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09:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Oskarr the Many-Armed

Character Profile
Name:Oskarr the Bloody, Oskarr the Many-Armed
Current Career: Exalted Champion of Chaos

Eye Color: Copper
Hair Color: Black
Birth Place: Chaos Wastes

Weight:1420 lbs.
Distinguishing Marks: Jagged Ear

Oskarr is huge and built like a brute. His hair is black and swept backwards, displaying his broad, scarred brow, his copper eyes are set deeply in his skull. His skin is tanned and swarthy but upon close inspection it is glistening and bronzed, warm to the touch but has the hardness of metal. His face is lined with many scars, badges of valour from dozens of battles, one crosses the ridge of his nose, one across his eyebrow, one along the right cheek, one stretches from his scalp down to across his right eye-brow, one goes across the left corner of his mouth and one on his chin down on his throat. Most notably are his ragged right ear, an old injury with a beast from the wastes. He is incredibly muscular, even despite being over nine feet tall, his chest is wide and his shoulders broad but especially his arms are bulging and impressive. As his name implies, he possesses two pairs of arms, one proportional fitted where his arms should be as well as an extra smaller (but fully functional) set of arms sprouting from arm-pits of his first. His legs are like stone pillars and his hands are so large ha can completely envelop a man's skull.

When striding into battle, Oskarr wears a baroque suit plate of armour over a suit of mail. His head is protected by a barbuta crowned with a pair of thorny horns and his feet a pair of heavy, sabatons inside of a pair of steel-toed boots. The surface of his armour is a gleaming, almost shining black, engraved with foul. powerful magical runes and decorated with skulls, faces of humans and daemonic depictions. Over his shoulders, to shield him from the cold he wears a heavy cloak collared with a filthy bearskin, the cloak is secured up by a great, magnificent seal the size of a saucer. The seal is forged in polished bronze and gold, adorned with magical runes around a huge opal cut to resemble a bull's head.

He wears several skulls inscribed with runes, it is said that on dark nights, an eerie glow will burn inside of the skulls and those who come close swear that they can hear them whisper. At his right hip, he carries a heavy, black-bladed sword and a wicked-looking battle axe. Hanging from his left hip is a huge, rune-wrought mace (around whose head streaks occasional lines of lightning) and a great Zweihander whose hilt seems to bleed continuously. He also stores several throwing knives hidden in the sleeves of his bracers. Naturally he also carries a shield which seems as if it has been forged from the face of some cyclopean horror. Its wicked eye still glows with magical force and its hide and bony structure can withstand the most powerful of blows without shattering.

His banner is a dark red banner with a black head of a bull before an eight-pointed star and he rides into battle upon a massive Daemonic steed. It's skin is a dark, midnight blue, its eyes are white and hate-filled and its forehead is crowned by an impressive, curved horn made from gold.

Oskarr's coat of arms.
  Armour of Oskarr the Godslayer.

The Sword of Conquest

The Sword of Blood's Curse

The Starsmiter

Oskarr's Hurl
Oskarr's Eye-Tyrant shield