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Welcome to Firefly: Destiny

15:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kale Galway

Name: Kale Galway
Age: 32
Position: Captain
Allegiance: Independent
Physical Description: Kale has short but messy dark brown hair and deep blue eyes that twinkle when he smiles or is angry.  He's the ruggedly handsome type.  He's a fairly large man standing about 6' tall and has a sturdy athletic build.  Normally Kale is dressed in a comfortable pair of black or brown pants, sturdy boots and a loose-fitting comfortable shirt, with his brown coat to top off the ensemble if it gets cold.
Personality: Kale is a tough guy.  Very strong, capable, and independent.  He knows how to handle himself, his ship, and his crew.  He believes the no one gets respect unless they earn it, but once he considers you family he's loyal to a fault.  He's the type of man who thinks quick on his feet and always has a plan, at times however he can be a bit impulsive.  He also can be a bit guarded when it comes to his personal life.  But he always appreciates a good laugh, drink, or conversation.
History: Kale grew up on Santo, a planet bordering Persophone.  His mother died when he was very young so his father raised him.  Abel Galway (his father) held no love for the Alliance and passed on his deep run hatred to his son.  He also taught Kale from a young age how to fend for himself, how to handle weapons, and how to fly a ship.  If Abel hadn't died a few short years before the Unification War broke out he would have been out on the front lines, as it was Kale took up with the Browncoats, swiftly rising through the ranks.  He learned a lot about combat, although he was never one to follow the rules too closely and so many times was not allowed the missions that he wanted because he was considered too reckless.  At the Battle of Serenity his troop was supposed to come in as reinforcements but he was ordered to hold his position.  He had to watch as the Independents suffered their most crushing defeat, unable to help although he felt that his troops could have made all the difference.  He's never quite forgiven himself for not going in there anyway.  After the war he went back to Santo but found he no longer had a life there.  The only family he had ever known was gone.  So he bought himself Destiny, found it a crew, and took her out into the black.