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Welcome to Angels of the Post-Holocaust: Twilight 2000

11:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Taras Vladimirovich Shevchenko

Taras was named after his
great-great-granpa (or so) the great Taras Hryhorovich Shevchenko:

Nationalistic issues against Soviet imperial policies being among the
obvious reasons to "jump boat" or coastal tramp steamer!

Taras, being from a well educated and respected family in Ukraine
enrolled as an Officer following the steps of his giudo (mother
side)during the Great Patriotic War, as he fought the Germans as a
partizan blowing up trains and supply convoys through the rear
echelons of the extended Wehrmacht frontline. The delicate balance
between the combative spirit of one family combined with the gusto for
literacy and beau arts from the other came to form a difficult
personality in Taras. For once fascinated with the explosives that
helped to liberate the Motherland and on the other side an aversion
towards the inhumane shape of war. Taras was well respected in the
Soviet Army due to the above than normal cultural level that he
demonstrated and was also very popular with the troops due to the
friendly treatment that he dispersed compared with the rest. There he
learnt a lot of this trade while sharing with Chechnya veterans as the
seat of the 62nd was located in Akhalkalaki in th heart of the
Trans-Caucasus region. Not so good with the rest of the Officers,
specially the zampolits that were keeping in mind whose ancestors
were. One good enough to deserve an Officer rank and the other good to
deserve to keep an eye on him...

He was ready to leave the Army and pursuit a new career in his
native Odessa as an electric engineer when his unit, 62nd MRD, was

Taras have an older sister back in Odessa taking care of the parents
as they are getting old (Taras is a senior LT). The military life didn't
facilitate love affairs. The School Officer program, the 62nd MRD, Georgia,
stints in the Caucasus republics...

He's still new to the community (UBC). Its been only 5 months since
he arrived. In the middle of the winter there was many things to do.
Initially trying to heal the psychological scars of the war declaration,
 mobilization, invasion, scape and the new home. The winter months
passed really fast. Helping the community with some minor projects
regarding lighting, heating, lab refurbishing and taking ESL classes.
Taras fit well for several reasons. His education and skill are useful.
He brought with him weapons that he gladly donated to the UBC "militia".
He also posses his vehicle and helps to fix things around. They prefer
him to do so rather than perform guard duties but he's been approached
several times for military advice in security measures to protect the

Taras enjoy practising his new language while reading classics and
debating with other teachers about Literature and History. That helps
to win some hearts and minds (specially hearts) among the teachers.
Ms Kwan often shares some Sunday morning walks and afternoon teas with
him. Recently, a movie theater was fixed and Saturday nights are
enlightened with old movies. Dr. Strangelove was one of those ironic

The small tattoo that Taras sports in his right upper arm (shoulder). Being born in port city of Odessa, on the shores of the Black Sea, is fairly common to find "sailor" motifs. Not a prize winner in design or quality of color but decent work from a soviet perspective none the less. He once claimed that the idea came from his previous "Black Sea Dolphins" membership during his pioneer years. He also stated that he added yellow stars as a veiled form of showing the national colors of his beloved Ukraine...

Note: in the picture below, replace weapon with AKS-74U and add chest rig. Uniform is winter issue, Taras is currently wearing summer fatigues. His typical dress is a cotton shirt under Russian summer-pattern tunic, Russian summer-pattern fatigue pants and high-tech "Meindl" hiking boots. Usually has plain OD bandanna tied on head.

Accepting the offer of amnesty from the new Canadian government, Taras defected from the Russian army and Soviet/WP forces in early 2000. He made his way down from Bella Coola to the government enclave in UBC, which was then being plagued by gang attacks and raids by armed gunmen. As a former military engineer, he joined the local RCMP detachment as an Auxiliary and assisted with setting up more secure defences. These included a double fenced perimeter patrolled by police dog teams, and checkpoints guarded by bunkers armed with weapons he donated to secure his entry to the community.

Since then, he has been assigned to the DRI detachment, Team URIEL, sent from the provincial government enclave on Vancouver Island. He has performed well in subsequent operations, such as the reconnaissance of the North Shore, pacification of Stanley Park, the breaking up of the Stickmen gang and arrest of their leader, Sirus, assisting in the apprehension of armed deserters in Chinatown, the peaceful opening of YVR International Airport for salvage operations, and (most importantly) the securing of a Soviet nuclear warhead out at the Ioco refinery and dealing with "Lt. Jagelis", a Soviet KGB agent who had infiltrated local CF operations.

Recently, the team apprehended the notorious "Pig Farmer", a suspected serial killer. (Hint: don't have the bacon.) His farm (an island in the floodwaters left by an overflowing Fraser River) included evidence of a connection to the Hells Angels, and his brother "Dave" was subsequently observed in HA company.

Under RCMP Staff Sergeant (later, Inspector) Kamdhola, Taras has worked his way up from Auxiliary Constable to Staff Sergeant in his own right, and is now senior NCO for Team URIEL.