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Welcome to STAR WARS Super Secret Game!

07:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Medium / Human / Noble 1, Scout 1
Force Sensitive: Yes / Force Points: 6
Init +8 / Senses: Perception +9
Languages: Basic, Wookie
*EDIT* Defense: Ref 16 [ff 14], Fort 13, Will 17 EVASION
Hp 26; Threshold 13
Spd: 6 sq.
Melee: knife +3 [1d4+3]
Ranged: ascension gun +3 [3d8+1; 50 shots – hip holster]; sidearm blaster pistol +3 [3d6+1; 250 shots – concealed holster]
Base Atk: +1; Grp: +1
Atk Options: N/A
Abilities: Str 14/+3, Dex 14/+3, Con 10/+1, Int 10/+1, Wis 16/+4, Cha 14/+3

Racial Abilities: +1 feat at first level, +1 skill at first level

Background (Law Enforcement): You used to work for a significant law enforcement agency and spent many years apprehending criminals. Perhaps you were a member of CorSec and served as an investigator, or maybe you trained with the Sector Rangers. Relevant Skills: Acrobatics, Gather Information, Knowledge (bureaucracy)

Feats: Force Sensitive; Force Training, Weapon Prof (pistols, simple)

Talents: Wealth – italic (once per encounter, as a swift action, you grant all allies within your line of sight a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls. This effect last for as long as they remain within line of sight of you. An ally loses this bonus immediately if line of sight is broken or you are unconscious or dead.)

Evasion – italic (1/2 damage on hit, none on miss.)

Skills: Use The Force +8, Deception +8, Gather Information +8, Initiative +8, Know (bureaucracy) +4, Perception +9, Persuasion +8, Survival +9

Possessions: 5000 credits; knife,
-ascension gun (a heavy blaster pistol with a special syntherope tether and grappling-dart launcher attached; when tethered the wielder can move at a speed of 12 squares per round; max. range of 30 square; suffers a -5 penalty to Stealth checks to conceal; 50 shots per power pack; 2 uses of syntherope.);
-sidearm blaster pistol (250 shots per power pack; if you use Rapid Shot or any feat that requires it, you must spend a swift action to reset the weapon’s trigger before it can be fired again due to its energy-trickle technology);
-Hip holster;
-Concealed holster (-5 penalty on Stealth checks to conceal weapon);
-Earbud Comlink (+5 equipment bonus to Deception checks for purpose of hiding its presence; 50 km range);
-Earbud comlink (+5 equipment bonus to Deception checks for purpose of hiding its presence; 50 km range);
-Credit chip;
-Medpac (1) (contains: bandages, bacta, synthetic flesh, coagulants, stimulants, and other medicines designed to help injured patients recover quickly; contents are expanded with each Treat Injury check; any given creature can only benefit once in a 24-hour period from a medpac);
Energy cell (2);
Power pack (2)
Force Powers:
- Ballistakinesis
- Move Object
- Force Slam
- Force Blast

Mittens Pyromancer, Level 2, Razorclaw Shifter Pyromancer

Initiative +2, Perception 13, Insight 18, Lowlight Vision.
HP 27; Bloodied 13; Surges 7; Value: 6
AC 16; Fortitude 12, Reflex 15; Will 15
Speed 6
Resistances: 5 Fire.

[M] Melee Basic (Standard; At-Will) LV 1 * Basic Attack
Staff: +5 Vs. AC; 1d8+1 DMG, Reach 1.

[R] Magic Missile (Standard; At-Will) Lv 1 * Arcane, Evocation, Force, Implement
Staff: 2+Int(4)+Ench= 7 Force DMG.  Range 20.
Autopose: No Hit Check Needed.
Special: Counts as Ranged Basic.

[RA] Scorching Burst (Standard; At-Will) Lv 1 * Arcane, Fire, Implement
Target: All in Burst 1.
Staff: +8 Vs. Reflex; 1d6+6 Fire DMG. Range 10. Area 1.

[RA] Winged Horde(Standard; At-Will) Lv 1 * Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Target: Each Enemy in Burst 1.
Staff: +8 Vs. Will; 1d6+1 Psychic DMG. Range 10. Area 1.
Hit: Target can't use Opportunity Actions until End Of Your Next Turn.

[BL] Burning Hands (Standard; Encounter) Lv 1 * Arcane, Evocation, Fire, Implement
Target: All In Blast 5.
Staff: +8 Vs. Reflex; 2d6+6 Fire DMG. Blast 5
Miss: Half DMG.

