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Welcome to No Guts, No Galaxy.

00:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cam Winston

Callsign: 'Voodoo'
Mech: 'Sixx' - Hammerhands HMH-3X
Height: 168cm (5'6")
Weight: 60kg (132lbs)
Birthdate: January 10, 3024
Hair: Mid-back length, Black
Eyes: Brown

Physical Description:  Despite inheriting the exotic coloring of her mother's Indian ancestry, poured into a perfectly acceptable combination of average height and a decently-toned figure that could be attractive if she remotely bothered, Cam doesn't.  The death of her mother in 3039 robbed her of any real feminine influence, and she's as much a tomboy today as she was in her youth - possibly moreso.  Rumor has it that she owns a dress, but rare is the occasion that she's spotted in anything other than her fatigues (usually slung a bit lower than regulation) and combat boots, topped by an assortment of faded and snug-fitting t-shirts and tank tops, all cropped just short enough to make the daily question of 'tucked, or no?' a non-issue.

In her mech, Cam opts for slightly more coverage than most above the military-issue plasteel boots, favoring a set of lace-up shorts paired with loosely-woven tank tops in varying shades of black, grey, and red, all of them sporting stretched-out hems that attest to being knotted up beneath her cooling vest.  Her scuffed and beat-up neurohelmet is solid black, and sports a stylized silhouette of a voodoo doll emblazoned in white on the crown - an insignia that repeats itself in black ink etched into the skin of her left hip.  In addition to the voodoo doll, the back of her right shoulder is covered by a tattoo of a brilliant orange lotus flower, each petal rimmed in red.

Out of uniform she carries her standard-issue firearm beneath her left arm in a shoulder holster, and keeps an equally standard-issue utility knife tucked into a scabbard on her right hip.  In addition to the two more obvious weapons, Cam either wears or carries a set of padded black fighting gloves that have been custom-modified into proper shock gauntlets.  Not unsurprisingly, she wears no jewelry at all, save for the dogtags slung around her neck, and the most complicated style her long black hair winds up in is a simple French braid to keep it out of the way under her neurohelmet - although it's far more often found down, or twisted into a haphazard knot at the nape of her neck.

Personality: Despite what the list of write-ups included in her personnel file would lead one to believe, her performance record on the field is spotless.  It's her attitude off it that gets her in trouble, coupled with a penchant for delicately toeing the line on a great many occasions just because she can.  Meek and subtle, she is not.

Possessing a rapier wit and a true gift with the fine art of sarcasm (indeed, the source of a good number of her write-ups), Cam is capable of making friends easily enough - although she keeps most people at the arm's reach stage of acquaintance.  Years of letting people in, only to have them go off and die has made her more standoffish than she'd like: she usually reserves friendship for after someone's proven they aren't going to run off and stupidly get themselves killed.

Mech Notes:  The massive mech known as Sixx is a relic, best politely referred to as 'well-traveled' and 'experienced', but in Cam's hands he functions as smoothly as if he'd just rolled off the assembly line.  As she's fiercely protective of him, any disparaging comments about his age and well-worn exterior are best uttered outside the range of her hearing.

Deep in the joints of his armor plating, faint traces of the sleek midnight black paint that once covered Sixx's 75-ton frame can still be found, and with close inspection, the slightly-raised outline of a prancing steed within a circle can just barely be made out extending beyond the edges of the 12th Star Guards' insignia on his chest, despite the multiple layers of olive drab that separate the two.  Another slightly-raised circular area sits on the outside of his right shoulder, this one with a trio of narrow points extending from its aft edge, evidence of another emblem buried beneath the Star Guards' standard-issue.
