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Welcome to Kindred

09:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Tailas stands 5'6" tall and weighs about 120 lbs. He is dressed from head to toe in the traditional dress of the Tairnadal Elves; loose silk clothing with red and brown patterns and light armor glammered to match his clothes. His eyes are green and you can tell little else about his appearance; a spirit veil (zaelta) covers his face most of the time and the rest of his body is completely covered by his garb. He is rarely seen without his majestic steed, Dawn, who is the closest thing he has to family.


Your vision is obscured.
In combat, every time you attack an opponent that has concealment, roll your miss chance twice. If either or both results indicate that you miss, your attack fails.

You move exceptionally slowly.
Your base land speed is halved (round down to the nearest 5-foot interval).
You must have a base land speed of at least 20 feet to take this flaw.

You are quick to initiate combat, and you tend to press the attack once battle is joined. Your enthusiasm makes you a dangerous foe, but you sometimes leave yourself open to blows that a more cautious warrior would avoid.
You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks.
You take a -1 penalty to Armor Class.

Roleplaying Ideas
Characters with this trait are often hotheaded and quick to anger, or simply think that the best defense is a quick offense.

Well he is Valenar and prone to violence after all.

Cavalry Charger
Fighting from the back of the steed is second nature.
Prerequisites: Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge, Trample, Base Attack Bonus +6
Benefits: The Cavalry Charger feat enables the use of three tactical manuevers.

Unhorse: To use this manuever, you must be mounted and charge a mounted foe. If your charge attack hits, you may make a free bull rush attempt. If the bull rush attempt succeeds, you move your foe naturally, but his mount remains where it was.

Leaping Charge: To us this manuever, you must be mounted and charge a foe at least one size category smaller than your mount. Make a Ride check at the conclusion of the move portion of the charge action. Prior to making the roll, determine the DC of the check: either DC 10 for a chance to deal 2 extra points of damage, or DC 20 for a chance to deal 4 extra points of damage. If you fail this Ride check, you miss your targe (no attack roll) and if you fail this Ride check by 5 or more, you miss your target and fall of your mount, landing in a square adjacent to the mount's space.

Fell Trample: You can make overrun attempts against more than one foe, resolving each attempts according to the rules in the Player's Handbook (pg 157-158). Your mount gets a hoof attack against each foe you successfully overrun.

Special: A fighter can choose Cavalry Charger as one of his fighter bonus feat.

Mounted Mobility
You are skilled at dodging past opponents while mounted.
Prerequisites:  Mounted Combat, Ride 4 ranks
Benefit:  If you are mounted, you and your mount get a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity provoked when your mount moves out of a threatened square.
A condition that makes you or your mount lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class(if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses.  Dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.
Special: A fighter can select Mounted Mobility as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Saddleback (Regional)
Prereq:  Valenar Elf, Talenta Halfling
Benefit:  You can take 10 on Ride checks, even if you are rushed or threatened.  If either you or your mount fails a Reflex save while mounted, you can attempt a Ride check to succeed on the saving throw anyway.  The save is successful if your Ride check result is equal to or greater than the spell's save DC.  (Essentially, you can substitute your Ride check result for your Reflex save is the former is higher.)  You can attempt this substitution once per round for either yourself or your mount.  If both you and your mount fail a reflex save against the same effect (for example, a fireball spell or dragon breath that catches you and your mount in its area), your Ride check result applies to both your save and your mount's save.