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Welcome to The Gift of Power (A Competitive Superhero Tale)

10:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ma Nature

ITSDA Superhuman Dossier

Full Name: Francine Underwood
Aliases & Nicknames: Ma Nature
Age: 40
Years Awakened: 3

Height: Five foot two inches
Weight: A hundred and forty pounds
Build: Squat and frumpy
Hair: Short curly/frizzy brown
Eyes: Gray

GVD (Generalized Visual Description): The Venus of Willendorf has nothing on her. Squat and unassuming. She appears to be no one of consequence and is easily overlooked until she has a hissy fit. Her hair is wild and uncontrollable and does as it damn well pleases. Her complexion is clear and freckled, and she was overjoyed when she heard Helen of Troy had a face that could launch a thousand ships because she’d hate to be the only woman in history with a face that could make men run that fast. Her clothing is clean but wrinkled much like the rest of her. Her skin is scrubbed clean but looks like tanned leather due to the lye soap she makes herself and uses regularly. She is mostly found barefoot because the hemp sandals she always buy break often or so she says but the truth is she keeps smoking the cords. She prefers broomstick skirts of flowy gauze topped by a poet’s shirt synced at the waste by a wide leather belt from which hang numerous pouches. When she is truly angered, here is a tremendous roll of thunder and flash of lightning. The wind begins whipping around her and her hair grows into long snaky tendrils that clutch the wind and raise her off her feet.

Political Alignment: Rogue Protector

Namidian Resources: None

Superhuman Abilities: She controls the forces of nature such as the wind rain lightning and sun. She can control nearby animals and entice plants to grow except hemp for some reason which explains the sandals.

Common Uses: Her first course of action is to draw the attention of the abuser and demand he she or it stop. By drawing said attention she enables the victim or victims time to escape. If the villain behaves poorly such as an unwarranted attack on her she at first attempts to disable her foe with wind or animal attack and if more is needed she then brings in the big guns of lightning and hail and everything else she can fit inside her can of whop ass.

Specialized Equipment: No

Specialized Training and Skills: Herbalism and folk knowledge.

Hypothesized Goal: ‘To dream the impossible dream, to fight the undefeatable foe, to challenge with the last ounce of courage, to stride where the brave dare not go.’ No, her favorite play is not Don Quote, why do you ask?

Personality Profile: She prefers to live and let live unless the weak are threatened in a manner she deems unfair. She is good natured unless her ire is roused. Then a bright flash of lightning and heavy thunder clap precede the arrival of Ma Nature. She also cannot stand con men, because it’s not nice to fool Ma Nature.

Background: She was born in a small southern town. She received a degree at a local junior college in a subject that means her official pretty paper is good for emergency toilet paper and little else. After she achieved her pointless sheepskin she went to work as an apprentice to numerous midwives and root doctors. Though never blessed with official sanction she made her living from those who could only afford small payments and barter for her services. This plus a part time job down to the local bar kept her head above water.  The direction of her life was irrevocably changed the night she woke from a dream of protecting an orphanage from Simon Legree. She quit her job and hit the road seeking adventure and lives to save.

Awareness: N

Threat Level: 3