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Welcome to SLA INDUSTRIES : Truth within the Lies

09:10, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Difference was named for an Ebon theory on art by his mother who was a famous Ebon artist and artisan.  His father was a corporate head and majority stock holder of a prestigious Dark Lament sponsored sub-company, Chronos Systems, that does research and production of Science Friction and computer equipment.  Difference grew up in a world of privilege that few in the WOP know.  The Preceptor and other high ranking Necanthropes were regular guests to parties his parents held and at the age of fifteen, Difference had the honor of meeting Mr. Slayer when his mother was given the coveted "Tidal" award for an Illumination performance she designed and lead.  To this day, that performance is still talked about.

Difference himself, showed early promise as an artist though not in Illumination, and was sent to an Ebon run art school in Orienta shortly after his sixteenth birthday.  It was there that he fell in love with an Ebon girl named Serenity.  They were inseparable from then on.  They decided to get engaged shortly before they both went off to Operative training at the respected Friction Institute, a Science Frictionartisan school.  Difference's parents threw them an engagement party.  It was to be one of the biggest events of the year.  Many to the most powerful men and women in Mort were invited.  Unfortunately, it never happened.

Difference was never told who planned the attack.  It was swift and decisive though.  Difference, his parents, and Serenity were being driven to the party at arestaurant in Central, when the explosion ripped through the back half the car.  One second he was telling his mother about an art show he had seen the day before and the next she was enveloped in flames.  The otherssurvived the explosion and where thrown from the car, but all were heavily injured.  The driver, who had been a loyal employee and a bodyguard of the family for many years, stepped unhurt from his cabin in the front of the car, a FEN 603 in his hand and calmly walked up to each of them, placing the pistol to each of their heads and then pulling the trigger twice.  Father, Serenity, Difference.  Each had there turn.  Each was helpless to stop it.  With each shoot, as Difference watched the man he had trusted since he was a child kill those he loved most, a piece of Difference died.

Other armoured men also appeared from the neighboring buildings, taking down the other bodyguards that had travelled in leading and trailing cars.  Then the bullet entered Difference's head and the world went White.  Difference doesn't remember what happened in that world of the White, but he knows he was told to go back.

He awoke in the arms of an Ebon woman dressed all in white, whom he had never seen before.  They were still on the street where the event had happened, the bodies of his family still strewn about the pavement.  Shivers andoperatives moved about the scene.  Gun fire could be heard in the distance.

The Ebon looked down at Difference with a relieved look, "I was not sure I would be able to save you, you are a very lucky young man.  I am afraid the scarring will be permanent though, it took all of my skill to keep you alive."  With that the Ebon got up and walked away.  Difference never did learn her name.

The explosion, the shrapnel, the jagged pavement, and the two bullets to the head did indeed leave their marks and the once handsome young man was permanently disfigured.  The charm and wit of the young man were also disfigured that day.  Difference could no longer be that person.

Difference never did go to the Friction Institute, instead he transferred to Meny enrolling in the Kick Murder program and later went on to Orange Crush.  The squad assigned to investigate the murders, disappeared a few weeks into the investigation and the BPN is still active though there isn't a squad assigned to it.  None of the attackers were captured or killed in the firefight that ensued after the attack and as far as Difference knows the trail has gone cold.  His father had many enemies and rivals and any of them could have ordered the attack.

Per the specially negotiated Contract of Employment, common for high level corporates, Difference inherited his parents assets, though most were put into a trust till he reaches a high enough SCL to run his father's company (SCL 5 or higher).  His parent's apartment, house on Static, investments, art collection, etc. all went into the trust.  Difference was able to hold on to his personal items, a lump sum payment of 400C and a monthly stipend of 100C.

His career as an operative has been quiet but successful.  Difference despises the media, finding the whole spectacle demeaning and frivolous.  Also he is very private, especially considering his often and frequent emotional break downs and instability.  He has avoided taking Third Eye BPN's and if he has to take one, he never calls in for media.  Despite his obvious disdain, he has a couple of successful segments produced about his or one of the squads he has worked with, exploits and has tended to rate high with viewers for his unique style and seemingly exotic persona.

His initial squad, Illusive Death, had a break before their first BPN when they were picked up by a successful financier by the name of Harvey Dent.  Over the course of a year, Illusive Death completed around twenty BPN's, about half under Cloak's supervision.  Then came the BPN that changed everything.  Sponsored by Cloak, the squad was infiltrating a Dark Night cell that was believed to be more than just low level converts but a command cell full of interceptors.  It was a challenge, but everything was going well, till Difference came across a small file while hacking one of the cells laptops in a Dark Night safe house located in Lower Downtown.  The file contained a video clip, filmed from high up on a roof, it was of the Attack and showed the explosion, the executions and the gun battle that followed.  The bodyguard crew was killed within a minute, Operatives started swarming the scene seconds later, driving the attackers back from the shadows where they came from.  The Ebon woman in white seemed to appear from no where.  Suddenly, she was walking onto the scene.  She walked calmly straight for the body of Difference,sprawled on the pavement in a pool of blood visible from the residential tower above.  She worked furiously for a full minute.  Suddenly, Difference's body sat up and the woman turned and walked away.  As she exited the frame of the camera, the footage stopped.

