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Welcome to Rifts : Tolkeen Under Siege

09:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Gideon Locke

LOCKE, Gideon Jakob

Age:  26 (born 81 PA)
Height:  5’10”
Weight:  245 lbs
Eyes:  Green
Hair:  Black
MA:  12
PB:  11
Racial Ethnicity:  White
Siblings:  None
Parents:  Killed serving in Lone Star Genetic Complex
Family Status:  Only what he makes for himself, as a Juicer with plans of detoxing to a 'borg before it's too late there isn't much chance of building a legacy.

Appearance:  Locke is of average height with a fit build, the juicer conversion means his muscle mass is far denser than it should be making him far heavier than he appears.  His face is narrow and drawn and usually adorned by a rough stubble.

He is typically outfitted in standard CS Juicer armor with the FIWS.  He carries a JA-12 rifle, a sawn-off heavy MD gauged shotgun, and an MD flame thrower.  He also has a selection of knives and stakes secured in his harness.

Disposition:  Locke is generally friendly and easy going, despite his reduction in rank he still tends to look at other soldiers as his responsibility.  Off-duty he is laid back and generally likes to have fun.  On-duty he is a dedicated soldier who follows orders without question as long as the officer has proven themselves competent.  If he feels he is serving under a fool then he can become much more difficult.  While Locke does not particularly enjoy cruelty, he is willing to do what needs to be done.  Of course, the more inhuman (or inhumanly powerful) a foe is, the less he views them as anything that can receive mercy.

He is comfortable with Psi-Hounds and Psi-Stalkers, it's hard not to be after spending most of his career in the Lone Star Complex.  Still he wouldn't consider any of them friends, preferring to think of them as weapons to be used against the enemy.  Locke is leery of psychics, but understands that much like Psi-Stalkers what they are is not their choice.  Mages are another story, that doesn't happen by accident, it takes study and discipline.  They made a choice to tamper with forces that should be left alone and should pay the price for it.

Background:  Orphaned when his parents were killed in the bowels of the Lone Star Genetic Complex he was slated for duty right from the start as a result.
He was placed into a youth program focused on finding and indoctrinating the next generation of soldiers at the earliest ages.  He moved on to more traditional a more traditional military academy as he got older, getting consistently good marks.  He was fortunate enough to get a start above a basic grunt which is how he ended up a CS Military Specialist and worked his way up to a Captain.

He started his posting at the Lone Star complex, earning distinction during a series of 'Rat Hunts' (clearing the escaped mutant rats from the tunnels). From there he moved up to a Project Retrieval squad chasing down escaped experiments.

When news of eminent war started he volunteered, but he had developed a unique (potentially politically dangerous) view. The threats faced by the CS were unlikely to ever really go away. They'd need to find a way to stop the random dumping of nasty shit on earth from the rifts for that to ever happen.  Since that kind of research isn't allowed, then the CS needed the best soldiers possible to survive.  That was his reasoning for requesting Juicer augmentation, knowing that any hope of peaceful retirement was false. He planned to try and beat the odds and go borg so he can keep fighting.

When Gideon made the request he figured it was a long shot, that it might even get him a black mark in his file for mental instability. To say things got heated during the meeting would be an understatement.  After a frank refusal and reprimand Locke lost his temper, he was cited for gross insubordination, conduct unbecoming, and assault on a superior.  He always felt the last was a stretch, whipping out your cock and pissing on your refusal papers shouldn't really be assault even if half the piss did end up on his CO.

He spent some time in the brig after that, found himself busted down to a private and surprisingly slated for Juicer augmentation.