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Welcome to The Sky Raiders Saga (FASA Classic Traveller)

22:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Thomas Walker

Thomas Walker (896786), or Thomas to his friends, is a sun and wind burnt outdoorsman.  He's frequently seen with an unlit cigar in his mouth, or going over his rifles.

He's pushing 6 feet tall, and has a stance that comes from long hours in the saddle.

He's dressed in tall brown boots, with khaki pants tucked into the tops.  He's wearing a white shirt, that's seen better days, it's stained with sweat and trail dust, and he wears a khaki vest over it.  On his chest, the vest has 10 rounds for his rifle, in loops, and he rotates them through his rifle, so they don't 'go bad.'  His broad-brimmed hat is also the color of dust, and he's rarely seen without it.  In the place of a pistol, he wears a large, coffin-handled bowie knife, that he could shave with, if he felt like it.  In accomodating weather he wears a heavy canvas bush jacket, which looks like a civilian version of the M-65 field jacket, with the exception that it has a heavy leather pad on his right shoulder, to reduce the abuse of his shoulder when he's shooting.

When he's travelling, or on his way to either the range or to do a little hunting, he carries his rifle and his shotgun in a leather case, lined with sheepskin.  He'll tell you that he shot the sheep that the case was made from.  Both the rifle and the shotgun have leather slings, which have come from animals he's killed in the past, and there are little trinkets at the points where the slings attach to the rifles.

What he doesn't talk about is the times he's worked with local law enforcement to hunt down dangerous criminals.

Thomas began on Lalaek/Jungleblut, a small agrarian world, where his family didn't have a lot of money.  As a child, he was sent out to hunt game using a 5mm rifle, and one round.  If he came back without game, the family went hungry.  He soon learned how to ensure that he, and his family, never went hungry again.  There was also enough dangerous wildlife that shooting was a survival skill, not just a past-time.

As a young adult, he worked for his local Sheriff, starting off as a sniper/tracker.  As his skills grew, so did his fame, on a state-wide police function.  Eventually, he found himself doing trick shots for bets, and working with the police to hunt down fugitives.  However, he made more money with his original love, hunting.

Due to the proliferation of large, dangerous game on Lalaek/Jungleblut, he also contracted out as a pest-eradicator for large game, such as the big cats, and others.  He spent most of his life living out of a cabin paid for by leading hunting expeditions, going into civilization for the occasional job or to buy more supplies.

On Lalaek, he spent a lot of time on horseback.  Horses eat grass and make more horses, unlike tractors, so he learned to take good care of his horse and the basics of riding.

When he got into his late 40's he decided that he wanted to take a look around the universe before he died, or really retired.  He had enough money to keep him in bullets and beans for a long time.  This led him to the head of the trail of the Sky Raiders.

Thomas Walker Retired Hunter  896786  Age 42  6 Terms  Cr4000
              Hunting-3, Rifle-3, Leader-1, Medical-1
              Air/Raft-0, Vacc Suit-0