Difference exploded after seeing the video, breaking the squad's cover in the still occupied safe house.  In the ensuing battle two of the squad were killed but all of the Dark Night Interceptors were massacred violently.  The BPN was termed a success but only just.  The squad disbanded after that.  Difference took an extended leave of absence on Static at a branch of the Dark Lament sponsored branch of the Crantham Foundation to recover from his mental breakdown.  He spent six months at the Crantham Foundation, mental health being looked after by his parent's trust.  When he was released and sent back to Mort, he went through a period of furious activity, researching and investigating everything he could on the Attack.  Spending hours pouring over the five minute video.  Searching BPN records on Dark Night activities.  Prowling Downtown, killing and getting information on Dark Night.  Shifting the logs and files from the Dark Night oyster.  Though he completed several Hunter Sheets during that time, the only thing he learned was that the file was sent to the Dark Night agent by email, saying they should check this out to see a truly successful hit.  It was unclear whether Dark Night had even staged the Attack.  He learned nothing.

Finally, it was decided by the board of his Trust, which was made up of friends of his parents, that he would be offered a sponsorship by his father's company, Chronos Systems, and trained to take over the company.  As a condition, he was required to join another squad.  Joining the squad turned out well and his career got back on track.  He spent the next few years with several squads, before going solo full time.  He repaired his damaged relationship with Cloak and became known in the right circles for his discretion and subtly at the execution of sensitive BPN's.  His sponsorship helped, giving him access to some of the most advanced computer, surveillance and security equipment produced by SLA Industries.  His apprenticeship at Chronos Systems was also going well and he seemed to be a natural manager and leader when his anger was under control.

He seemed to have the talents of both his parents.  His career as an artist was going well too.  He has had several solo shows at some of Mort's most prestigious galleries and has had critical acclaim.

He has discovered nothing new on the attack, but several unexplained accidents and attempted assassinations have convinced him that he is close.

Though at times the charming, personable and innocent young man comes back, Difference is more often blunt, sarcastic, and irritable now.  He suffers from terrible nightmares of the attack and of what his life might have been.  He also gets flashbacks and suffers frommigraines since the attack further fueling his anti-social behavior.  Difference has a hard time trusting people, but is incredibly loyal to those he does.  He also suffers from chronic pain from his scarred body.  The dream demons that torment him now are incredibly brutal making him miss his regular nightmares.  He is addicted to White Noise to keep them away.

Difference wears a matte gray and black Death Suit. Unlike many Death Suits, his seems to have a taunt skin covering most of it. Smooth like a fine leather yet in some places it appears scarred with intricate designs. Upon closer inspection, the skin itself has a faintgeometric texture etched into it, almost like a finger print yet distinctly more geometric and designed. Around joints the skin folds away, as if it was only fabric tacked in place. Beneath, the more traditional bone and muscle mass is exposed, yet this mass looks charred and burned. His Mask is covered with the dark smooth skin except across his face where the Mask becomes a dark gray bone carved in the image of a handsome young man. The expression on the young man's face is blank and neutral to most, but to the more observant the mask will often subtly change to fit Difference's mood.

Over his Death Suit, Difference tends to wear expensive Dark Lament suits, the likes of which are often found on Ebon craftsmen and artists. When in his better moods, Difference speaks and acts more like he is a member of one of the famous Ebon artisan families that work for Dark Lament than a street operative. His equipment is strewn about his person in small pockets built into the suit or hanging from straps beneath his jacket, in the way that the Ebon artisans keep their strange tools.  The Dark Lament clothing attaches itself and integrates more with the Death Suit than is worn.

Difference's Father, CEO & Chairman of the Board of Chronos Computing Systems

Continuum was a brilliant computer engineer and natural born leader from a young age.  The son of two middle management Dark Lament corporates, Continuum had a pleasant and relatively uneventful childhood except for the string of scholastic awards and scholarships to some of the most prestigious schools in the World of Progress, including a school of computer engineering on Static.

Continuum's career was meteoric, quickly gaining notice for several influential patients he helped design early in his career.  After being head hunted by Chronos, Continuum's joined the upper management and after ten years of service in a daring coup, Continuum and several friends bought out most of the major investors and elected themselves to the board of directors.  A year later, Continuum was named the CEO of the company.

Under Continuum's leadership, Chronos Computing Systems was revitalized from a middle of the field player in servers and computer hardware to the leader in advanced computing.  In addition, several highly successful consumer lines were launched bringing in considerable revenue for further research.

