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Welcome to Ashes of Empire

01:14, 15th September 2024 (GMT+0)

Don Marco

Don Agopito Marco was born in a small village in rhutalath. His mother was a herbalist and she never told don who his father was though there was talk in the village that his father was the local priest, or a demon, or a mercenary soldier.
Because of his heritage the other children avoided don the parents also avoided his mother despite the fact that she helped them with healing herbs and other potions.
When an inquisitor passed through the village he tried to seduce don marcos mother. She refused his advances and when that didn't work he turned violent. Don tried to help his mother and attacked the inquisitor. the pair drove him off. The next day a mob turned up and don marco and his mother were accused of using magic and sentenced to death.
Don marcos mother started a fight in order to help don get away. dons last sight of his mother was her being swamped by the mob. Don ran until he eventually reached a town. He started living on the streets and met was taken in by a beggar by the name blind tom. Tom was a good thief and he knew some illusion magic which helped him pickpocket people.
Don learned from Tom and soon realized that his skill as a thief as well as his illusion magic could be used for more than pick pocketing. Eventually don realised that he should move on. He left rhutalth and headed out into the world. He became a specialist thief stealing spell books and other magical artifacts for anyone who would hire him.