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Welcome to A Journey to Immortality

12:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Heron Forgewrought


one.- A picture ( A href="imageaddress" align=left or right>) this is self explanatory your character image.

two. Quote- This should be something your character has said in the past.
"Everything breaks.  Make sure it breaks how you want."
"Look to the spider, devouring its home to make it anew.  Know when to repair what's destroyed, and when to finish the destruction to make way for the new."
three. Introduction-
A long line of smiths might be humble for most, but not for a dwarf.  Forgewrought  The name is an ancient one, and well respected, though not technically nobility.

Seeking to make a name for himself even among such an august family, Heron turned his mind toward improving the forge itself.  Great bellows powered by the heat of the very forge they supplied, drop hammers of unmatched precision, alchemical tinctures for the coke used in smelting ores to begin with.  These breaks from tradition were not all well recieved, with some claiming that putting too much between smith and steel prevented him from putting his soul into his work as a proper dwarven smith should.

So, naturally, he poured more of his soul into his tools, figuratively speaking... until it wasn't.  His forge awoke, bellows pumping air to speak, and asked of him a body to join in his craft.  So he did, and eventually he poured so much into it, that it began to pour back.  Heron Forgewrought, Master of the Living Forge.

Taking the lessons of his forge, he then turned to the smelter, breathing life into it as he had once before.  This time his heart and soul remained entirely his own, but the smelter too gained life.  Alloy, the inferno wolf became another trusted companion.

These accomplishments alone would have been enough to stand out, but then war came, as it always does, but this time it ended with the end of all things, and somehow Heron emerged from the fighting... mostly unscathed.  Oh sure, he has scars here and there, The Living Forge was beaten, battered, and dented, but nothing that can't be fixed by taking it apart and replacing damaged pieces.  Alloy was reduced almost entirely to scrap, but enough remained to relight the flame and rebuild what had been destroyed.  Rebuilt better, with silver inlay tracing out coat patterns across the mix of ceramics, steel, and brass.

four.  Your Church- tell me about its goals and purposes.
All who live, live better when they build.  No matter their alignment, their morals, their ancestry or language or culture.  Making tools with which to make the things you need, or to make better tools to make better versions of the things you need.  The Church of the Built World seeks to preserve and advance the skills which separate person from animal.  We look at nature and say "I can do better." and then we do.  Perhaps it's arrogant, but a farm feeds more people than the forest that stood there before.  A city of stone shelters more people than the cave that was originally in the quarry.  Locks and dams blunt the effects of drout and bring abundance to barren land.

And yet, nothing built is eternal.  The belief that it is, that is the kernel of stagnation and decay.  Do not be afraid to destroy that which you have built when it no longer serves its purpose.  Look to the spider, consuming it's torn web to weave anew.  Small holes it may patch, but it knows when to finish the destruction and start over.

five.  Paladin & Antipaladin code if your character has them in their service.
six. Temples & Shrines- these are your places or worship tell me where their main temple is ( feel free to create a city name and some information on it and your temple, tell me about what shrines are set to your character)
His temples and shrines vary greatly, for it is the local congregation that builds them.  Hiring someone else to build a shrine or a temple for you isn't done.  As such, the grandure of these structures depends almost entirely on the number of worshipers in that region, not their wealth.

They are also never entirely finished.  Every member of a congregation must contribute, so some part of the structure is left for new converts to help finish.  When this becomes impossible, it's time to tear it down and rebuild it.  It's destruction, but not chaotic destruction.  It's the careful disassembly, inspection of all parts, replacement of damaged parts, and reassembly.  An overhaul.

seven.The Role of your Priest, tell me what role they fill.
Teachers and planners, keepers of blueprints.  At least, they are when they're associated with a particular temple.  Itinerant priests are still teachers, and they provide advice to those who plan, but they don't carry loads of blueprints around with them.

Spells for the faithful:
Healing isn't typically "free" but the cost is rarely coin.  Instead the cost is in making or repairing something as an act of worship.
Destructive spells of all sorts can often be turned to civil engineering projects.  Again these aren't "free" but the cost is typically "Okay, now actually build the thing I just cleared ground for."

Higher ranked clergy, once they exist, will build Constructs to serve the purposes of the Church.  A town may not be able to afford one in a single generation, but a well maintained Construct can work for many mortal lifetimes.  It's a product of engineering, which can build, destroy, and help create abundance by working the fields.  They are holy engines that embody the triumph of tools over nature.

eight. Adventurers what is the relationship of adventurers within your church.
Mixed.  Many are quite welcome, but many druids find cold shoulders.  Turning their noses up at the things people build doesn't exactly endear them to the congregation.  Barbarians are also regarded with suspicion.  They're certainly destructive, but they're chaotically destructive.  The swathe they cut is ragged and unsuited to construction.

nine. Clothing, tell me the colors of your worship, and style of clothing.
Steel-grey tabard, with a blaze of orange around the bottom of the sternum.  For Temple priests, this is often the literal but heatless blaze of a Continual Flame spell.  This is held in place with a leather belt that has a brass buckle.

ten. Holy Texts, name one and tell me about it.
Building Anew  The most widespread of his texts, it's an accounting of the establishment of a new city in wild lands, filled with lessons about how and what to build in response to what nature throws at you.  Indeed it's a refined copy of his journal from shortly after The Restart.  Leading a small group to reconquor nature around them and tame the wilds with fire and steel and mortar and stone.

The Archive Less of a book, and more in the nature of a library, The Archive is a collection of blueprints brought back by priests.

eleven. Holiday, tell me what your holidays are and what they involve.
The Web Dance  Taking place shortly after the harvest, the faithful gather in an open space with large amounts of rope (ideally) or cordage (in a pinch).  Then they ritualisticly tie a spiderweb between posts to hold a pavilion roof under which a feast is eaten.  Then the children play on the web for a few hours, before it is taken down again.

Typically some enterprising children start playing before the feast, to the laughter of neighbors and the scolding of parents.

twelve.Aphorisms if any ( things like if it ain't broke don't fix it/ Patient is the aim of the those with the truest strike )
"Planning like a beaver." Insult.  Beavers make a lot more work for themselves by literally letting trees fall where they may, and picking bad spots to build dams.  They may be industrious, but they're bad engineers.

thirteen. Holy Symbol- Describe it
The symbol is a flat disk with a blueprint for a simple forge on one face.  A variety of materials can be used while remaining orthodox.  The one thing it can't be is bought.  Pretty much any craft skill can be used to make something that works, even untrained if the adherent takes their time to do it right.  Remaining untrained is not kosher though.

fourteen. Weapon- tell us about your weapon
A standard blacksmith's hammer.  Mechanically it's a Warhammer.  An axe blade instead of the back face is also acceptable.

fifteen. Sacred Animal-What is your animal.
Spider.  The only animal that not only builds its home and its tools, but tears it down to rebuild it when appropriate.

sixteen. Relations with Other Religions. ( this will be added after the group is formed and is required. It is your contacts and connections in the Pantheon)