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Welcome to Rifts : Tolkeen Under Siege

15:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ralph Jenden

Age: 30 (born 76 PA)
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 210 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Bald
MA: 16
PB: 4 (was 12)
Racial Ethnicity: White
Siblings: One brother, and one sister
Earl, born 78 PA (whereabouts unkown, serving as an officer with CSN spec ops command, but disowned by the family)
Trixabelle, born 86 PA (KIA while serving as a power armor pilot somewhere on the Tolkeen front)
Parents: Both alive and well
Family Status: Ralph is the prince of the Jenden family. If his recent courts martial was ever made public then he would most likely be exiled like his younger brother Earl.

Appearance: Bald headed with a stubble of facial hair, the right side of Ralphs face has been severely burned. A bionic eye sticks out like a fish eyeball on that right side, and his left eye has a certain kind of hate in it.

Disposition:  Ralph has the attitude of getting things done no matter what the cost. He has a known reputation of being brutal to enemy POW’s where he will allow the Kill Hounds under his command to rip off and eat the limbs of mages. The poor mage is even kept alive by a medic and forced to watch his limbs being consumed by the Kill Hound. It is even rumored that he executed a private for stepping out of formation.

Background: The Jenden family/dynasty is one that can trace its roots to the very beginning of the Coalition. The family even claims that one of their ancestors was one of the famed ‘Neamans’ to have survived the Great Cataclysm, then built and defended Chi-Town in the beginning of those dark times. Those who debunk this claim are shown an old battered Neaman auto-pistol, which surprisingly enough has been maintained and still fires.

With his father as a serving officer in the Coalition Military, Ralph and his siblings grew up as privileged youths in the upper levels of Chi-Town.

From the beginning Ralph wanted to join the military, and become an officer. Thus his father had him enrolled in a military prep school at the age of 14. At age eighteen Ralph was denied entrance into the Coalition Military Academy due to poor grades. Not wanting to be a simple grunt, Ralph managed to gain entrance in Chi-town University and the ROTC program a year later. Upon graduation from Chi-Town University, Ralph then underwent Basic Officer Training (he had completed OCS during the summer between his junior and senior years). He then attempted (and mostly because his disowned younger brother had passed it a few months earlier) and passed the CS Special Forces indoctrination course. After Special Forces training Ralph was assigned as a platoon leader with the 2nd CSSF Battalion, assigned to safeguard the southeast border of the Coalition against attack from the Federation of Magic.

In 102PA Ralph participated in ‘The Skeleton Raiders’ program testing new Coalition weapons and body armor in the field. Here Ralph proved himself as a small unit commander capable of carrying out missions far behind enemy lines. This would not go unnoticed by General Micander Drogue who would later handpick Jenden to play an instrumental part in Operation Spoilsport.

In late 103PA Ralph was promoted to Captain and given command of Bravo Company, 1st CSSF Battalion, assigned to the Tolkeen front.

In 104PA Bravo Company, 1st CSSF Battalion was one of the units under the command of General Phineas Chalk during operation Fullbore. As a result Bravo Company, 1st CSSF Battalion was decimated during what would become known as Chalks Folly. Ralph remembers little of the actual battle and for good reason. Within minutes of the battle begining some sort of fire ball (or something like it) struck Ralph in the right side of his head. When he came to hours later at night, Ralph found his body being stripped of its gear by Tolkeen scavengers. Unaware that the body they were striping was in fact still very alive and able to somewhat fight. Using a rock Ralph killed both scavengers and slowly crawled to relative safety. Ralph managed to gather twenty similar survivors of the ill fated all out assault on Tolkeen and return to friendly lines.

Ralph spent the majority of 105PA recovering from his wounds. Not only was the right side of his face severely burnt but his right eye was a total loss and had to be replaced with a bionic implant.  His right leg was also injured (his achilles tendon was severed), but not to the point of bionic or cybernetic replacement. To this day Ralph walks with a slight limp.

These injuries had a psychologically impact that changed Ralph. He went from a proper soldier who was only following orders, believing what he did was right because he was defending humanity to a man filled with hate and malice towards the people of Tolkeen. Once cleared for duty Ralph was made the Executive Officer of a infantry company along the Tokeen front. Here Ralph began to show his brutal tendencies towards Tolkeen POW’s. During interrogations Ralph would apply a tourniquet to the limb of a mage then have a Dog Boy (or preferable a Kill Hound) bite said limb off and have the mutant animal consume the limb while the mage was forced to watch. If he ran out of limbs to be eaten, the removal of eyes, and genitalia was not unheard of during these interrogations. It was during one of these interrogations where Jenden’s CO took objection and had him transferred out of the unit.

Thus Captain Ralph Jenden, Coalition Army was the perfect choice for General Micander Drogue to command Special Forces Unit 19. Ralph was allowed to handpick a group of thirty soldiers from Special Forces Command, Psi- battalion and Lone Star Labs. It is rumored that within in minutes of addressing his newly formed unit Ralph executed a private from Psi-Battalion for stepping out of formation. A Monkey Boy was also ‘euthanized in the field’ at the same time. But it is unknown if this was a related or unrelated incident to the execution of the Private from Psi-Battalion.

Special Forces Unit 19’s first (and only) mission was to assist in the extraction of Special Forces Unit 17 (AKA the Dirty 30) from a village known as Hillcrest. The details are not known but what is known is that during the extraction a tactical nuclear weapon vaporized the town of Hillcrest. Afterwards what remained of both Special Forces Unit 17 and 19 then crash landed in a single transport behind enemy lines. This crash site was also the site of a tactical nuclear weapon being detonated. Several days later another Tolkeen Town became the victim of a tactical nuclear weapon detonation. A few days after that a third town was nerve gassed. Intelligence reports concerning these matters have been classified as Top Secret Coalition High Command.

What is known is that Special Forces Unit 17 remains a functional unit. Special Forces Unit 19 has been disbanded, with its surviving human members reassigned to other units and all surviving mutant animals euthanized. Captain Ralph Jenden was summoned to Chi-Town and has recently returned to the Tolkeen front as 1st Lieutenant Ralph Jenden.