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18:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Avel'Ansratria Frostmoon


Small and slight Avel'Ansratria or simply Ansratria or Ansra to An is an elven changeling, she was wished into life rather than born in the traditional sense, so she barely tops five foot, with blue hair almost as long as she is tall. It falls in her face and is worn freely when not adventuring from time to time she allow's An to tame it and put it up in something more manageable if they are due in Court, or it is so windy it will catch on everything. She has a heart shaped face and small nose , small but full lips, high cheekbones, that seem to have a smattering of star like freckles across the bridge. Her ears come to an elven or maybe fae point. She is slender but curvy, often seen clad in hanfu or flowing gauzy gowns. She doesn't follow local trends, and can care less about what woman of the court think of her style. When she is not in court she wears either a hanfu (she stole from Qiu An's closet-sorry your not getting that back ) or her armor when she is traveling. Her ears are multi-pierced and she wears numerous bangles and anklets, she seems to float and glide just a little above the grond. It gives her some height. Her hands are delicate and she wears multiple rings on each hand.


There is a certain edge to her, she does not mean to have it but her life has in the past been numerous hardships which she has overcome, through various means, it does not mean it does not weigh upon her. Outwardly she is bubbly and friendly, she is Qiu An's wife and she keeps up the appearance of being friendly. The truth is she is far more guarded than she actually acts. She lost the person she viewed as her soul sister, and wonders if she should not be where she is now. She has long tried to find her counterpart Iceheart, the blade she was once bound too for many centuries. Iceheart, has not been on the prime material plane in what feels like forever, it severed her bond with the blade, and the blade weilder Constantina. In her current form she no longer feels the longing, she has a full life, she works with the survivors from the Asylum, she helps with the children who aren't really children any more. She has children of her own, in the fifteen years she has been married she has only had children once, though they were triplets and she is quiet happy to rip apart anyone who would harm her children. Shortly after their birth, a Red Wizard Hit Squad attacked she and Qiu An, and the resulting carnage was not something people would soon forget. After this they enchanted their home and haven't had any problems.

To her friends, she is warm and loving, a shoulder to lean or cry on. Always with a cup of tea and an extra room to anyone traveling through. Ansra, honestly cares and loves her friends, its not like the outward act she puts on when dealing with people she is uninterested in. The games at Court bore her to tears, and don't touch her husband. She doesn't have to touch you to ruin your life.

As a mother, she is the most at home, there is a sweet innocents to her that she keeps deeply guarded as she views it as a weakness. She can be found playing with toys with her kids, she did the same with all their children, now many are growing older, and she knows Qiu An isn't prepared for the oldest to go into the world, date, marry and have a life of their own. Its the survivor thing, they all have it, the need to protect and keep where they are safe, but she has also cautioned against smothering their babies. She is an excellent mother, happy to play with the kids, fix food, and discipline, though Qiu An is by far the one to keep them in line and dole out punishment where needed, when needed which is gratefully very rare.


Long ago before the crown wars Ruladicea was just an elven maiden who made the wrong choices, she fell for a man who had nefarious plans for her. He and his father, often lured innocent young woman into their grasps, and than used them as sacrifices to their dark gods. Ruladicea was one such person who fell into their snare, still a very young elf maiden she did not know much of the world of humans, and it led to her undoing. She had a son, who was taken and sacrificed by the father son duo, and she was left crippled to seek vengeance they disappeared and changed their names though their method of operation continued to be the same. She fought the cult, and destoryed several outposts until she was stricken with a curse that was slowly turning her to stone. She sought out the High Mage in her family, her Great Grandfather, she was bitter and angry and she did not wish to die. He discovered there was divine tampering in her Curse, and he could not elevate it. Fearing to never get the men who destroyed her life, she begged him to help her. He did so by creating an artifact sword, Iceheart.

Iceheart, was created for love of his great grand-daughter, and she was released into the world, into the hands of women who were truly wronged. She was a blade for many more years than she was an actual elf. Iceheart slayed many men in that time. None of them were innocent, as her blade would pass harmlessly through a man who had never wronged the woman who wielded her. Than one of the woman she was in the possession of was taken to Briarstone, she was taken from the woman and placed in a hidden drawer in the Over Attendant's desk. Leaving her for years, she slept. Up until the point the ritual rocked Briarstone, and than she was awake and alert again, as she felt the presences of the father-son duo who had not died and continued to live on and lead the cult.

It was here that Iceheart became Constantina Doukas's blade. Their interests aligned. Their nature aligned and they were both quiet happy to do what needed to be done. It was when the Dreamtime invaded Briarstone and flipped everything topsy-turvy, that Iceheart found herself existing past her blade ghost form. She was again a flesh and blood woman for a time. It was in this time that she traveled and came to know Qiu An better and he had always been her suggestion as a companion, she got to see first hand why, she fought by his side, when he was selflessly protecting survivors, when he worked give them a home, and help them come to terms with all the things that happened to them. When he decided he was going to slay the father and son, though that was a different life for her. She wanted it done for the sake of the baby, she considered her own through her connection to Constantina.  The father fled, but the son remained and she tore his heart from his chest, and she destroyed any chances that he had of resurrection. She hoped the death of the son would avenge her friend where ever she was.

Her life shifted again shortly after this as the dreamlands began to recede and they could return to the Briarstone, she assumed she would fade. She did not want to and it was Qiu An who chose to call on a Patron the group had against the darkness within the Asylum, and he swore to give a favor at another time if she would help Ruladicea survive the retreat and the return. The Patroness agreed and Ruladicea was given a clean slate, she was Ruladicea no more.

Her soul was taken and she was given form from the fae herself, in many ways she is the daughter of the Azata that reshaped her and recreated her. She was given a new name by her mother, Avel'Ansratria. It was a new body but an old soul, and yet the more Ansra she became the less Ruladicea she was. She began to forget things from that life, she began to feel the connection slipping. She was no longer a woman wronged, or a soul cursed. She was herself and she was better able to accept life for what it was. About two years after escaping the Asylum she and Qiu An married. It was something a long time meant to be, even though she fought it, and Qiu An was respectful of it. Though like everything else with the paladin he made his intent clear. No longer a youth who was still finding himself but an adult.

They took the survivors from the Aslyum and Qiu An set up a home in Cormyr and later Waterdeep. He was given title in both places, which meant she was given title as his wife. They raised Maeve, Curls and Alexios as their children. Curls, went into the service of Selune, his interest had been piqued by Qiu An choosing to take up his blade in the name of Selune. Alexios was both her deepest love and her biggest heartbreak, she wanted nothing more than to see him, grow and become a man, but longed for his mother to be there, so she did the best she could to live up to being a mother. When Maeve proved to be an Oracle, she was not surprised at all. Though the little girl was autistic still, and she continued to work with her.

She joined what had become the Fellowship of the Shards in history, and she was their from the start. She fought in every battle, and she supported her friends. It was a life she had been denied but it didn't mean the past would stay buried as the Father showed his face again, serving the demoness they fought, and she knows he is still active in the realms, as he had told her in the battle with the demoness, it did not matter how many of his children died he could always make more. She was horrified by the idea of using his children in such a way, but it was the way of evil.

Ansra, took the Prism Shard, and it is worn on a chain around her neck, tucked into what ever she is wearing. She has done her research on the Shards. She continues to do her research on them.