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Welcome to Lions In The Winter: Apocalypse Agenda

18:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Eurydice l'Astaroth

They speak of a woman, a young woman, who is both alluring and mighty. A sorceress of unknown power and seemingly limitless resources, mysterious and cunning. Cold as winter, with all the youth and beauty of an eternal spring.

Eyes as pale and striking as crystal blue water beneath a winter gray sky, trapped beneath an eternal hoarfrost, creamy ageless skin, and long, wavy tresses that could have been spun from fire and gold, the Witch-Queen Eurydice l'Astaroth is as stunning as the stories tell. Though likely older, she resembles a maiden of barely nineteen years, with a supple build of modest, well-proportioned curves. Soft-spoken but extraordinarily articulate, her words are toned with all the silky delivery of one who expects her commands to be met with compliance.

Her garments are varied, frequently scant, and finely made. Her necklace is a constant, however. A thing of legendary beauty in its own right, the Brisingamen is a waterfall necklace of fine golden threads from which hang a myriad of pearls, crystals, and gleaming amber colored jewels, spilling from her neck over a commonly bare chest and hanging nearly to her navel. The jewels sparkle and glow with an inner brilliance, as though the essence of fire and sunlight and gold itself were somehow alchemized into the form of her blazing bauble.