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Welcome to Mage 2054 (oWoD)

19:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Short scruffy green hair, standing just under six foot. His body has the harsh markings of a strict and harsh routine of training. Visible scarring cover large portions of his body except for most of his arms which seem to be wooden with some chips and scratches carved into them. Strange writings and symbols tattooed on his arms can be seen, that seem to continue further under his shirt, further scar tattoos were added depicting a new tale of an ancient dragon. He seems to be at peak physical fitness and looking no older than in his mid twenties.

Dressed in a Hardened crystal spun Do robes, woven for him by the monks of mars out of crystals he collected which were formed into the blue robes he now wears. On one of his hands he wears a fingerless glove given to him by the master of a temple he had visited, the story behind it was shared to him by a student of that temple and presented to him as a gift. A small sack slung over his back holds two wrapped weapons and a 4ft staff, to his side he wields a black steel katana given to him by and old friend and enchanted by himself and another.

He is calm and often seen in meditation, practice or drinking heavily from a large water-skin.



(Jack) Fei-Hung was a member of the Chan family a long line of warriors who worked with the local Akashic monastery.
Not always as members but as suppliers and funders. The Kong in the past had supplied many powerful warriors
and mages to the cause of the Akashic brotherhood. Chan had helped out doing odd jobs and even joining in training.

Having been born after the second Marriage of his father, his mother was different to the rest of his siblings.
His mother of being English heritage, this meant that he looked different from his siblings and was not liked by them.
This meant that on many occasions later in life they would bring this up as a reason he should not be considered for
the family heritage.

The family tradition was that the next in-line children would train and help out at the monastery until a certain
age at that point a test would be performed between any siblings and then against full student. If any of them showed
promise as members they were welcomed to become members of the monastery, in hopes that with further training they may
awaken and if not at least be an asset inside the group. Any siblings left would carry on the work of working to help
the monastery from the outside.

He was allowed to compete with his siblings to enter the traditional competition, despite some of his siblings and relatives
outcry s which we taken into consideration by the family and orders elders but discarded. He and his siblings took part in
tests of ability, spirituality and unknown to them magical and avatar ability. These tests only caused the rivalry s that
his siblings felt between them and him.

Stage after stage, of the what was becoming a tournament for some, some of the siblings were turned down. It ended up being
between Him and his eldest sister. This was a surprise for him as he did not think he would get even past the first elder
selection stage. He was not surprised however with his eldest sister Daiyu who was the best out of all of them in almost
everything. The final test was surprising to them, all they had to do was sit and meditate in a room while the elders of the
order meditate in the same room. After some great time they were told they could leave, they bowed and left. The elder sister
congratulated her youngest sibling when they left on his concentration and getting to this stage.

An hour later all of the siblings were asked to enter the family hall, one which held pictures, statues and pieces of and
belonging to previous members of the family. They all sat down as the elder of the family announced that he would be the one
to go to the temple. Many of the family were shocked including his siblings. It was also noted that the eldest daughter would
become the next head of the family. They both stood up bowed to the order members present, family then each other. From that
day on he would be separated from his family and be a member of the order.

The boy for years followed a strict training and work regime. During a long session of meditation he had an epiphany,
he rushed down the mountain to speak to his master. The master could not understand what he was describing. Chan was
later asked to the grand masters hall, there he saw all the grandmasters sat with someone he had never seen before
opposite them, facing away from him. Chan was gestured to sit next to the stranger. Once seated it was explained that
he would be leaving the monastery with the stranger and that he was his new teacher and could further him in a higher path.

This took him further than he had ever been before, he saw how much larger the universe was. Removing his former name
so that he would leave his past behind, representing his new view of the everything. With each stop off the master would
find a spot or rent a room somewhere and have the boy practice whilst he drank. He was show the ways of Akashic magic and
the art of Do, this helped him to understand why and how he saw the world now. He now knew why he saw the world differently.

Under the master he learnt of other ways to manipulate the flow of things. Learning techniques of Do and Magic he traveled
with the Master, visiting other followers of the way gathering more techniques and abilities furthering both their knowledge.

The master ideas of the universe and the afterlife were strange and odd but the student took them in and meditated on them.
He still is unsure on whether he believes them but keeps them as something to meditate on, the ideas counter much that he was
taught during his time as a student of the monetary. Comparisons to the Celestial Chorus came to mind but even this was something
that still didn't completely match with the masters view on life. He just hoped that with time, meditation and training that me
might come to understand the masters teachings better.

After sometime travelling with the master he was told he must continue by himself but was always welcome to come and visit for
techniques, questions or anything that troubled him in his journey. He now collects and searches for new styles.

Often returning to his family's compound to meditate on what he has found, refuel, resupply and help with family affairs. Seen
more often than not meditating near at the bottom of a waterfall with in the family grounds..

He left his master and upon that was given his new name Huoshui (flowing water)