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Welcome to Traveller - Profit Margin II: The Fifth Frontier War

13:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ash Tescali

Name:  T. Azton Tescali
Race:  Humaniti
Homeworld:  Jewell/Jewell (0306 A-777999-C  2 Hi Ht In)
Age:  34
Height:  1.78m (5'10")
Weight:  75 kg (165 lbs)
Skin:  Light Tan
Eyes:  Brown

T. Azton Tescali (aka Ash Tescali) is an Imperium citizen of mixed Solomani and Vilani descent (i.e. your standard Imperial mutt).  He has very short, close cropped dark brown hair and a rather pale complexion, which implies a significant amount of time spent shipboard.  He is not overly graceful, but his movements are quite precise, also implying that has had a lot of practice in micro-gravity environments.  Ash stands about one and three-quarters meters tall and is quite thin weighing only 75 kilos.  His face is thin and angular, which is accentuated by his larger than normal ears and nose (he prefers to think of them as 'distinguished').  Ash walks with a slight limp, favoring his right leg, and the right hand side of his neck, as well as his right hand show some scarring.

When Ash speaks it is with a bit of urban slang, though he has tried hard to repress it.  He generally wanders about, with one or more books in tow, which he seems intent on reading when given the chance.

Ash dresses fairly casually, preferring simple, dark-colored jumpsuits and coveralls, especially when shipboard.  He wears a utilitarian, though not really expensive, chronometer on his left wrist.  Strapped to his left arm is a customized handcomp.  In his left ear, Ash has a small sized earbud with microphone.  The earbud appears to wirelessly integrate with the main comm unit sitting on his belt.  The earbud integrates seamlessly with the headband and reticule that covers his left eye. He does not appear to have much else in adornment on his person.  He does strap a blade to his right thigh, using it as a general utility tool, sometimes - the blade carries the Imperial Naval insignia on its pommel.  He usually wears a long oilskin duster when planet-side.  All of his belongings appear to pretty much fit in a medium sized canvas duffel.