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Welcome to Angels of the Post-Holocaust: Twilight 2000

10:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kelsey Sarah Champlain

Kelsey was born in a suburb of Quebec City named L'Ancienne-Lorette in Quebec  in 1970, and has 3 younger sisters. She went to school there, joining cadets in her youth. Her parents were divorced in 1988, and her younger sisters eventually went to live with their father in Vancouver. After graduating from High School she attended Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, majoring in Electrical Engineering.

With most of her family far away, she was out of the closet and dating girls in university, as a senior she had been dating the same woman for three years and was madly in love.  She had told her mother, but was holding off telling her father and sisters in Vancouver until she graduated.  Sadly, this was not to be.  On December 6. 1989 a young man named Marc Lepine shot her and her girlfriend, among many other women on the campus.  The love of her life died in her arms that afternoon, and she nearly died as well.

The university graciously gave her all A's in her courses that semester, and even waived some of the necessary requirements for graduation when she informed them of her decision to drop out, awarding her a degree she didn't feel she had earned, and now didn't want anymore.  She ended up moving to Vancouver to get away from it all.  The nightmares came to her every night, and she felt she needed to be able to protect herself, and those she loved, like her little sisters.  She did come out of the closet to them, but in a very sad way.  Her father who was very much anti-gay couldn't bring himself to condemn his shattered daughter.

She joined the CF while still in Vancouver, looking for something to do, not wanting any lovers or many friends in her life.  What she found upon joining surprised her, she found acceptance, she found friends, she even eventually dated again.  She spent 8 years in the "Van Doos", the Royal 22e Regiment, Mechanised Infantry.  Her trade was Infanteer and Signaller.  She pushed herself to become stronger, and it became her focus.  It still is.  She saw action in Bosnia as part of the UN Peacekeepers there.

When war broke out Kelsey was reassigned as cadre personnel during the expansion of the Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary's) on Vancouver Island. The Canadian Scottish Regiment (CSR) fought across northern BC and the Yukon.

During the war and logistical support became more difficult, she learned to be a mechanic and quickly became relatively proficient. Also, she learned to be an electrician and a smattering of electronics.

After the confusion in 1998-99 of the nuclear attacks, Soviet invasion and short-lived Albertan secession her unit became separated and dispersed to better live off the land. Eventually, the 1/CSR was reformed on the Island. Her mother died of disease in early 1998, and she doesn't like to talk about it. Her father's and sisters' whereabouts are unknown.

Kelsey Sarah Champlain is now 32 years old, with dark-blonde hair tied back in a ponytail under her green beret or Glengarry. She is a practicing United Church member but not overly devout. Her favourite music is 80's New Wave but also has a taste for alternative and grunge. She has several tattoos on her arms ("sleeves") and back ("tribal" style or various symbols), is well-muscled and likes to show it off. Kelsey is a smoker, lighting up whatever and whenever the supply of tobacco permits.

She has been rumoured to date civilian women but has no known steady girlfriend or boyfriend in the Forces. (CF policy forbids dating up or down your chain-of-command, but personnel being gay are fine per se.) She's buddy-buddy with the guys in a non-sexual way and friendly with Rachel (although hasn't made a move and isn't overly friendly).

Kelsey is a very athletic woman, with better physique than most men, and she works hard to maintain it, often seen running or working out when possible.

Recent action has seen the career private advance to Corporal, then Master Corporal, and now Sergeant.  On the last big mission she was the XO, and held the temporary rank of Warrant.  The commander of the mission was KIA and she completed the mission as its commander.  She is starting to become reasonably good at the art of Command.

Although equally good with a monkey-wrench or radio, she's deadly when armed with a C8 carbine (no ELCAN sight). 6 spare magazines, 6 C13 fragmentation grenades, and 2 HC Smoke grenades (Green, White) are in the magazine pouches on her webbing or pockets in her combats.  She carries a Browning Hi Power as a side arm, no P226, she's a big girl and can handle a real gun.  A twin magazine pouch built into the holster, full.

As a quebec native Kelsey is fully bilingual, with her native language as French.  Her English rarely reveals a French accent unless she intends it, and she normally speaks English day to day in Vancouver.

Kelsey stands at 175cm tall and weighs in at 64.3 Kilos (About 5'9", 142 lbs), her figure is lithely athletic, and is well known to wear short or no sleeves to show off her well muscled arms.  She is a fitness fanatic who is often found exercising when not on duty.

Due possibly to being a Quebec native, she doesn't seem to be very prone to being affected by the cold, wearing what is minimally needed for comfort unless on a mission.  She wears her dark blonde hair shoulder length, but usually pulled back in a ponytail, her vibrantly blue eyes are 20/20.

She also has a PRC-77 radio, Kevlar vest, Kevlar helmet, pack (gas mask, poncho/shelter-half, sleeping bag, spare set combats, carton of Player's Light cigarettes, 180 loose rounds 5.56mm), combat webbing with flashlight, knife, magazine pouches, personal 1st Aid Kit, 2 canteens, 3 days rations (IMPs) and AN/PRC-7 NVGs. Also, while having no full tool sets, she has a waterproof bag with various tools for electrical and electronics repair inside.

Additional Equipment:

Kelsey was excited about the comms equipment that was being installed by the 2 new techs. Aside from a more powerful "base" set, there were a few special pieces of equipment.

Broadcast Monitoring Equipment: This kit, combined with an electronics repair kit, permits characters with Electronics skill to listen in on cellular phones, radios and other broadcast signals, provided that the operating frequency of the broadcast source is known. Wt: 1 kg; Price $400 (C/R)

Radio Direction Finder: A specialized radio receiver designed to determine the specific direction a particular radio broadcast is coming from. These are useful for a variety of tasks. Getting a directional fix using one of these is a task (Easy: Electronics) and requires one minute (provided that the signal stays on the air that long). The result is a compass bearing, not a distance. Two or three such RDF units, spaced far apart, can get two or more bearings for triangulation of broadcast source. Wt 2 kg; Price. $1500 (C/C).

RF Scanner/Filter: The RF scanner is an incredibly useful device for SIGINT (SIGnals INTelligence) spooks. This device is capable of picking up RF emissions across a wide band and passing them along to other devices for processing. To operate the scanner/filter properly is AVG: Electronics. What can be done with this device is nothing short of amazing.

For example, the device could detect RF emissions of computer monitors, allowing other monitors following signal processing, DIF: Electronics to reproduce what is displayed on the eavesdropped monitor. The same can be done with computer microprocessors. Or cordless and cellular telephones. Or radio transmissions. The scanner/filter can pick up transmissions within the range of the transmit. For low-power emissions, such as monitors and microprocessors, this is limited to 200 meters. For cordless/cellular telephones, this is one kilometer. For all others, range is indefinite and depends on transmitter strength. Also, Such devices can be used as direction-finding gear to locate RF emissions. This is DIF: Electronics.

Current Tech: This device is a small, hand-held unit with an LCD display showing the current frequency and signal strength. An attached speaker/headphone jack can be fed into processing equipment. This device is available to any civilian in Western nations. Wt 2 kg; Cost: $750. (S/R)

Additionally she has picked up an AN/PRC 68B hip radio, which can be slaved to a vehicle radio, range 1-3 miles.

Recently, Kelsey has secured cutting edge AN/PRC-152's for team members, scrambled channel hopping personal radios.  Combined with the SINCGARS dual set on the Cougar and the two on the HMMWV, this makes for a highly secure tactical radio network. There are rumours that Kelsey has recently been caught humming pop music and smiling randomly because of this.

Sisters:  Claire, Sabine, and Zoe (26, 24, and 20 years old, if alive)