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Welcome to Tales of a Brave New World: The New Watchmen [Savage Worlds]

19:51, 1st May 2024 (GMT+0)

Demolition Man

Kyle Walker was a petty criminal until his Node Erupted and granted him power he'd always dreamed off--the power to blow things up! Calling himself the Demolition Man, he went on a rampage in the early 2010's, blowing up buildings for no real reason than he felt like it. Then he was captured, an enrolled in Project Prometheus. There, he was tormented as the scientists studied his abilities and his limits. He escaped with the rest of the Dirty Dozen, but he was a changed man. He fell in with various church groups, trying to turn his life around. But then he heard the word of the Seven Thunders, and they said he was damned, a demon in human flesh. He didn't want to be damned, so he sought out Luke Butler and threw himself at the Reverend's feet, begging to know just what he could do to wipe the stain from his soul and be saved. The Reverend Butler was surprised, but then, God works in mysterious ways, and he could use someone who could explode and walk away...Now the Demolition Man is an instrument of divine vengeance, weapon for the Seven Thunders to unleash against the unrighteous, and in his fires shall all be cleansed...

Aspects: Righteous weapon of God; I will go to any lengths to get right with God; The divine fire will cleanse us!