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Welcome to Voyages of the Dastavka

15:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Andrew Kalishnakov

Andrew, despite being of Russian decent, grew up in New York. His work as an accountant for Hill and Masterson was dreary for him, so he set out to start a branch on his own. Taking a few promising new designers, he started out with what the parent company termed high risk projects, designing a new type of G-Carrier, based of starship design codes rather than the vehicular design codes normally used, making it very expensive. As the parent company became concerned about the risks involded, he patented it under his own company name. It had far heavier armour than existing G carriers, and this set him in a new career path. Despite the fact that his design was about 8 time more expensive than others designs, it proved to be valuable when under fire, and its ability to fly between a starship and a planet were exceptional. Leaving his old company on good terms, he negotiated the right to produce their vehicles on the condition that his market was frontier colonies, rather than competing with the parent company on Terra and the larger colonies, and they in return got the right to produce any of Andrews designs, with the appropriate royalties paid to each other, of course. This gave them access to the best of his designs without the risk, and gave Andrew his own company, and producing vehicles has been the mainstay of his business ever since. He has invested heavily in the parent company, and several unrelated companies, since then, to show his ongoing support for them.

He began allowing other new designs to flourish for other things, such as a fighter the size of a speeder, and then his masterpeice: a 6,000 dTon space station that was actually a slow-moving ship! He had to sell a number of his companies previous designs in order to build this, including his design for a 4 dTon microfighter drone with a nuclear warhead designed to look like a speeder (though he retained the right to produce them without paying royalties). Like many of his designs, the nuke was rejected by the military on a basis of being too expensive. This station was equipped with industrial Robofactories that would enable him to travel to the resources, rather than having to bring the resources to the factory.

The outbreak of the third war saw Andrew join the defences of Proycon. His knowledge of ships saw him trained as a commander of a number of small picket vessels, and this was where he met Natasha and her husband. He went back to business as soon as the war ended, rearming the colonies.

Buying and upgrading a Hero class freighter, he started to ensure that he could deliver his goods to both Terran troops and Vilani dissidents through the Sirrus system, parking his base in the Hephaistos system to enable access to cheaper supplies and fuel. He began manufacturing a large variety of weapons and small ships in the hanger of his base, but in order to facilitate his technological edge, he designed and built a massive research vessel for himself. This recently enabled him to develop Bioplas armour and space suits, his latest innovation, and a Vatfac has been installed on his base ship to facilitate production of such items, though it simply supplies the Robofacs with the required biological raw material for the suits.

Despite the fact that much of his research has been in weapons and Biosuits, producing G-Carriers, Speeders, Grav Bikes and Air Rafts under licence for the local terran colonies has been the most successful trading venture to date. He is reknown for paying wages 20% above the average wage, making his workers amoung the most loyal in the sector. Not suprisingly, the average employee length of service is about 2-4 years, but many have been with him for over 15 years.

He recently came up with the brilliant business plan to move the base to the Tunguska System in the Capella Sector, after discussing the situation there with his younger sister Kathryn. That would involve jumping from Procyon, Sirius, Iilike, Shuruppak, Shulgii, Gashidda, Ishkur, Saris, Yenisei, and then slowly making his way to Tunguska, suppling these remote colonies with vehicles they must be short on! Each jump takes on average 1 week (7 days), so the trip can be done without purchasing more supplies as long as the small craft also have their holds loaded, though it will take approximately 90 days or three months, and more fuel must be brought in to Sirius. Once there, he will probably have to have one production run to produce supplies from raw materials, and a second produce the final products. But oh, the promise of lack of competition is more than he can bear! Already, colonies are making promises of cheap supplies and raw materials...

Andrew is a relatvely short individual, just 5 ft and weighing 60 lbs, but immaculately dressed. He resembles a gnome, and does nothing to mitigate that impression, often wearing green and a big smile. He is therefore a distinctive personality on the frontier. His mobile lifestyleand short stature has meant that he only recently married, and the wife could be considered a child by some standards. He is 46, and his wife just 20, with their child now 2. Despite them living on the base and interacting as a family often, they very rarely are involved in business, and he prefers it that way.