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15:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Smoke Alarm

Name: Smoke Alarm
Race: Human (Blue Kang)
Origin: Paradise Towers
Time: Future (22nd c. or later)

Smoke Alarm is a vision in blue. She's small and scrawny, with wiry strength and pale skin that's rarely seen the sun. She has a pretty face, but it's hard and hungry, with bright dark eyes that still seem innocent for all she's seen. This is framed by long, unkempt black hair streaked with blue.

Her clothes are blue-on-black or black-on-blue, with loose pants, shirt, and sash. These are shabby and stained, patched and torn. A wide black belt wraps around her waist. A scrap of blue fabric is tied around her left arm. Another is braided in her hair. Her legs end in a pair of light black running shoes. Around her left wrist is a metallic striped bracelet, and a similar item is worn as a collar. Hanging around her neck is a necklace of fangs — dog teeth. They match a nasty set of scars on her leg that are usually hidden by her pants.

She carries a crossbow, or "arrowgun", a homemade weapon decorated with stickers and doodles of flowers and rainbows. "Smoke Alarm's Arrowgun — No tuching!" is written down the side. It has a shoulder strap so it can hang at her hip, along with a quiver of sharp metal bolts.

Smoke Alarm remembers little of her childhood, her parents, or even her real
name. What did happen was that she was bundled onto a spaceship along with a
bunch of other war-time evacuees — children, the elderly, and caretakers — for
the fabled Paradise Towers, a small artificial planet and luxurious apartment
block. She lived there for a time, cared for by robot teachers and playing with
the other children. But the war came to the inbetweens, supplies dwindled and
finally stopped, and no one came for the evacuees. The community was forgotten
and spiralled out of control into madness and urban decay. Much was damaged or
destroyed. They even forgot much of their past when Kroagnon, the buried Great
Architect, gassed the residents, failing to exterminate them but wiping out much
of their memories of before time started.

Smoke Alarm (her name earned from a battle with a noisy and broken smoke alarm)
fell in with one of the girl gangs for safety and support — the Blue Kangs. She
ran with them as they hunted for food, scavenged supplies, fled robots and
cannibals, and played their never-ending games with rival Kangs. Life was a
daily struggle for survival, but that didn't mean they couldn't have fun. The
years crawled on as they settled into their little-changing patterns.

Then the Doctor came and organised their uprising against the despotic Chief
Caretaker and the awoken Great Architect, and left the Rezzies, Caretakers,
Kangs, and other tribal communities of the Towers to work together and fend for
themselves. And they did, too, developing a quirky little tribal society, and
set to exploring and building high for happiness. Smoke Alarm was among those
who discovered an exit from Tower 1. They explored Tower 2 and found it full of
horrors and the unalive. In Tower 3, they discovered the missing half of the
populations: boys. Girls and boys didn't know what to do with each other.
Finally, together, they emerged into the overgrown gardens outside, full of wild
dogs and pussycats. Smoke Alarm was bitten by a savage dog. She now wears its
fangs around her neck. They found more food (fruit, roots, dog), and continued
to survive until space travellers rediscovered the lost colony.

Earth authorities contacted the people of Paradise Towers, and took Smoke Alarm
and others back to civilisation, as rescues, as trophies, as curiosities. They
put her and other Kangs in a school to receive their lost education, but they
struggled with authority and rules, and finally rebelled and escaped. Some
returned to Paradise Towers. Smoke Alarm and a few others set out into the
galaxy to explore.

Personal Goal:

Smoke's goal is to find a goal and something to add meaning to her life. She
needs to learn to grow up into adulthood, and move beyond the terrors of her
childhood. Perhaps discovering more about herself and her family "before time
start" would help.


Smoke Alarm is a wild child, having grown from childhood to adulthood with
little education or guidance or parental figures, and more forgotten, save what
she learned from fellow Kangs or on her own. There are so many things she
doesn't understand, about society beyond the tribal level, about technology and
people. She lacks manners, etiquette, and adult behaviour, and this gets her in
trouble, or at least some odd reactions from outsiders. Her speech is sprinkled
with unique Kang phrases and odd pronunciations. Reading words not printed on
signs is difficult.

But she's smart nonetheless, a quick learner, clever and cunning. She's fun-
loving, optimistic, and enthusiastic. She's brave and bold as a Kang should be,
aggressive and ready to stand up for herself or others of her 'gang' (any small
group of people she runs with and likes). In a fight, she has war-cries and
taunts: "Blue Kangs are best!" "Cowardly cutlet!". She's a survivor, able to
look after of herself, but knowing it's better to be with her gang, "outlooking"
for each other. She always wears her Kang colours, no matter what else she wears.

She's full of urban superstitions, suspicious of oldsters, cleanliness, robots,
and authority figures, and she's afraid of dogs of all breeds (she'd rather eat
them). Urban environments are her natural habitat, but she knows what horrors
can lurk around the corners and behind closed doors. Smoke believes the unalive
go to the great pool in the sky, and is afraid to go there. Having seen the
actual pool, she was pretty disappointed, and believes a far grander pool lies
further up in the sky. Any other pool she comes across is a great opportunity
for a swim in so much precious water.

Smoke Alarm knows the Doctor of old, an icehot unold wise clown of high fabshion.
She wallscrawled the TARDIS after he arrived, and saw the Doctor and Mel during
the battles against the Cleaners. The Doctor is like a shaman to her, a honorary
Kang of every colour, and she looks up to him.

Smoke has no job or fixed role, being used to doing whatever she or the Kangs or
the Paradisans needed. But she's naive and unknowing, and since wandering space,
she can fall in with bad elements who like someone who can move fast, fire a
crossbow, and take the fall. She is an explorer, a hunter, an Eye-Spy. This is
all Smoke Alarm has been, or expects she will be. But she's no longer a
youngster, and an inbetween now. She doesn't know what to do with herself, and
is exploring what it is to have goals and meaning in one's life. Maybe one day
she'll settle down, claim an apartment, and become an oldster and a Rezzie.
Maybe one day she'll find out what she's supposed to do with boys.

Her hobbies include exploring and playing the Kang games: Eye-Spy (spying on
people and things), hide-and-seek, chasey, pat-a-cake, invading and stealing
from another's "brainquarters" (their room or base, though she returns what she
steals to friends), and so on. Kang games were good exercise and practice for
survival and escaping the Caretakers and Cleaners. Smoke likes painting:
specifically, graffiti on walls, warnings and territory markers. She dislikes a
blank wall. She's begun extending her images to other things, but it remains
childlike, innocence mixed with horror. She also practises with and maintains
her crossbow, called an "arrowgun", as well as making new bolts for it.

She's no killer though: "no wipeouts" was the Kang rule. The arrowgun is for
catching rats for food, hurting or killing dangerous beasts, or disabling or
destroying robots. Running away is always preferable. Her arrows can deliver an
explosive, a rope, a gadget, or pin something or someone to a wall.