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Welcome to Mondlicht Garten (Changeling: the Lost)

18:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Inori Nine-Tails

Name: Alison "Inori" Brody
Nickname: Inori Nine-Tails
Age: 24
Age apparent: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Let's just say she's curious
Occupation: She can't hold a job and has a new one every week. It's only by virtue of her friendly, charming personality that anyone is still willing to hire her.
Languages: English, can speak Japanese with difficulty

Seeming: Beast
Kith: Riddleseeker
Court: Spring
Keeper: The Lady of Midnight and Shadow
Faction: Garten Flüchtlinge

Wyrd: 2
Glamour Pool: 12
Willpower: 4

A fox trickster/young punk who's inquisitive and fearless nature is always getting her into more trouble than she can handle.

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 104
Eye Color: Green
Hair color: Carmine Red/Dark Brown, almost black
Hair Style: Loose
Complexion: Fair
Body shape: Slight, Vulpine
Clothing: Street chic.

Mien (Description): Inori is much like the fox she was in the Garden.  Slight of build, with slim shoulders and dainty features, she is toned and athletic.  Large fox-like ears protrude from her carmine red hair, and a bushy tail waves energetically behind her.  Her face is extremely expressive, conveying a youthful passion and naivete.

Inori steps lightly and is fleet of foot; so much so that some have said she seems to barely touch the ground when she moves.  Her movements can be graceful when she wants, but it takes her effort to keep from being quick and darting.  She can appear small and unassuming when discretion is needed, slipping unseen between the shadows.  Or she can enter a room and let her natural magnetism take over.

Mask (Description): Inori's mask is that of her former mortal self:  a petite, biracial girl in her early 20's of half Irish, half Japanese descent.  Her brown hair appears dark--almost black, though there are red tones when the light hits it just right--and she wears it loose and down her back.  Sometimes she'll dye some or all of it red or purple or green.

Inori is pretty but not gorgeous.  She's cute and familiar, with soft, friendly features.  People have a tendency to misidentify her race as their own.  Native Americans wonder if she's half native American, while Italians think she might have Italian blood.

Inori's style is street chic, though she'll switch from American Eagle preppy to rave girl outcast in the bat of an eye.

Virtue: Hope
Vice: Gluttony (for thrills)

Curiosity killed the cat...or in this case, the fox.  That about sums up Inori's most defining personality trait.  She wants to experience anything and everything, and will go to great lengths to do so.  Don't ever tell Inori she can't do something; it's the first thing she'll want to do.  Tell her she can't have a cookie and you'll catch her with her hand in the cookie jar two minutes later.

Inori is energetic, positive, and fearless.  A total extrovert, it's hard for people to dislike her.  She's very endearing and friendly.  She always sees the best in people, to the point where she'll miss their faults or more sinister natures.  She can be extremely naive that way, and can get taken advantage of easily.

Your Story

History - Before Faerie
Alison was a good Catholic girl who grew up in a strict home in Milwaukee's western suburbs.  The daughter of a strong Japanese American mother and wild Irish American father, she inherited her father's adventurous nature.  Growing up she felt very much the caged animal.  She wanted to run, explore, be free, but she was always kept on a very short leash.  While under the watchful eye of her mother she stayed on the straight and narrow path, excelling in school, music, and sports...all the while feeling totally and utterly trapped.

College at Marquette University was a revelation. For the first time in her life she was free to do what she wanted, try what she wanted, and make her own decisions.  Sheltered and naive, she got into all kinds of trouble, from alcohol to drugs to boys.  She dyed her hair (purple), started missing classes, and generally ran wild.

When her grades slipped to a 'D' average her mother came down hard. Alison was threatened with being pulled from the dorms and made to live at home.  And if her grades didn't improve then her mother would pull her out of school.  When she had been younger Ali would have backed down, but now she found herself fighting back.  The row between mother and daughter was like nothing either had experienced before.  Hurtful things were said, and Ali's mother threatened to cut her off entirely.  Ali ran, then, needing to get away...not knowing what to do.

She found herself in the Saint Joan of Arc Chapel on Marquette's campus, alone in the middle of the night.  It had been something of a sanctuary for her, and since she didn't want to go back to the dorms where her mother could find her she settled down between the pews to sleep.

