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Welcome to City of Forbidden Desires (Anitaverse - Las Vegas)

09:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Khira Santana

Name:Khira Satana
Alias/Nickname: Ki-Ki
Age apparent:24
Species: Werelion
Details or job description of Rank: Regina candidate
Gifts: Physical Prowess, Fast Healing, Acute Senses, Silver Vulnerability, Control animals, Hybrid Form, Aura of Power, Pass as Human as well as Healing (thru sexual contact), Taming the Beast, Cosmetic Change, Quick Shifting, Resist Moon's Call, Slashing Aura, Block Master's Call, Feel the City...and has extensive contacts on the street, as well as a few in the police department.

Appearance: Khira is small and dark, just like her name's meaning, and barely tops five foot. Which is unusual for anyone in her business, but it does lend her an air of helpless female, especially with the lush curves she was blessed with. Thick black hair in a jumble of waves falls to her waist, and dark brown eyes the color of chocolate are a testament to her Hispanic heritage. With an Irish mother, her skin is on the lighter side of olive. Usually she dresses in no-nonsense wear, jeans and bright shirts to make her seem less serious, somber. She has a permit to carry concealed, and wears her gun in a shoulder holster when working, a double action EAA .38 with 18 in the magazine and one in the chamber. She rides a motorcycle, but can also be found in her daddy's 1964 Mustang, but for work uses a retired Crown Vic that is equipped with sway bars and all the non-allowable modifications made to police cars thanks to her buddies in the PD.

Height: 5' 1"
Eye Color: brown
Hair color: Black
Hair Style: Long and a tumble of dark waves that reaches past her waist
Complexion: Light olive skin
Body shape: Lithe but curvy
Clothing: Varies, but usually jeans and a shirt, but can dress up when needed and look good.

Personality: Khira was raised by a cop, so her demeanor is one of observation, with eyes that miss very little, and she is practical to an extreme. She is also very hard to get to know, often making the other person talk about themselves first, her trust in humans on the slim side considering what she does of a living. These traits aren't as strong within the pride, but she still requires a bit of work to get to know, but once you get past the walls, she is sweet and loving, and protective of those who make it in that close. Now she doesn't come off as anti-social, she can be bright and engaging, but if you look, her eyes are cool and assessing. Pride notes==When Khira saw the mess within the local pride, the lack of a leader, she took control and with no small amount of audacity. While she isn't a man, she is ruthless as hell when it comes to dealing with threats to her pride and doesn't see the need to have a man to keep the peace. Her lions see her as a fair leader, strong...acting as friend, mother, father,  sibling and even confessor if needed.

Sexual Likes:  Bondage, light pain, really just about anything
Sexual Dislikes: S & M, using sex as a means to an end
Sexual Strengths: Strong sexual identity, sensual
Sexual Weaknesses: fondness for sexual partners that can be exploited

Merits:Connected on the streets, loyal to a fault, strong sense of justice and willing to ride to the side of her friends when needed.
Flaws:Stubborn, says what she means with no filter on, cannot stand anyone who places others in danger, and wicked hot temper when pushed

IV History: Khira comes from a long line of police officers. Her father was 2nd generation police officer in Vegas, but the family originated in Texas, where her great, great, great grandfather was a Texas ranger. Her mother was killed by a drunk driver when she was 9, so Khira was raised by a her father, and often babysat by his fellow officers wives. She knows most of the children she grew up playing with, some who moved on to become officers with the LVPD.

When she was sixteen, she was out for a morning run when she was attacked by what she thought was a wild cat, but when the full moon rose the next month she shifted and it became apparent she was a werelion. Her father originally tried locking her away every full moon, but as she got older and stronger, he had to go to the local alpha to help. She became part of the pride at 17, two months before her 18th birthday, and usually attends the full moon gatherings to this day.

Khira's father was killed in the line of duty two years later, and she entered the academy right after. Graduating with honors, she thought long and hard before deciding not to join the PD. Her....condition would make it difficult to say the least, and instead joined her uncle in his small investigative firm in one employee small.  Since then she has made the business a success, so much so Uncle Manny retired to Arizona, leaving Khira with extensive contacts in the area and full control over the agency. She now works the agency by herself, with just a part-time secretary, Brianni, who still hooks here and there, but doesn't mind taking mornings and afternoons to help when she isn't plying her trade.