[R] Flaming Sphere (Standard; Day) Lv 1 * Arcane, Conjuration, Fire, Implement
Staff: +8 Vs. Reflex; 2d6+6 Fire DMG. Range 10.
Target: Attack; One Creature Next to Sphere. Effect; All.
Effect: You Conjure a Medium Flaming Sphere that occupies a tile in range,
and the sphere attacks (see Target). Any Creature Starting It's Turn next to Sphere
takes 1d4+Int(4) DMG. As a Move Action, you may move sphere 6.
Sustain Minor: You can sustain this power with a Minor action. As a Standard,
you can use the sphere attack.

[UTILITY] [R] Spectral Image (Minor; Encounter) Lv 2 * Arcane, Illusion
Effect: An Illusion of a Creature/Object up to Medium Size appears
within Range 10.  It can make sounds and move in it's tile, but can 't leave.
10 all Defenses. Illusion lasts until End of Enc, or hit, or touched/moved through.
  An insight check (DC 15+Half LV+4)= 20, allows Creature to determine it's fake.

[RACIAL] Razorclaw Shifting (Minor; Encounter) LV 1 *
Requirement: You must be bloodied.
Effect: Until End of Enc, Speed +2, AC/Reflex +1.

Alignment: Unaligned; Languages; Common, Primordial, Secret Language[Family Haz]
 4 Acrobatics, 10 Arcana, 1 Athletics, 0 Bluff, 0 Diplomacy, 8 Dungeoneering,
 2 Endurance, 3 Heal, 5 Hist, 8 Insight, 0 Intimidate, 10 Nature, 3 Percep,
 5 Religion, 4 Stealth, 0  Streetwise, 2 Thievery
 STR 10(+0/+1)  DEX 13(+1/+2)  WIS 14(+2/+3)
 CON 13(+1/+2)  INT 18(+4/+5)  CHA  8(-1/0)
Equipment: Accurate Staff. Cloth Armor Of Resistance(Fire,lv2)+1.

Racial Attributes: Razorclaw Shifter. +2 Dex, Wisdom. 6 Speed. lowlight Vision. 2nd lv1 Language Choice. +2 Acrobatics, Stealth. Razorclaw Shifting.

Class Attributes:
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth
Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, Quarterstaff
Implement: Staffs, Staffs, Wands, Tomes.
Defense Bonus: +2 Will.
Apprentice Mage Lv1: Select one of four Schools. Pyromancer Picked.
Apprentice Mage Lv 4: At lv 4, Choose a Secondary School different than your base school (Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion. No Pyro Secondary exists).
Expert Mage Lv5: At lv 5, Gain Pyromancy Expert.
Expert Mage Lv8: At lv 8, gain Secondary Expert Bonus.
Master Mage lv10: At lv 10, Gain Pyromancy Master.
Apprentice Pyromancer Lv1:  Your Attacks Ignore Fire Resistance. +1 Per Tier to Arcane Fire DMG Rolls.
Mage Cantrips: You may Select Three Wizard Cantrips. Selected, 'Mage hand', 'Ghost Sound', 'Prestidigitation'.
Magic Missile: You get Magic Missile For Free.

Background Benefit: Explorer/Guide; Add One lv 1 Language. +2 Nature.

Critical: N/A

  +1 Stealth for Move Silently (Footpads).
  5 ITEM Fire Resistance (Armor).
  +1 Feat To-Hit with Staff Weapon/Implement Attacks per tier, Staff Ranged/Area attacks do not trigger AoO, Staff Weapon Melee has +1 reach (Feat).

Feats: Staff Expertise(Lv1). Superior Implement Training; Accurate Staff(Lv2).

Additional Equipment: S.A.K. Climber's Kit. Thieves' Tools. Footpads. Disguise. Tent.
 Staff Implement. Cloth Armor.

Cash Etc: Total GP Value; 12
LB: 87/100

Bar Fight! Encounter Level 1 580
The Ogre Bombardier Encounter Level 1 (650 XP)
The Summons (Skill Challenge lvl 1) 200XP
Interrogating Morrik (Skill Challenge lvl 1) 200XP
Tracking the Goblins (Skill Challenge lvl 1) 300XP
Chamber of Fame unbound (Encounter lvl 1) 550XP
Goblin Warren (Encounter lvl 1) 500 XP and Action Points
Von Ur stadt Cr ypt Encounter Level 2 (600 XP)
Sp iderw eb Landing Encounter Level 1 (550 XP) and Action Points
Rivenroar Family Crypt Encounter Level 1 (525 XP)
Fresco Chamber Encounter Level 1 (550 XP) and Action Points
Von Jallach Crypt Encounter Level 1 (525 XP)
Von Adrez-Kauthin Crypt Encounter Level 1 (550 XP) and Action Points
Honor Guard Crypt Encounter Level 2 (650 XP)
Mushroom Chamber Encounter Level 1 (500 XP)
Major Quest—Rescue Reward: 500 XP (and 200 gp

RUNNING TOTAL: 7,930 (of 11,250k needed for lvl 3)