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04:13, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Freddy Bender

NAME: Jeffry Bender



AGE: 36

LEGAL STATUS: US Citizen, Former Marine

OCCUPATION: Salvage Dealer/ Tinkerer

THE LOOKS: Weathered by more than Mother Nature Jeffry has the nicks, scars, burns and bumps from a life he has insisted on living on his own terms. His face bares witness to every fight he has ever won and the few that he has lost over the years, most of them a result of him refusing to back down from something he believed in.

Jeff is a rugged 6' 2" and 185 pounds and often sports a five-o-clock shadow as early as 10 in the morning. There is almost always grease and grime under his nails and even a hard scrubbing wont remove the grit that has been ground into his hands.  He keeps his black hair cut short but there is nothing stylish about it, it just gets lopped off with a set of scissors when it gets in the way.

Jeff was to young to be part of the Great War but when he turned 16 he enlisted in the Marines and spent 8 years in service. During that time his already impressive street fighting skills were refined and honed to a brutal degree. It was during this time that he also learned that regardless of the color of a person's skin they all bled the same color and when the man was guarding your back you didn't worry about where he was from.

THE DRIVE:  I've always had a way with anything mechanical. I'm not sayin' I'm some great genius or thinker but where most folks see broken parts and scrap I see potentials and possibilities. I can look at parts and see how they could fit together to do things they were never intended or how to fix or modify them if they were broke.  I like to think that with a good spanner and a hammer I can build almost anything. I suppose that's why I bought the old scrap yard after my time in the Marines. I still regret that I was unable to do my part in the War.  It took a lot of work to get all the equipment up and runnin' to my satisfaction then longer to build the tools I needed in order to build what I wanted or more importantly, what others thought they needed. A smart person learned quick who you should and shouldn't take jobs with.

At first I didn't understand the damage I was causing, then I started recognizing the effects of some of the equipment I had built at places crimes had been committed.  At that point I realized I hadn't been careful enough.  A wise man always has his secrets, mine was equipment I considered too dangerous for anyone to use. It may have been intended for use around the yard but if it could lift and crush a car there was no reason it couldn't do the same to a wall.

Time to clean up the mess I've made. I don't know if what I'll be doing will be seen as Justice, Retribution, or brutal Intimidation but someone needs to let the gangs and the Mobs know they don't rule the streets. And the cops? If they are crooked they need to know there is a cost for that too.

If this was post WWII Jeffry would be considered a Hotrodder, more specifically, a Ratrodder. Stock is never good enough for him. he is going to customize, strengthen, re-engineer, and in a lot of cases flat out invent the devices and tech. that he needs to do what he wants to do. A few of his designs are patented and some of them he has even sold to major manufactures (mostly automotive).
When he is out and about delivering his brand of justice Jeffery or Nova as he may come to be known wears a crude exoskeleton that boosts his strength to the point he can easily lift a small truck or crush a car. it is a bit over 8 feet tall and weighs over a 1/2 a ton. The hands are five times the size of a normal hand and can function like jackhammers delivering up to 200 blows per minute. The torso is armored as is the head and there is a retractable shield on the right forearm. The power supply for the suit is currently good for only about 45 minutes of intense usage.

Jeffry is always tinkering and incorperating new devices into his equipment or upgrading old equipment to function better as he comes across better material.

While the suit is powerful it isn't  fast so for transportation he has The Beast. No it is not street legal. Powered by two 12 liter turbo charged engines it is practicly a tank on wheels. it is a battering ram, repair center, escape vehicle, and mobile first aide station. It is very well armored but not armed although it does have a front and rear cannon deployable grapple hook connected to powerful winches. The shell of The Beast can be electrified if needed