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10:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Inhuman

Description The Inhuman, at well over six feet and massively built, what appears to be a grey skinned humanoid. Given low light and the right clothes, it might be able to pass for human, but it is fairly obvious that it is inhuman.

Background: The Inhuman was part of the Ultimate Soldier program which had granted him immense strength. During the finals months of WWII he was deployed as part of special operations behind enemy lines.

After the war he continued to operate in special operations but was often lent out to the new formed CIA. It was during one of these operations he fell into enemy hands and had been subjected to torturous and seemingly endless experiments and under the supervision of a former Nazi scientist who had gone to work for the Soviets. It was during these experiments that he gained many of his super abilities.

His monstrous transformation also spelled the end of the line for the Nazi scientist when Muldoon had figured out how to control his transformation long enough to escape. Muldoon had smashed the place into smithereens and had done worse than that to the scientist. The laboratory was left a burning hole, and sadly the only thing Muldoon really knew about it was the name of the project, Projekt Unmenschlichkeit, Project Inhumanity and thus the Inhuman was born.

Powers Inhuman transforms into a massive, nearly 1,000 pound rubber like humanoid. In this form he retains his super strength gaining the ability to lift a truck. Military scientist theorize that the added mass is absorbed his from his surroundings on a molecular level. The molecules, including some of those from his own body are transformed into something chemically similar to rubber.

With his rubber like body the Inhuman is able to bend, stretch and flatten hid body. He can reach distances of over two hundred feet. This also allows him to move faster and fit through small openings. The Inhuman's massive rubbery body also makes him more resistant to kinetic energy, electricity. The Inhuman can also transform his body parts into weapon like appendages.

The Inhuman's molecular control can be used at range versus both animate and inanimate targets. Against non living targets Inhuman can disintergrate matter, versus living targets Inhuman can disrupt matter.

Master Sergeant Patrick Muldoon appears to be six foot one, with an athletic frame. Muldoon carries himself with a military bearing, so even when he is not in the uniform of a Master Sergeant serving in the newly formed US Army Special Forces, it is clear he is a soldier.

Muldoon is athletically built, and ruggedly handsome with a boyish charm. He speaks with gravely voice, somehow at the same time both gentle and threatening.

Background: The Inhuman was part of the Ultimate Soldier program which had granted him immense strength. During the finals months of WWII he was deployed as part of special operations behind enemy lines.

After the war he continued to operate in special operations but was often lent out to the new formed CIA. It was during one of these operations he fell into enemy hands and had been subjected to torturous and seemingly endless experiments and under the supervision of a former Nazi scientist who had gone to work for the Soviets. It was during these experiments that he gained many of his super abilities.

His monstrous transformation also spelled the end of the line for the Nazi scientist when Muldoon had figured out how to control his transformation long enough to escape. Muldoon had smashed the place into smithereens and had done worse than that to the scientist. The laboratory was left a burning hole, and sadly the only thing Muldoon really knew about it was the name of the project, Projekt Unmenschlichkeit, Project Inhumanity and thus the Inhuman was born.

Powers: In human form Muldoon possesses super strength and is able to lift a car. Muldoon is also capable of shape shifting into humanoid forms. This combination in addition to his training and gift for languages made him a formidable assassin even before the experiments that made him into the Inhuman.

Inhuman Form

Cover Identities:
Master Sgt Patrick Muldoon, member of the US Army Special Forces

Professor Henry Klein, respected academic.