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Welcome to Mittens' Dungeon

18:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Grall, level 4.  Ninja 4
N Medium Humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception 3
AC 19 touch 12 flat-footed 17 CMD 20 flat-footed CMD 18
HP 29
Fort 3 Reflex 7 Will -1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Charge +12 1d8+8 damage
two-weapon attack: +8; 1d8+6/1d8+5 damage
Ranged  javelin +10 (1d6+5 / ×2)

Special Attacks
Sneak Attack +2d6
Ki Pool 5/day
Ninja trick (Vanishing trick: Swift action - invis for 3 rounds)
Ninja trick (Weapon Training.  +1 to-hit with double-axe)
No trace +1
Uncanny dodge
Str 20 5 Dex 15 2 Con 12 1 Int 6 -2 Wis 5 -3 Cha 12 1

Base Atk 3 3 CMB 8 CMD 20
Feats N two-weapon fighting, extra ki
Traits None
Skills Acrobatics 5, Bluff 5, Climb 8, Diplomacy 5, DisableDevice 7, EscapeArtist 5, Fly 1, Intimidate 5, Perception 4, Ride 1, SenseMotive 1, SleightofHand 1, Stealth 8, Survival -2, Swim 8, UseMagicDevice 5,
Languages Common, Orc
SQ No Trace (Ex)
Combat Gear None

Net worth


10 Explorer’s outfit
1100 +1 chain shirt
2660 '+1 Orc double axe, mwk on off hand side
800 Belt of Tumbling
1000 cloak of resistance +1

Wish list: furious weapon.
belt of giant strength
ioun stones

All stats assume rage active.

Grall, level 4.  Barbarian 1 / Ninja 3
N Medium Humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception 3
AC 17 touch 12 flat-footed 15 CMD 21 flat-footed CMD 19
HP 37
Fort 7 Reflex 6 Will 1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Charge +12 1d8+11 damage
two-weapon attack: +8 1d8+8/1d8+7 damage
Ranged weapon +0 (1d3+0 / ×2)

Special Attacks
Rage 5 / day
Sneak Attack +2d6
Ki Pool 4/day
Ninja trick (Vanishing trick: Swift action - invis for 3 rounds)
Str 24 7 Dex 15 2 Con 16 3 Int 6 -2 Wis 5 -3 Cha 12 1

Base Atk 3 2 CMB 9 CMD 21
Feats N two-weapon fighting, extra ki
Traits None
Skills Acrobatics 3, Bluff 5, Climb 8, Diplomacy 5, DisableDevice -1, EscapeArtist -1, Fly -1, Intimidate 5, Knowledge(local) 2, Knowledge(nature) 2, Perception 3, Ride -1, SenseMotive 1, SleightofHand -1, Stealth 5, Survival 1, Swim 11,
Armor Check Penalty: 3

Languages Common, Orc
SQ No Trace (Ex)
Combat Gear None

Net worth


10 Explorer’s outfit
1400 '+1 agile breasplate
2660 '+1 Orc double axe, mwk on off hand side
800 Belt of Tumbling
1000 cloak of resistance +1