At the time of his death, Continuum was SCL 3C.  Continuum was in his middle years, with silvery, white hair cropped short, a short rustic beard and bright white eyes. Continuum had a commanding presences, and deep, musical voice that tended to offset his rather short stature.

Difference's Mother, Ebon Artisan

Penelope was born on Static to an old, Ebon aristocratic family, famous for producing philosophers, scholars and artists.  Her life revolved around Ebon high society and was filled with privilege and culture.

At the age of 14, Penelope apprenticed as an Ebon Artisan under Purity, one of the top Ebon Artisan's in the WOP.  Penelope was naturally talented and upon completing her apprenticeship, she was accepted into the Guild of Artisans and began work crafting science friction devices and creating art like all artisans.

It was on a project while working in Orienta in conjunction with Wakisashi, a electronics and technology company, that she met Continuum.  They fell in love almost instantly.

As Continuum's career took off, so did hers.  She made a name for herself creating holograms and other Ebb Illumination artworks.  Several successful solo exhibitions, including one at the Museum of Progress in Mort, established her as one of the top artists in the WOP.  The highlight of her career was a live performance she conducted for Mr. Slayer's birthday at which he, along with many of SLA's elite attended.

At her death, she was SCL 4A.  Penelope was a few years younger than Continuum with striking red hair and deep, blood red eyes.  She was beautiful and one of those exceptional women who grew more beautiful as she grew older.  Tall and statuesque, Penelope filled any room she entered with joy, laughter and wit.

Her son, Difference was taking after her, both in interests and personality, though not in talents, which were closer to his father at the time of the attack.

Public Knowledge:

Difference is best known as the elusive eccentric son of the Continuum, the ex-corporate head of Chronos Computer Systems, one of the top computer manufacturers in the WOP and the famous Ebb Artisan and artist, Penelope.  His privlilaged upbringing and the fame of his parents put him in the spot light at an early age where he made the social rounds in the upper echleons of Mort society.

After the highly publicized death of his parents in a subversive assault, Difference fell off the radar for many years, only getting minor comments as he worked his way up the operative ladder.

Little is known about Difference's career as he has tended to specialize in covert operations requiring a certain level of discretion, yet his engimatic appearance using the uniform of Ebb Artisan and his past fame kept a bit of attention always on him.  He has never shown his face to the media and the though it is known that he was horribly maimed, no footage has ever been available.  He use of a spiked barb on a razor wire whip in combat has also gotten him noticed for its unique style.

Difference's involvement in the Gorezone a few years ago, though minor, is probably the most extensive footage available of him publicaly.

His own minor artistic talents have got him some crticial praise in circles that appreciate such things.

Recently, his inherited share of Chronos Computer Systems was bought out by Dark Lament interests, leaving Difference one of the most privately wealthy individuals in the World of Progress.

Difference's public persona is one of aloof hostility to the media.  The media has played him up as a close combat specialist and a computer expert.

Operative Level Knowledge:

Difference's SLA file accessible to SCL 5 operatives has a long list of anomously issued BPN's with little or no description.  Even that list dries up to a D-notice status for most the BPN's undertaken while with the Bad Eggs.

Anyone involved in a lot station analysis BPN's will have heard of Difference as a master of covert infiltration and uncomprimising discretion.  He made his name for himself as a solo operative before joining the Bad Eggs.  Though he has a reputation for being constantly angry and a bit harsh to deal with personally, he is also known for him impeccible professionalism.  The BPN always comes first above other concerns and he is known to step on others toes to get it done.

Though he had previously had a number of sponsorships, including Chronos Computing Systems, he is currently unsponsored.  Recently, he is listed as the executive officer for a new startup company offering computer security services.

Squad Knowledge:

Difference is a paranoid control freak that gets his giggles by constantly keeping tabs of everyone else in the squad.  He has a tendency of knowing personal details about everyone elses lives that he really shouldn't.  He also keeps an iron hand over all squad communications.

Though not actually a necanthrope, having never been in the White, over his time with the squad, his once scarred and maimed features have changed into a strangely alien version of what he once was as a young man.  In addition, more and more, his own emotions have started filling the space around him with their presence.  Everything he does and says is over the top with intense emotion.

Difference comes across as highly logical, practical and professional without being emotionally stable at all.  Those who have been around him a while, can see that he carries multiple personalities within in him and his connection to his computer systems seems a bit too close for any kind of normalcy.  His whole pressence screams that he is different and alien from everything else, even Necanthropes, yet it is difficult to point out how exactly.

Restricted Knowledge:

Perhaps only Eugene knows what is really going on in Difference's head with the Collaborative as the two of them had some therapy sessions a while back.  Shard has seen a major clue in the battle with Reborn.  Difference has let some others clues slip to some of the others, though most are gone now.  I would have to check, but I think only the Doctor knows about the real nature of Difference's father's research.  I don't think anyone else has been privy to any of those conversations.