She was woken by the sound of bells, though it was still dark and Marquette's carillon tower never sounded at night.  Rubbing her eyes and peering into the darkness, she started awake when she realized she was not alone in the small medieval chapel.  A figure was there in the dark, sitting silently two rows ahead of her.

Ali didn't know what to do, especially when the figure spoke aloud, without turning around to face her.

"You don't have to go back to your cage, Inori," said the silvery female voice.  It had a musical quality to it, even though she spoke and did not sing.  "I can take you to a place where you'll run free forever."

"How do you know my Japanese name?" asked Ali when the initial shock wore off.  "Who are you?"

"You're such a pretty little thing," said the stranger, who turned around now to face Ali.  Though her face was shrouded in shadow, her beautiful pale skin glowed like moonlight in the darkness.  Her gown was like spider silk, her hair was like shadow, and her eyes were pools of liquid night.  Ali was transfixed, and she lost herself in the spritely woman's intoxicating gaze.  "You'd like that, wouldn't you?  To be free of cage and leash."

"Y--yes," said Alison, nodding before she realized what she was saying.  She found it impossible to say anything else to the lovely creature before her.

"Then take my hand, Inori, and you'll never be your mother's prisoner again."

Ali did as she was told.  The spritely woman's hand was small and delicate and cold as the moon.  other than her gossamer gown she wore very little, and she led Alison across the cold stone floor of the chapel to the ancient oaken door.  Rather than open it, she knocked instead.  Three times.  When the door opened of it's own volition, Ali did not see the Marquette University campus on the other side, but rather a long winding path that disappeared into a hedge of thorns.  The gorgeous woman beckoned her forth, and they stepped together onto the path.

History, Cont'd - Durance in the Garden
As is so often the case with the fae and Faerie, not all was what it seemed to Inori when she first set foot upon the path to Mondlicht Garten.  Although the lady kept her word to let Inori run free and without cage, it was not without strings.  The Lady had chosen Inori because of that fierce free spirit the girl so desired and exhibited--it reminded the Fae creature of a wild beast.

And that is what Inori became: one of the beasts of the garden.  A fox, to be exact.  A fox that darted in and out of the garden and the Hedge, free from captivity but also the bonds of humanity.  Physically she was alternately four-legged canine and two-legged girl, switching back and forth as the Wyrd dictated, but she was always vulpine in her demeanor and nature.

As a fox her animal side took over.  She survived on instinct alone.  She hunted the smaller creatures of Garden and Hedge.  The larger creatures hunted her.   She was the subject of the Lady's hunt at least a half dozen times, though each time she was eventually able to escape to Lady's hunting party through cunning and trickery.

Inori had a strange on again, off again relationship with with the silver pack, who hunted around the edges of the Garden.  At times she was one of them, running and hunting at their side, sleeping in their den, and choosing from among them lovers.  At other times their relationship was antagonistic, and she goaded and teased them while they chased her through the garden intending to hurt or even kill.

History, Cont'd - Returning Home

(To be added)

 - Kaede Brody, Inori's mother.  Inori has a love-hate relationship with her mother.  Unlike some changelings, Inori could go back to her mother.  But her mother has never forgiven her for disappearing for three years without a single word and they are estranged.
 - William Brody, Inori's father (deceased).  She visits him every so often in Forest Home Cemetery.
 - Iris Brody, Inori's little sister.  Iris is nineteen.  Inori sees her as living under her mother's thumb and wants to help her.

Enemies/Rivals: Members of the Silver Pack.
Other PCs:

Merits and Flaws
Attribute Merits

Attribute Flaws

Skill Merits:

Skill Flaws:

Background Merits:
Background Flaws:

Rare Abilities:

Seeming and Kith Abilities
Blessings: Raw Animal Magnetism (Beast), Inquisitive Instinct (Riddlekith)
Curse: Human ingenuity can be baffling.


Contracts of Mirror oo
 - Riddle-Kith
 - Skinmask

Contracts of Smoke ooo
 - The Wrong Foot
 - Nevertread
 - Shadowpath

Contracts of Fang and Talon oo
 - Tongue of Birds and Words of Wolves (Canines)
 - Beast's Keen Senses (Canines Smell, Hearing)

Contracts of Fleeting Spring o
 - Cupid's Eye