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Welcome to The New X-Men (Marvel Freeform)

05:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Birth Name: Greg Jenkins
Mutant Name: Daystar
Other Names: Mark Jordan
Age: 21
Gender: Male

Physical Appearance -

Height: 6'
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair: brown, cut short
Eyes: expressive brown
Complexion: Caucasion
 Mark has a relatively athletic build, honed for speed and endurance more than strength.  He dresses rather simply, a pair of jeans and tshirt is rather standard with a leather jacket in colder weather.

Personality: Mark is rather easy going, laid back and is open to helping people.

Other Quirks: When it comes to him, however, he can get quiet and brooding, and he remains calculating and focused when he is in costume.  For now he also despises the ring, unwilling to acknowledge that it is even available to him.


Strength: 3
Intelligence: 4
Endurance: 3
Agility: 5
Awareness: 3
Charisma: 4
Willpower: 3

Mutant Powers

(Suit 1) Mark is a skilled detective and highly trained in gymnastics, hand to hand combat.  The suit he wears is a prototype for the one that will eventually be used by Terry McGuinnes.  It affords him most of the gadgets used in the suit (Stealth generator, wall adhesiveness (not climbing), grappling hook, high powered microphone in fingertips, compressed batarangs, explosives, infrared vision, mobile crimelab, HUD) though the strength enhancement has not been added.  There is a built in glider that springs from his back and arms in the form of wings.

(Ring 1) Eventually the suit will pass by the way side as he embraces the ring.  The ring is charged by a personal power battery and must be monitored.  With the ring he is capable of flight and the creation of constructs limited only by his will.  For flavor the ring also allows him to translate all human languages and the GLC Library is contained in his personal power battery, though due to the destruction of the main power battery and Oa the library is fragmented and for the most part useless in the Marvel Multi-verse.

(Indomitable Will 3) - A natural ability when searching for candidates for the Green Lantern Corp.  They have an unbreakable, unwavering will.  While the ring allows them to store and focus the energy of Ion, it is their Indomitable Will that gives strength and substance to their constructs.


Mark was born Gregory Jenkins to Jeremiah and Elma Jenkins, San Francisco in the Marvel Multi-verse.  Shortly after he was born, he slipped through realities and was found on a trashcan lid by Alexander Jordan, younger brother of Hal Jordan.  He was adopted by Alexander and Melinda Jordan, and through growing up he came to know most of the Justice League by their secret identities.  Of course, his perfect life tragically ended the day Coast City was destroyed by Mongul.  He was in Gotham City at the time, waiting for airline traffic to resume after the destruction and death caused by Doomsday.  The rest of his family was not so lucky, with the exception of Hal, all of his adoptive family died that day.

Pulling in on himself, he stayed with Bruce Wayne.  Under his tutelage and guidance Mark went to school devoting himself to his studies in criminology and computer science, obtaining a bachelors degree for both.  Aside from this he helped to develop several inventions for Wayne Tech for both general populace use as well as those devoted simply for Batman's use.  Eventually he showed he was a skilled crimefighter as well, thwarting a bank robbery without the aid of gadgets, saving the lives of the hostages.  These actions were not missed by Kyle Rayner, who eventually befriended Mark shortly after he received the ring.

One fateful night, Kyle approached Daystar after he stopped a robbery in Gotham City Museum of Natural History.  It was time for a Jordan to wield a ring again.  A moment of weakness, or acceptance, and Daystar disappeared from Kyle's sight.  Opening his eyes, Daystar saw he was in Detroit.  Somehow with the simple thought of 'I just want to go home' the ring transported him to a world he didn't know, with a legacy he never wanted.