handy, when in combination with the guiding ability.


Difficult to hide - Though gifted in many things, the fact of the matter is that Aris was literally designed to stand out. Everything from her variation, to her looks and the golden tattoos gleaming along her skin, she cannot conceal herself without help, no matter how much she tries.

Zathrian - Though he is unaware, Aris has been carrying a torch for Zath for a decade straight. Many of her decisions are influenced by thoughts of him, and she is willing to risk anything and everything for him. This has only strengthened ever since he was declared variant-less and was thrown out of the safety of Eden.

History: Coming from a prestigious family of powerful Variants, Aris was designed to reflect her heritage. Celebrated for her early showing of a Variation, she was deemed a prodigy, and arose quickly within the societal ranks, having her pick of living accommodations, education and, eventually, workplace. But it wasn't until she became a bit older that she realized there was a significant difference at how she was treated, and some other members of the Eden Dome.

For example, her friend, Zathrian, even though he was a very bright young man, seemed to have to work three times as hard to get anywhere. And little by little, Aris started looking into it, eventually understanding that at the Eden Dome, no variant meant no value, and though she was one of the rare ones that comforted Zath about getting his in time, before his 26th birthday, not even Aris would be able to stop his removed from the Dome, once it happened.

Up to the last moment, she didn't believe it would actually happen, but the moment the enforcers came to grab him, and took him away, she knew that this kind of society was simply... not right. She read a lot about the world before the disaster which rendered it barren and empty, and while it was not without it's flaws, it wasn't as cruel as this was.

Zath was gone for days, and it wasn't until she got told that he was seen being thrown out of the airlock, that she even knew where to look. Finally, after a few days spent pacing the inside of the dome, whilst seeing Zath being somehow tormented by the creatures that lurked outside, Aris came to a decision.

She could not use her Variant for herself, but she could certainly guide Zath somewhere where his lack of one would not be a problem. Somewhere where he'd be safe.

So, the next night, Aris snuck to the same airlock he was pushed out of, and - dressed for traveling and with a backpack full of food and water - she abandoned her home and family. She had no plan, but merely a loose idea that, maybe, she'd be able to find her way back to the Dome, once she made sure Zath was safe.


If she wanted to go back at all.

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